List of axial five-stone circles

An axial five-stone circle is a particular type of megalithic ring of five stones of which many are found in southwest Ireland. These circles have an approximate axis of symmetry aligned in a generally northeast–southwest direction – the stone at the southwest side of the circle, rather than being an upright orthostat like the rest, rests on the ground with its long axis horizontal. Because it marks the axis it is called the axial stone. It is usually quite thin and it lies with its long thin edge along the circumference of the ring.[1][2]

Uragh five-stone circle (the circle is in the centre, the large stone on the right is an associated monolith)

There are two types of axial stone circle, one type with five stones, listed here, and axial multiple-stone circles, with seven stones or more, listed at List of axial multiple-stone circles. Dating from the Bronze Age, these circles when constructed had an odd number of stones with two stones (portal stones) placed on either side of where the axis crosses the northeast side of the ring. They are found in County Cork and County Kerry.[3][4][5]

Early in the 20th century this type of circle was called a recumbent stone circle by analogy with similar examples in Scotland but when it became clear there were substantial differences the term "Cork–Kerry stone circle" was used for both types until later the term "axial stone circle" became commonly used.[6]

Ó Nualláin (1984) has published a comprehensive catalogue of stone circles in the two counties and Burl followed with two books, Burl (1995) and Burl (2000), covering a much broader area but still including this type of circle. Ireland's National Monuments Service, part of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, operates a database of archaeology sites and the list in this article covers the sites classified as "stone circle – five-stone".[7] The NMS definition is:

Stone circle - five-stone

A distinctive form of stone circle found only in counties Cork and Kerry. It comprises a ring of five free-standing stones, symmetrically arranged so that one stone, the axial stone, is set directly opposite two stones, usually the tallest, marking the entrance to the circle. Characteristically, the stones reduce in height to the axial stone, which is set consistently in the south-western part of the circle. These circles are thought to have a ritual function and are dated to the Bronze Age (c. 2400-500 BC).

Class List Definitions, "Stone circle - five-stone". National Monuments Service: Archaeological Survey of Ireland.

Included are 56 sites in County Cork and three in County Kerry.[7]

List of axial five-stone circles

OpenStreetMap display of sites in Cork and Kerry

The map shows the locations of the 56 sites in counties Cork and Kerry. All the locations can be displayed dynamically via the OpenStreetMap viewer.

Townland[n 1] SMR No.[n 2] Ref.[n 3] Diameter
(metre)[n 4]
Num. stones[n 5] Status[n 6]
Lat/long[n 7] Irish Grid[n 8]
An Lománach Mhór
Lumnagh More
2.1[7]5/5[7]51.924°N 9.247°W / 51.924; -9.247 (An Lománach Mhór - CO069-076----)W 142 753
BallyvouskillCO048-056----none C5
3.55/5[7]ruin52.012°N 9.087°W / 52.012; -9.087 (Ballyvouskill - CO048-056----)W 254 849
Baurgorm (N)CO118-044002-303A C6a
(85 16)
2.65/5ruin51.667°N 9.413°W / 51.667; -9.413 (Baurgorm (N) - CO118-044002-)W 023 469
Baurgorm (S)CO118-042----303B C6b
(86 15)
2.6x2.55/5ruin51.658°N 9.424°W / 51.658; -9.424 (Baurgorm (S) - CO118-042----)W 015 459
Bellmount Upper (N)CO083-118----none C7a
(73 15)
45/5[7]gone51.828°N 8.828°W / 51.828; -8.828 (Bellmount Upper (N) - CO083-118----)W 429 642
Bellmount Upper (S)CO083-117----none C7b
(74 15)
3.95/5gone51.827°N 8.831°W / 51.827; -8.831 (Bellmount Upper (S) - CO083-117----)W 427 641
CabraghCO059-015002-none C11
(63 18)
3.24/5ruin51.967°N 9.051°W / 51.967; -9.051 (Cabragh - CO059-015002-)W 278 798
CanrooskaCO090-006002-none C12
(76 20)
2.44/5ruin51.766°N 9.543°W / 51.766; -9.543 (Canrooska - CO090-006002-)V 935 582
Cappaboy Beg (NW)CO092-004----306 C13a
(77 15)
2.3x1.85/5ruin51.796°N 9.333°W / 51.796; -9.333 (Cappaboy Beg (NW) - CO092-004----)W 081 612
Carrigagrenane (NE)CO121-054----308 C15a
(91 18)
4/5ruin51.641°N 9.071°W / 51.641; -9.071 (Carrigagrenane (NE) - CO121-054----)W 259 436
Carrigagulla (NE)CO049-007----309 C16a
(56 15)
32+/5ruin52.003°N 8.915°W / 52.003; -8.915 (Carrigagulla (NE) - CO049-007----)W 372 838
CarriganimmyCO048-097001-311 C17
(55 16)
3.35/5good51.992°N 9.03°W / 51.992; -9.03 (Carriganimmy - CO048-097001-)W 292 826
CarriganineCO070-092----none C18
(69 18)
5/5unc.51.896°N 8.981°W / 51.896; -8.981 (Carriganine - CO070-092----)W 325 719
CarrigonirtaneCO059-011----none C20
2.84/5ruin51.974°N 9.04°W / 51.974; -9.04 (Carrigonirtane - CO059-011----)W 285 806
Cashelkeelty (E)KE108-013004-344 K1b
(93 17)
1.53/5[7]ruin51.757°N 9.814°W / 51.757; -9.814 (Cashelkeelty (E) - KE108-013004-)V 748 575
ClodaghCO120-001002-312 C21
(88 18)
2.75/5good51.696°N 9.225°W / 51.696; -9.225 (Clodagh - CO120-001002-)W 153 499
Cloghboola BegCO048-080002-313 C22
(53 19)
3.9x2.85/5[7]ruin52.015°N 9.012°W / 52.015; -9.012 (Cloghboola Beg - CO048-080002-)W 305 852
Cloghboola MoreCO048-025001-none C23
(52 15)
3.14/5ruin52.03°N 9.056°W / 52.03; -9.056 (Cloghboola More - CO048-025001-)W 275 869
CousaneCO092-051----314 C27
(79 15)
3.2x2.45/5good51.756°N 9.287°W / 51.756; -9.287 (Cousane - CO092-051----)W 112 567
CullenaghCO107-024----none C28
2/5[7]ruin51.714°N 9.23°W / 51.714; -9.23 (Cullenagh - CO107-024----)W 150 519
Cullomane EastCO118-073001-315 C29
(84 15)
3.9x3.45/5good51.653°N 9.393°W / 51.653; -9.393 (Cullomane East - CO118-073001-)W 036 453
DerryarkaneCO106-019----none C34
35/5[7]good51.728°N 9.373°W / 51.728; -9.373 (Derryarkane - CO106-019----)W 051 536
DromatoukKE093-087----345 K4
(92 15)
2.75/5good51.883°N 9.526°W / 51.883; -9.526 (Dromatouk - KE093-087----)V 949 711
Dromgarriff SouthCO051-153----none C37
(60 23)
30/5gone51.991°N 8.549°W / 51.991; -8.549 (Dromgarriff South - CO051-153----)W 623 822
DromgarvanCO116-006----none C38
(83 15)
3x2.45/5ruin51.692°N 9.725°W / 51.692; -9.725 (Dromgarvan - CO116-006----)V 808 501
GlanbrackCO121-059001-none C42
(90 16)
2.83/5ruin51.648°N 9.053°W / 51.648; -9.053 (Glanbrack - CO121-059001-)W 271 444
GlenleighCO039-097----none C45
(50 15)
3.44/5[7]ruin52.061°N 8.995°W / 52.061; -8.995 (Glenleigh - CO039-097----)W 318 903
GlenreaghCO021-060----none C46
(49 16)
3.54/5ruin52.176°N 9.186°W / 52.176; -9.186 (Glenreagh - CO021-060----)R 189 033
Gort Na Tiobratan
CO058-029----none C51
(61 15)
2.44/5ruin51.93°N 9.173°W / 51.93; -9.173 (Gort Na Tiobratan - CO058-029----)W 193 758
Grenagh SouthCO051-103----none C54
(59 23)
50/5gone52.007°N 8.629°W / 52.007; -8.629 (Grenagh South - CO051-103----)W 568 840
IllaneCO092-016001-none C55
(78 20)
2.7x2.35/5ruin51.78°N 9.383°W / 51.78; -9.383 (Illane - CO092-016001-)W 045 595
InchireaghCO107-012----none C56
(82 17)
3x2.45/5ruin51.754°N 9.174°W / 51.754; -9.174 (Inchireagh - CO107-012----)W 189 563
InchybeggaCO119-032----none C57
(87 17)
3x2.74/5ruin51.659°N 9.376°W / 51.659; -9.376 (Inchybegga - CO119-032----)W 048 460
KealkillCO106-006001-323 C59
(81 20)
2.8x2.55/5[7]good51.745°N 9.371°W / 51.745; -9.371 (Kealkill - CO106-006001-)W 053 555
Kilmeedy West (E)CO039-242-----
1.6[7]4/5[7]52.044°N 9.1°W / 52.044; -9.1 (Kilmeedy West (E) - CO039-242----)W 245 885
Kilmeedy West (W)CO047-005----none C62
3.53/5[7]ruin52.041°N 9.11°W / 52.041; -9.11 (Kilmeedy West (W) - CO047-005----)W 238 881
Knockantota NorthCO051-018----none C63
0/5gone52.039°N 8.645°W / 52.039; -8.645 (Knockantota North - CO051-018----)W 558 875
Knockavullig (N)CO071-106----none C65a
(71 17)
2.4x2.30/5gone51.884°N 8.829°W / 51.884; -8.829 (Knockavullig (N) - CO071-106----)W 429 704
Knockavullig (S)CO071-068----none C65b
(72 17)
3.25/5ruin51.882°N 8.831°W / 51.882; -8.831 (Knockavullig (S) - CO071-068----)W 428 702
KnocknakillaCO048-095002-324 C66
(54 19)
2.75/5[7]good52.006°N 9.024°W / 52.006; -9.024 (Knocknakilla - CO048-095002-)W 297 842
Knocknaneirk (NE)CO083-085002-none C67a
(75 16)
3.9x3.15/5good51.818°N 8.914°W / 51.818; -8.914 (Knocknaneirk (NE) - CO083-085002-)W 370 631
KnockraheenCO059-023002-325 C68
(62 18)
4.1x3.65/5good51.969°N 9.013°W / 51.969; -9.013 (Knockraheen - CO059-023002-)W 304 801
LaharankealCO060-137----none C37
(64 17)
1.55/5ruin51.944°N 8.881°W / 51.944; -8.881 (Laharankeal - CO060-137----)W 394 772
LeckaneenCO061-084----none C72
(66 17)
3.55/5ruin51.941°N 8.815°W / 51.941; -8.815 (Leckaneen - CO061-084----)W 440 768
Lettergorman (SW)CO121-035----326 C73b
(89 17)
3.1x2.85/5ruin51.658°N 9.067°W / 51.658; -9.067 (Lettergorman (SW) - CO121-035----)W 262 455
LissacresigCO070-016----328 C74
(r 17)
3.6x35/5good51.925°N 9.062°W / 51.925; -9.062 (Lissacresig - CO070-016----)W 270 752
Maughanaclea centreCO106-014001-none C76a
2.6x2.25/5[7]ruin51.752°N 9.32°W / 51.752; -9.32 (Maughanaclea centre- CO106-014001-)W 089 562
Mill LittleCO105-004004-332 C78
(80 18)
3.1x2.45/5ruin51.753°N 9.464°W / 51.753; -9.464 (Mill Little - CO105-004004-)V 989 566
Oughtihery (NW)CO049-029----333 C79b
(57 17)
2.9x2.75/5[7]ruin51.988°N 8.888°W / 51.988; -8.888 (Oughtihery (NW) - CO049-029----)W 390 821
Pluckanes NorthCO051-043001-none C80
(58 22)
3.7x3.20/5gone52.012°N 8.677°W / 52.012; -8.677 (Pluckanes North - CO051-043001-)W 535 845
Ré Na Ndoirí
CO069-026----336 C81
(67 17)
2.6x1.95/5good51.903°N 9.158°W / 51.903; -9.158 (Ré Na Ndoirí - CO069-026----)W 203 729
RosnascalpCO071-100----none C83
(70 17)
35/5ruin51.886°N 8.899°W / 51.886; -8.899 (Rosnascalp - CO071-100----)W 381 707
RylaneCO061-001----337 C84
(65 16)
3.7x2.95/5good51.982°N 8.817°W / 51.982; -8.817 (Rylane - CO061-001----)W 438 813
TrawlebaneCO119-005----none C87
2.45/5[7]ruin51.674°N 9.386°W / 51.674; -9.386 (Trawlebane - CO119-005----)W 042 477
TulligCO048-044----none C88
(51 none)
0/5gone52.036°N 9.007°W / 52.036; -9.007 (Tullig - CO048-044----)W 309 876
Uragh (NE)KE101-012001-none K19a
2.5x2.45/5[7]51.811°N 9.696°W / 51.811; -9.696 (Uragh (NE) - KE101-012001-)V 831 634
gollark: Same thing.
gollark: SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE < kebab-case < PascalCase < camelCase < snake_case < phpcase
gollark: `pascalCamelsnake_kebab-case`
gollark: That seems more like "iterate from 1 to n" than "iterate through list with index".
gollark: Why not `for i, arg in enumerate(arg)` like Python?

See also

List of recumbent stone circles


  1. The county is indicated in the first two letters of the SMR number. All are in County Cork or County Kerry.
  2. Sites and Monuments Record number allocated by National Monuments Service.
  3. Top line: number of site in Burl (1995, pp. 212–235) ("none" if not included). Then, number in Burl (2000, pp. 397–401) county listing with C and K for Cork or Kerry. Second line in parentheses: reference number and figure number, both linked to the page numbers in Ó Nualláin (1984).
  4. Internal length in metres along the axis from Burl (2000) unless otherwise noted. Where two lengths are given (for an oval ring) they are for along and across the axis.
  5. Number of stones including the axial stone expressed as x/y where x is the number of stones remaining (including fallen ones) and y is the number originally present From Ó Nualláin (1984, pp. 4–5) unless otherwise stated.
  6. Burl (1995) and Burl (2000) classifies the sites as follows 1 (good) = Good, worth visiting; 2 (OK) = Good but restored; 3 (ruin) = Ruined but recognisable; 4 (gone) = Destroyed or unrecognisable; 5 (unc.) = Uncertain.
  7. Latitude/ longitude calculated from NMS Irish grid coordinates using Irish Grid Reference Finder.[7][8]
  8. Irish Grid reference conversion from NMS Irish grid coordinates using Irish Grid Reference Finder.[7][8]



  1. Ó Nualláin (1975), pp. 83–84.
  2. Burl (2000), pp. 264, 271.
  3. Scarre, Christophe (2002). Monuments and Landscape in Atlantic Europe: Perception and Society During the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. Psychology Press. pp. 154–155. ISBN 978-0-415-27314-5.
  4. Burl (2000), pp. 262-271.
  5. Burl (2000), pp. 258, 262–265.
  6. Ó Nualláin (1975), pp. 84–85.
  7. NMS Historical Environment Viewer.
  8. "Irish Grid Reference Finder". Archived from the original on 9 December 2019. Retrieved 28 February 2020.

Works cited

Further reading

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