List of Dr. Stone characters

This is a list of characters for the manga and anime series Dr. Stone.

Main characters

Senku Ishigami[1][2] (石神 千空, Ishigami Senkū)
Voiced by: Yūsuke Kobayashi (Japanese); Aaron Dismuke, Mikaela Krantz (child) (English)[1][2]
Senku is a highly intelligent genius who excels in multiple fields of science, with a special love of astronomy and space exploration. After awakening in the "Stone World", he sets to restore civilization by reinventing their lost technology and discovering a "cure" for the petrification. Though somewhat arrogant, he is actually very noble and kind-hearted as he considers science as a means to elevate all people and having unshakeable faith in his friends. After faking his death to keep Tsukasa from hunting him, Senku befriends the residents of Ishigami Village and becomes their chief, finding out that he is a legend in the village's community at the same time thanks to the influence through one of the villagers’ ancestors, who happens to be Senku's late adopted father Byakuya, one of the original petrification survivors. Following Hyoga's defeat and Tsukasa entering cryosleep, Senku was able to get the remnants of the Empire of Might to merge with the Kingdom of Science where he leads the Five Wise Generals.
Taiju Oki (大木 大樹, Ōki Taiju)
Voiced by: Makoto Furukawa (Japanese); Ricco Fajardo, Emily Fajardo (child) (English)[3][2]
Senku's best friend, whom Senku refers to as a "big oaf" or "musclehead". He has incredible strength and seemingly limitless stamina, but is a pacifist who's never thrown a punch in his life. He is in love with Yuzuriha and will do anything to take care of her, especially when she's in danger. After Senku fakes his death to keep Tsukasa from hunting them, Taiju and Yuzuriha infiltrate the Tsukasa Empire to keep tabs on Tsukasa before rejoining Senku in Ishigami Village. As a member of the Power Team, Taiju leads its farming division while assisted by Yo and Magma.
Yuzuriha Ogawa (小川 杠, Ogawa Yuzuriha)
Voiced by: Kana Ichinose (Japanese); Brittany Lauda (English)[3][2]
Taiju's love interest, a cheerful and kindhearted young woman. She enrolled in her high school's handicraft's club to pursue her goal of becoming a fashion designer, and is exceptionally talented at arts like stitching and clothwork. During the Vs. Tsukasa arc, Yuzuriha is taken captive by Tsukasa. Senku has her and Taiju join the Tsukasa Empire as part of his plan. During the Age of Exploration arc, Yuzuriha starts a clothing store while becoming a member of the Craftsmanship and Development Team.
Tsukasa Shishio (獅子王 司, Shishiō Tsukasa)
Voiced by: Yuichi Nakamura (Japanese); Ian Sinclair (English)[3][2]
A youth who rose to fame in mixed martial arts as "The Strongest Primate High Schooler", being physically powerful enough to kill a lion with one punch. He wears a red ghi and is always barefoot. After being reawakened by Senku to save him and Taiju from a lion pack, Tsukasa wears the pelt of the male lion he killed while hunting for Senku and Taiju. He resents adults due to his experience with one who prevented him from gathering seashells for his ill sister Mirai, viewing the current adults as an avaricious corruption while seeking to create a new society in the "Stone World" by only reviving young people. Tsukasa serves as the primary antagonist of the manga's early story arcs, appearing to kill Senku when he refuses to back down from restoring their civilization before proceeding to establish his Empire of Might. Through he revived Gen to confirm Senku's death, Tsukasa remained in the dark of his opposition's survival until learning it from Hyoga. During the Communications arc, Tsukasa accepted a truce with Senku in exchange for the revival of his sister, after which Hyoga betrayed him. After Hyoga is defeated, the critical injuries Tsukasa suffered from the fight force him to be placed in cryosleep with his remaining forces absorbed into the Kingdom of Science. Though he does get to see Mirai get restored to good health beforehand. When Tsukasaa is revived, he sides with Senku even after his sister was restored. He accompanied Senku on his trip to the United States of America while still striving for a morally pure world where the innocent won't be exploited.
Gen Asagiri (あさぎり ゲン, Asagiri Gen)
Voiced by: Kengo Kawanishi (Japanese); Brandon McInnis (English)[4][2]
Another person from the "old world", Gen is a silver-tongued self-help guru who styles himself as a mentalist. Gen wears an overcoat over his yakuta and is always barefoot. He was revived by Tsukasa who wanted an ally who can think like Senku and confirm his death. But being self-serving, Gen ends up defecting to the Kingdom of Science after witnessing Senku's accomplishments. When the Kingdom of Science and the remnants of the Empire of Might merge following the defeat of Hyoga and Tsukasa entering cryosleep, Gen becomes one of the Five Wise Generals.
Chrome (クロム, Kuromu)
Voiced by: Gen Sato (Japanese); Matt Shipman (English)[5][2]
A youth from Ishigami Village who named himself the village's self-proclaimed sorcerer when stumbled upon the basics of science and mistook them as sorcery, wanting to save Ruri. Chrome later learns about the scientific wonders of the old world and become Senku's partner as he helps him rediscover humanity's scientific legacy. When the Kingdom of Science and the remnants of the Tsukasa Empire merge following the defeat of Hyoga and Tsukasa entering cryosleep, Chrome becomes one of the Five Wise Generals and a part of the Craftsmanship and Development Team.
Kohaku (コハク)
Voiced by: Manami Numakura (Japanese); Felecia Angelle (English)[5][2]
The strongest warrior of Ishigami Village and Ruri's younger sister, a tomboyish young woman who is exceptionally strong, agile, and sharp-eyed. She is the first villager Senku meets after awakening in the "Stone World" and becomes one of his staunchest allies as part of the Kingdom of Science's Power Team.
Suika (スイカ)
Voiced by: Karin Takahashi (Japanese); Sarah Wiedenheft (English)[4][2]
A young girl from Ishigami Village who wears a melon on her head to cover up her "fuzzy sickness". She ends up gravitating to Senku, helping him as he is the first person not to judge her for her eccentricities before he outfitted her melon helmet with customized lenses. Suika often helps Senku out by being a scout for different missions where she can withdraw into her melon helmet. Following the merging of the Kingdom of Science and the Tsukasa Empire, Suika becomes a member of the Intelligence Team.

Recurring characters

Kingdom of Science and Tsukasa Empire

When Tsukasa was revived and had some differences with Senku, two factions arose. The Kingdom of Science (科学王国, Kagaku Ōkoku) was made by Senku to recreate the scientific achievements in the world. The Tsukasa Empire (司帝国, Tsukasa Teikoku) was made so that the strong can rule. When Hyoga was defeated and Tsukasa entered cryosleep, the remnants of the Tsukasa Empire merged with the Kingdom of Science which later gained new members from those who were freed from their petrification.

Hyoga (氷月, Hyōga)
Voiced by: Akira Ishida[6] (Japanese); Jerry Jewell (English)
Hyoga is a tall and fairly-built man who is strong enough to take on 10 attackers. He is revived by Tsukasa during the Vs. Hyoga arc. Hyoga and some Tsukasa Empire fighters took on the Ishigami Village's finest until it was discovered that Gen rigged their weapons. During the Communications arc, he betrays Tsukasa causing an unlikely team-up between Senku and Tsukasa to defeat him. During the Age of Exploration arc, Hyoga had to accompany Senku who needed some additional muscle.
Homura Momiji (紅葉 ほむら, Momiji Homura)
Voiced by: Aki Toyosaki[7] (Japanese); Megan Shipman (English)
Homura is a member of the Tsukasa Empire who was a gymnast prior to the petrification and is the right-hand to Hyoga. Homura was released from her petrification and has an allegiance to Hyoga. Homura assisted Hyoga in the first attack on Ishigami Village where she snuck into the village and set fire to some of the huts. During the Communications arc sometime after Hyoga's defeat, she did do some surveillance on Ishigami Village. When Homura tried to sabotage the radio tower, Magma and Kinro cut the tree enabling Kohaku to catch her. During the Age of Exploration arc, Homura had to accompany Senku who needed some additional muscle.
Minami Hokutozai (北東西 南, Hokutōzai Minami)
Voiced by: Yōko Hikasa (Japanese); Kristi Rothrock (English)
Minami was a buxom journalist prior to petrification who has a knowledge of famous people. After being released from her petrification, Minami serves Tsukasa where she wears a leather dress and is always barefoot. Both of them agree that the world before the petrification was awful. When Hyoga was defeated and Tsukasa entered cryosleep, Minami is among those that join the Kingdom of Science where she joins their Intelligence Team. During the Age of Exploration arc, Minami and Gen barter for the stone formula so that they can reawaken Francois to recreate the camera.
Ukyo Saionji (西園寺 羽京, Saionji Ukyō)
Ukyo Saionji is an SDF Navy sailor and submarine sonar operator who was released from petrification by Tsukasa. He is an expert in different languages and has super-sensitive hearing. When he works with Tsukasa, Ukyo became an expert archer and one of Tsukasa's scouts. During the Communications arc, Ukyo attacked Chrome, Gen, and Magma when they were setting up telephone poles which ended with him capturing Chrome. Following Hyoga's defeat and Tsukasa entering cryosleep, Ukyo is among those that join the Kingdom of Science where he becomes one of the Five Wise Generals.
Ryusui Nanami (七海 龍水, Nanami Ryūsui)
The prodigal son of Nanami Conglomerate's owner who was revived by Senku in the Age of Exploration arc to be part of the Kingdom of Science as one of the Five Wise Generals. As an expert sailor, he was made the Captain of the Perseus which he helped build as part of the Craftsmanship and Development Team.
Francois (フランソワ, Furansowa)
Francois is the butler and chef of Ryusui who is unsure what gender Francois is. During the "Age of Exploration" arc, they were revived by Senku and Ryusui to work for them.
Yō Uei (上井陽 (うえい ヨー), Uei Yō)
Yō is a police officer who was revived by Tsukasa and one of the Empire of Might members who quickly joining Senku's new Kingdom of Science as a member of the Power Team. As a police officer, he can use both tonfa and an expert marksman, thus being granted by Senku a gun. His most noticeable feature is a massive piece of stone covering his right eye.
Nikki Hanada (Hanada Niki)
Nikki Hanada is a fan of Lilian Weinberg who was revived by Tsukasa. Following Hyoga's defeat and Tsukasa entering cryosleep, Nikki is among those that join the Kingdom of Science where she becomes part of the Power Team. She is usually the one who keeps Magma and Yō in line if they do something short-sighted.
Mirai Shishiō (獅子王 未来, Shishiō Mirai)
Mirai Shishiō is the younger sister of Tsukasa. Prior to the Petrification, she was brain dead following a car accident. During the Communications arc, Mirai was restored by Senku where the formula also healed Mirai. She was sad to see her brother go into cryosleep. During the Age of Exploration arc, she stays by Tsukasa's side. During the New America arc, Mirai found that everybody lost their scars and uses the Petrification Device to heal Tsukasa.

Ishigami Village inhabitants

The inhabitants of Ishigami Village (石神村, Ishigami Mura) are descended from the surviving astronauts of the International Space Station that were off-world at the time when the petrification light caused all humans to be petrified. It became the headquarters of the Kingdom of Science. A village chief is chosen from whoever makes it to the final part of the Ishigami Village games and wins. When a person becomes the village chief, that person is entitled to a lot of resources from Ishigami Village. Thanks to the late-founder, Byakuya, the legendary tales of his adoptive son, Senku is very famous amongst the village's community. Besides Chrome, Kohaku, and Suika, the following are the inhabitants of Ishigami Village:

Kokuyo (コクヨウ, Kokuyou)
Voiced by: Tetsuo Kanao (Japanese); Jason Douglas (English)[2]
A large inhabitant of Ishigami Village with a black beard and blonde hair who is the father of Kohaku and Ruri. He was the village chief of Ishigami Village at the time of Senku's reawakening and was part of Ishigami Village's older generation. While Kokuyo and Kohaku have butted heads over different things, he does care for Ruri when she was ill. When Senku wins the Ishigami Village games, he makes him the new village chief. During the Vs. Hyoga arc, Kokyo assisted in defending Ishigami Village from the Empire of Might fighters led by Hyoga.
Kinro (金狼, Kinrō)
Voiced by: Tomoaki Maeno (Japanese); Josh Grelle (English)[5][2]
One of Ishigami Village's guardsmen, a stern young man with a strong commitment to the rules who eventually joined Senku's group as part of the Power Team. Like Suika, he suffers from "fuzzy sickness" with Ginro his confidant before Suika realized it during the Ishigami games and Senku later providing him glasses in the aftermath. In addition, he also becomes part of the Power Team during the merging of the Kingdom of Science and the Tsukasa Empire. He loved his little brother, when he learned in both sadness and anger that Ibara had his unwitting servant Kirisame petrified both Ginro and Kohaku.
Ginro (銀狼, Ginrō)
Voiced by: Ayumu Murase (Japanese); Justin Briner (English)[5][2]
Kinro's younger brother and fellow guardsman, a frivolous young man with a tendency to panic and an overriding sense of self-interest. He becomes part of the Power Team.
Ruri (ルリ)
Voiced by: Reina Ueda (Japanese); Kristen McGuire (English)[4][2]
Kohaku's older sister and Ishigami Village's high priestess, tasked with preserving the Hundred Stories (百物語, Hyaku Monogatari) for posterity. She suffers from a debilitating illness that will likely kill her before adulthood and finding a cure becomes the first goal of Senku's "Kingdom of Science." Once she is cured of what turned out to be pneumonia, she reveals to everyone including Senku that the latter is a legend amongst the village's community, all comes from the influences from one of the villagers’ ancestors, who happens to be Senku's late adoptive father, Byakuya.
Kaseki (カセキ)
Voiced by: Mugihito (Japanese); Kenny Green (English)[4][2]
An elderly but ripped artisan from Ishigami Village, he becomes a staunch ally and eventually a close friend of Senku and Chrome's because their quest for science resonates with his passion for crafting. While having designed and built much of Ishigami Village, Kaseki used his artisan abilities to create Kohaku's shield and items from Senku's diagrams with little practice like glass, engines, and vacuum tubes.
Jasper (ジャスパー, Jasupā)
Voiced by: Ryota Takeuchi (Japanese); Patric Carroll (English)[2]
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village who is a stickler for rules. During the Village Games arc, Jasper served as a match judge.
Turquoise (ターコイズ, Tākoizu)
Voiced by: Yō Taichi (Japanese); Mallorie Rodak (English)[2]
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village. She is often seen in the company of Jasper.
Magma (マグマ, Maguma)
Voiced by: Yasuhiro Mamiya (Japanese); J. Michael Tatum (English)[2]
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village who is the strongest of its inhabitants and helps to defend it from attacks, having intended to take over the village before accepting Senku as their leader. As a member of the Power Team following the merging of the Kingdom of Science and the Tsukasa Empire, he takes a liking to Taiju due to his unlimited stamina as seen when Magma watched him tend to the fields where he didn't tire out. At one point, Magma mistook Gen as a sorcerer.
Mantle (マントル, Mantoru)
Voiced by: Shin Matsushige (Japanese); J. Michael Tatum (Ep 8), Sonny Strait (Ep 9+) (English)[2]
A very short inhabitant of Ishigami Village who idolizes Magma and does his dirty work.
Soyuz (ソユーズ, Soyūzu)
A bald-headed inhabitant of Ishigami Village with great photographic memory and a member of the Power Team. He is often shown shirtless, has an X-scar on top of his head, and is always barefoot. As a baby, Soyuz was originally from an island that Senku named "Treasure Island", also known as "Petrification Kingdom", before he was cast off, presumably sometimes after surviving a hostile take over caused by Ibara. Soyuz is the son of the leader of his birth kingdom, whom Ibara petrified. Following Senku defeating Ibara, Soyuz became the new leader of the Petrification Kingdom.
Ganen (ガンエン, Ganen)
Voiced by: Muro Genki (Japanese); Travis Mullenix (English)[2]
A fat inhabitant of Ishigami Village who is the residential glutton. He was starting to get tired of fish every day until Senku managed to recreate ramen.
Sagan (サガン, Sagan)
Voiced by: Ryō Sugisaki (Japanese); Chris Rager (English)[2]
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village who is Ganen's father.
En (エン, En)
Voiced by: Kyō Yaoya (Japanese); Heather Walker (English)[2]
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village who is Sagan's wife and Ganen's mother.
Tetsuken (鉄犬, Tetsuken)
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village who is Kinro and Ginro's father.
Shirogane (白金, Shirogane)
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village who is Kinro and Ginro's mother and the wife of Tetsuken.
Alabaster (アラバスタ, Arabasuta)
Voiced by: Hiroki Maeda (Japanese); Jeffrey Schmidt (English)[2]
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village.
Dia (ダイア, Daia)
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village and the wife of Alabaster.
Ruby (ルビィ, Rubi)
Voiced by: Reina Kondō (Japanese); Marcy Ann Johnson (English)[2]
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village with black hair who is the daughter of Alabaster and Dia and the sister of Garnet and Sapphire. She and her sisters are described by Kohaku to be the most prettiest girls in Ishigami Village.
Garnet (ガーネット, Gānetto)
Voiced by: Shizuka Ishigami (Japanese); Margaret McDonald (English)[2]
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village with long blonde hair who is the daughter of Alabaster and Dia and the sister of Ruby and Sapphire.
Sapphire (サファイア, Safaia)
Voiced by: Kaori Maeda (Japanese); Rachel Michelle Thompson (English)[2]
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village with shoulder-length blonde hair who is the daughter of Alabaster and Dia and the sister of Ruby and Garnet.
Carbo (カーボ, Kābo)
Voiced by: Shogo Sakata (Japanese); Kyle Igneczi (English)[2]
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village.
Beryl (ベリル, Beriru)
An inhabitant of Ishigami Village and the wife of Carbo.
Natri (ナトリ, Natori)
Voiced by: Yasuhiro Kikuchi (Japanese); Charlie Campbell (English)[2]
An elderly inhabitant of Ishigami Village who is the father of Carbo.
Alumi (アルミ, Arumi)
Voiced by: Hitomi Shogawa (Japanese); Cynthia Cranz (English)[2]
An elderly inhabitant of Ishigami Village who is the wife of Natri and the mother of Carbo.
Shovel (シャベル, Shaberu)
Voiced by: Sayumi Suzushiro (Japanese); Dani Chambers (English)[2]
A young buck-toothed girl who lives in Ishigami Village. She becomes a member of the Power Team.
Namari (ナマリ, Namari)
A short inhabitant of Ishigami Village who is a residential artist.
Chalk (チョーク, Chōku)
Chalk is a dog in Ishigami Village that is owned by Suika.
Sagara (サガラ, Sagara)
Voiced by: Kaneta Kimotsuki (Japanese); Jimmy Zoppi (English)
Sagara is a Japanese boar that is adopted by Suika. He came in handy when it came to finding some oil.

Petrification Kingdom

The Petrification Kingdom (石化王国, Sekka ōkoku) is a kingdom that is located on Treasure Island. Its inhabitants are the descendants of the International Space Station crew. Soyuz came from this island as he is the son of the unnamed leader. The following characters reside in the Petrification Kingdom:

Ibara (イバラ, Ibara)
Ibara is the Minister of the Petrification Kingdom until he usurped the unnamed ruler who was Soyuz' father and used the Petrification Device to petrify him and punish different people. When Senku arrived on the island, he got into a tug-of-war with Ibara. Thanks to a trick that Ryusui planned out, Senku used the voice com to frighten Ibara and use the Petrification Device on him. This enabled Soyuz to become the new ruler of the Petrification Kingdom.
Amaryllis (アマリリス, Amaririsu)
Amaryllis is an inhabitant of the Petrification Kingdom. She sides with Senku when it comes to his plans to overthrow Ibara only for Ibara to use the Petrification Device on everyone. Upon being restored after Senku defeated Ibara, Amaryllis assists Soyuz in restoring the people of the Petrification Kingdom.
Kirisame (キリサメ, Kirisame)
Kirisame is a female inhabitant of the Petrification Kingdom who is one of the strongest warriors. In her first appearance, she was responsible for the petrification of the Perseus' crew. Kirisame is among those petrified by Ibara's Petrification Device. After Senku defeated Ibara, Kirisame was among those restored and recognized Soyuz as Treasure Island's new ruler. Kirisame later joins up with the Kingdom of Science.
Matsukaze (松風, Matsukaze)
Matsukaze is an inhabitant of the Petrification Kingdom who petrified himself centuries ago in the event in which many Petrification Weapons fell from the sky. At some point, his petrified body ended up in the sea and was collected by Taiju. Matsukaze was left petrified as he was missing an arm. When his arm was salvaged and reattached, Matsukaze was restored and saw that Ginro resembled his late master. He joins the Kingdom of Science where he becomes Ginro's bodyguard.
Oarashi (オオアラシ, Oarashi)
Oarashi is a warrior of the Petrification Kingdom who sports a jackal headdress. While he is strong enough to throw Magma and Kinro, he was no match for Taiju.
Mozu (モズ, Mozu)
Mozu is an inhabitant of the Petrification Kingdom who is one of the strongest warriors. He is later among the those petrified by Ibara's Petrification Device. Following Ibara's defeat, Mozu is restored by Senku at Hyoga's suggestion and he joins up with the Kingdom of Science.

Other characters

International Space Station crew

Byakuya Ishigami (石神 百夜, Ishigami Byakuya)
Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara (Japanese); Kent Williams (English)[2]
Byakuya is the adoptive father of Senku, a former teacher, and one of the astronauts on the International Space Station at the time when the people of Earth were petrified. When he and his fellow astronauts returned to Earth and found what happened, Byakuya led them into establishing Ishigami Village. In addition, Byakuya gathered the rare metals that can be used by Senku when he finally becomes unpetrified. By the time Senku was unpetrified, Byakuya was long dead. In the "Village Origins" arc, Senku found a time capsule disk that Byakuya left him after learning from the Hundred Stories.
Lillian Weinberg (リリアン・ワインバーグ, Ririan Wainbāgu)
Voiced by: Lynn[8] (Japanese); Caitlin Glass (English); Laura Pitt-Pulford (singing voice) (Both languages)
Lillian Weinberg is an American songstress who was one of the astronauts on the International Space Station at the time when the people of Earth were petrified. They are the ancestors of people from Ishigami Village.
Connie Lee (コニー・リー, Konī Rī)
Voiced by: Hisako Kanemoto[8] (Japanese); Erica Mendez (English)
Connie Lee is a NASA personnel who was one of the astronauts on the International Space Station at the time when the people of Earth were petrified.
Shamil Volkov (シャミール・ヴォルコフ, Shamīru Vuorukofu)
Voiced by: Showtaro Morikubo[8] (Japanese); Patrick Seitz (English)
Shamil Volkov is a Russian cosmonaut, a former pilot, and husband of Connie Lee who was one of the astronauts on the International Space Station at the time when the people of Earth were petrified. He helped to establish Ishigami Village.
Darya Nikitina (ダリヤ・ニキーチナ, Dariya Nikīchina)
Voiced by: Rie Tanaka[8] (Japanese); Rachel Robinson (English)
Darya Nikitina is a Russian cosmonaut and doctor who was one of the astronauts on the International Space Station at the time when the people of Earth were petrified.
Yakov Nikitin (ヤコフ・ニキーチン, Yakofu Nikīchin)
Voiced by: Kanehira Yamamoto[8] (Japanese); Mike Pollock (English)
Yakov Nikitin is a Russian cosmonaut, doctor, and husband of Darya Nikitina who was one of the astronauts on the International Space Station at the time when the people of Earth were petrified.
gollark: A week.
gollark: #5 is... some sort of recursive sort, but with more indirection I guess?
gollark: What is it DOING? Why does it turn off the GC? Does the blattidus/2.0 codebase look like this?!
gollark: ... is #9 passing *pointers* over the sockets?
gollark: Besides, you can do that much more nicely with... well, I actually don't know if the sqlite3 python thing provides anything like `CARRAY`, but if it did then that.


  1. "Dr. Stone Manga Gets TV Anime Starring Yūsuke Kobayashi in Summer 2019". Anime News Network. November 18, 2018. Retrieved November 18, 2018.
  2. Funimation. "[Master Thread] Dr. STONE (Dubbed)". Retrieved July 20, 2019.
  3. "Dr. Stone Anime Reveals Promo Video, Teaser Visual, 3 New Cast Members". Anime News Network. December 22, 2018. Retrieved December 22, 2018.
  4. "Karin Takahashi, Reina Ueda, More Join Cast of Dr. Stone Anime". Anime News Network. May 26, 2019. Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  5. "Dr. Stone Anime Reveals 4 More Cast Members". Anime News Network. March 24, 2019. Retrieved March 24, 2019.
  6. "Dr. Stone Anime Casts Akira Ishida, Aki Toyosaki". Anime News Network. October 28, 2019. Retrieved October 28, 2019.
  7. "Dr. Stone Anime Casts Akira Ishida, Aki Toyosaki". Anime News Network. October 28, 2019. Retrieved October 28, 2019.
  8. "Dr. Stone Anime Reveals 6 More Cast Members". Anime News Network. September 29, 2019. Retrieved September 29, 2019.
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