List of Archaea genera
The following genus of the Archaea has not been assigned to a phylum:
- Genus Halostagnicola
This article lists the genera of the Archaea.
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Phylum Crenarchaeota.
Class Thermoprotei
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Class Thermoprotei.
Order Caldisphaerales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Caldisphaerales.
Family Caldisphaeraceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Caldisphaeraceae.
- Genus Caldisphaera
Order Cenarchaeales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Cenarchaeales.
Family Cenarchaeaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Cenarchaeaceae.
- Genus Cenarchaeum
Order Desulfurococcales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Desulfurococcales.
The following two genera of Desulfurococcales have not been assigned to a family:
- Genus Caldococcus
- Genus Ignisphaera
Family Desulfurococcaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Desulfurococcaceae.
- Genus Acidilobus
- Genus Acidococcus
- Genus Aeropyrum
- Genus Desulfurococcus
- Genus Ignicoccus
- Genus Staphylothermus
- Genus Stetteria
- Genus Sulfophobococcus
- Genus Thermodiscus
- Genus Thermosphaera
Family Pyrodictiaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Pyrodictiaceae.
- Genus Geogemma
- Genus Hyperthermus
- Genus Pyrodictium
- Genus Pyrolobus
Order Nitrosopumilales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Nitrosopumilales.
Family Nitrosopumilaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Nitrosopumilaceae.
- Genus Nitrosopumilus (candidatus)
Order Sulfolobales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Sulfolobales.
Family Sulfolobaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Sulfolobaceae.
- Genus Acidianus
- Genus Metallosphaera
- Genus Stygiolobus
- Genus Sulfolobus
- Genus Sulfurisphaera
Order Thermoproteales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Thermoproteales.
Family Thermofilaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Thermofilaceae.
- Genus Thermofilum
Family Thermoproteaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Thermoproteaceae.
- Genus Caldivirga
- Genus Pyrobaculum
- Genus Thermocladium
- Genus Thermoproteus
- Genus Vulcanisaeta
Phylum Euryarchaeota
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Phylum Euryarchaeota.
The following genus of the Euryarchaeota has not been assigned to a class:
- Genus Aciduliprofundum
Class Archaeoglobi
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Class Archaeoglobi.
Order Archaeoglobales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Archaeoglobales.
Family Archaeoglobaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Archaeoglobaceae.
- Genus Archaeoglobus
- Genus Ferroglobus
- Genus Geoglobus
Class Halobacteria
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Class Halobacteria.
Order Halobacteriales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Halobacteriales.
Family Halobacteriaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Halobacteriaceae.
- Genus Haladaptatus
- Genus Halalkalicoccus
- Genus Haloalcalophilium
- Genus Haloarcula
- Genus Halobacterium
- Genus Halobaculum
- Genus Halobiforma
- Genus Halococcus
- Genus Haloferax
- Genus Halogeometricum
- Genus Halomicrobium
- Genus Halopiger
- Genus Haloplanus
- Genus Haloquadra
- Genus Halorhabdus
- Genus Halorubrum
- Genus Halosarcina
- Genus Halosimplex
- Genus Haloterrigena
- Genus Halovivax
- Genus Natrialba
- Genus Natrinema
- Genus Natronobacterium
- Genus Natronococcus
- Genus Natronolimnobius
- Genus Natronomonas
- Genus Natronorubrum
Class Methanobacteria
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Class Methanobacteria.
Order Methanobacteriales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Methanobacteriales.
The following two genera of the Methanomicrobiales have not been assigned to a family:
- Genus Methanoregula (candidatus)
- Genus Methanocalculus
Family Methanobacteriaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Methanobacteriaceae.
- Genus Methanobacterium
- Genus Methanobrevibacter
- Genus Methanosphaera
- Genus Methanothermobacter
Family Methanothermaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Methanothermaceae.
- Genus Methanothermus
Class Methanococci
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Class Methanococci.
Order Methanococcales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Methanococcales.
Family Methanocaldococcaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Methanocaldococcaceae.
- Genus Methanocaldococcus
- Genus Methanotorris
Family Methanococcaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Methanococcaceae.
- Genus Methanococcus
- Genus Methanothermococcus
Class Methanomicrobia
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Class Methanomicrobia.
Order Methanomicrobiales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Methanomicrobiales.
Family Methanocorpusculaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Methanocorpusculaceae.
- Genus Methanocorpusculum
Family Methanomicrobiaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Methanomicrobiaceae.
- Genus Methanoculleus
- Genus Methanofollis
- Genus Methanogenium
- Genus Methanolacinia
- Genus Methanomicrobium
- Genus Methanoplanus
Family Methanospirillaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Methanospirillaceae.
- Genus Methanospirillum
Order Methanosarcinales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Methanosarcinales.
Family Methanosaetaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Methanosaetaceae.
- Genus Methanosaeta
Family Methanosarcinaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Methanosarcinaceae.
- Genus Methanimicrococcus
- Genus Methanococcoides
- Genus Methanohalobium
- Genus Methanohalophilus
- Genus Methanolobus
- Genus Methanomethylovorans
- Genus Methanosalsum
- Genus Methanosarcina
Class Methanopyri
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Class Methanopyri.
Order Methanopyrales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Methanopyrales.
Family Methanopyraceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Methanopyraceae.
- Genus Methanopyrus
Class Thermococci
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Class Thermococci.
Order Thermococcales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Thermococcales.
Family Thermococcaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Thermococcaceae.
- Genus Palaeococcus
- Genus Pyrococcus
- Genus Thermococcus
Class Thermoplasmata
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Class Thermoplasmata.
Order Thermoplasmatales
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Order Thermoplasmatales.
Family Ferroplasmaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Ferroplasmaceae.
- Genus Ferroplasma
Family Picrophilaceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Picrophilaceae.
- Genus Picrophilus
Family Thermoplasmataceae
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Family Thermoplasmataceae.
- Genus Thermoplasma
Phylum Korarchaeota
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Phylum Korarchaeota.
Only environmental samples of the Korarchaeota have been studied.
Phylum Nanoarchaeota
This section lists the genera of Archaea within the Phylum Nanoarchaeota.
The following genus of the Nanoarchaeota has not been assigned to a class:
- Genus Nanoarchaeum