Lew II coat of arms

Lew II (Polish: Krupski,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Borzyszkowski II Chadyn-Borzyszkowski, Szadaj-Borzyszkowski, Lew odmienny) - Polish coat of arms, used by several genera. Two of them were families from the region of Kaszuby. Coat of arms "Lew II" is a variant of the coat of arms "Leo" (Polish: Lew).

Page with Tables XVIII - coat of arms "Lion Krupski" (Polish: Lew Krupski) 1st series of 5th from left to right


Description of emblem, proposed by Alfred Znamierowski (Polish: Alfred Znamierowski): Gules lion rampant or. Crest - three ostrich feathers. Mantling gules lined or.


Mentioned in Hzhanski (Polish: Chrząński) differences in Tables (Polish: Tablica odmian) coat of arms "Krupski" (Polish: herb Krupskich). No color, he was quoted as Emilian Seligo-Zhernitsky (Polish: Emilian Szeliga-Żernicki), as the emblem of "Shada" and "Shadyn-Bozhishkovskih of Kashuba" (Polish: Szada- i Chadyn-Borzyszkowskich z Kaszub). Other branches of genus used a coat of arms "Bozhyshkovski", "Bozhyshkovski III ", "Lodz" (Polish: Borzyszkowski, Borzyszkowski III, Łodzia) could also use Coat of arms "Sas".

Below members of the Lew II Clan

  • Tadeusz Gaile (Polish: Tadeusz Gajl) specifies the list of the coat of arms genus: Krupski (Polish: Krupski), Vysk (Polish: Wysk), Zarembenski (Polish: Zarembieński). Vysk - this is one of the surnames Bozhishkovski (Polish: Borzyszkowski), but Przemyslaw Pragert (Polish: Przemysław Pragert) argues that wore this coat of arms family, which used the coat of arms "Bozhishkovski" (Polish: Borzyszkowski).
  • Families Kashubian (Polish: Borzyszkowski): In this genus has been used the pseudonym "Hadyn" or "Shada" (Polish: Chadyn albo Szadaj). More - Pomeskie (Polish: Pomojski, Pomyjski, Pomeske, Pomyski).
gollark: - As eating meat places suffering on millions of innocent animals, I believe animal meat should be replaced with human flesh from donors, as humans are able to meaningfully consent to this while animals are not (and don't get a choice in practice anyway).
gollark: - To increase the efficiency of the education system and encourage self-directed learning, I believe schools should lock children in individual cubicles with textbooks for 5 hours a day instead of using classrooms and teachers.
gollark: [POLITICAL VIEW] is utterly and objectively right, and all who disagree are enemies and will be subject to infinite quantities of bees.
gollark: The answer is 2, with a 150% margin of error.
gollark: It is not. As far as I know, the way it works (roughly) is that when you measure one thing in a pair, you know the other one must be in the other state; no way to transfer data that way unless you can already transfer the same amount of data to the other end.

See also


  • Tadeusz Gajl, "Herbarz polski od średniowiecza do XX wieku (ponad 4500 herbów szlacheckich 37 tysięcy nazwisk 55 tysięcy rodów)", L&L, 2007 r. ISBN 978-83-60597-10-1, s. 196, 406-536 (in Polish);
  • Alfred Znamierowski, Paweł Dudziński "Wielka księga heraldyki", Świat Książki, Warszawa, 2008 r. ISBN 978-83-247-0100-1, s. 104-108 (in Polish);
  • Przemysław Pragert, "Herbarz rodzin kaszubskich", BiT, 2001 r. ISBN 83-919852-6-1 (9788391985267), T. 1 s. 47, 143 (in Polish);
  1. str.554 (herb Krupskich) "Poczet herbów szlachty Korony Polskiej y Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: gniazdo y perspektywa staroświeckiej cnoty", Potocki Wacław, Kraków, 1696 r.
  2. Tabl.XVIII (Lew Krupski) "Tablice odmian herbowych", Stanisław Teodor Chrząński, Warszawa, 1909 r.
  3. str.22 (Lew' - Krupski) "Słownik Heraldyczny", Stanisław Krzyżanowski, Krakow, 1870 r.
  4. Krupski h. własny, Lewart, Szeliga, Korczak, Kopacz, Tadeusz Gajl "Herby szlacheckie Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów", Wydawnictwo L&L, Gdańsk-2003 Archived 2006-05-07 at the Wayback Machine
  5. Kossecki Stefan, Poczet herbów szlachty Korony Polskiey y W. Xięstwa Litewskieg. Gniazdo y perspektywa staroświeckiey cnoty, starożytności domów y rodowitości familiey, z Potockiego y innych przepisany przez Stephana Rawicza Kosseckiego w Leszniańskic Szkołach, 1789. — S.137 (Krupski).
  6. Kronika polska Marcina Bielskiego, Drukarnia Jakoba Siebeneychera, Kraków, 1597 r. - S.616 (herb Krupski)
  7. Okolski Simone, «Orbis Poloni», Cracov, 1642 r., T.1 — S.504 (Index, Tesserae gentiliciae in regno Poloniae s M. D. Lit.)

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