LGBT rights in Victoria

The Australian state of Victoria is regarded as one of the most progressive jurisdictions with respect to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.[1][2][3][4]

Victoria, Australia
StatusAlways legal for women; legal for men since 1981
Gender identityChange of sex marker on birth certificate does not require sex reassignment surgery
Discrimination protectionsYes (both state and federal law)
Family rights
Recognition of relationshipsSame-sex marriage since 2017
Domestic partnership registries since 2008

Laws regarding homosexuality

Buggery was a crime in Victoria[5] from 1958 until December 1980, when the Hamer Liberal government repealed the state's sodomy laws, with the death penalty being on the books for sodomy in Victoria until 1949.

The law passed 72–7,[6] and went into effect in March 1981.[7] The age of consent for homosexual acts was set at 18.[8] However, a loosely worded "soliciting for immoral purposes" clause, inserted by dissident Liberals, saw police continue to harass homosexual men until the late 1980s.[9]

Gay activism in Australia began in Victoria, particularly in Melbourne. The Melbourne-based Daughters of Bilitis (Australia), which was inspired by the American Daughters of Bilitis group, was Australia's first openly homosexual political organisation, although it was short-lived. It was followed by the gay rights organisation Society Five, which formed in 1971.[8][10] Additional rights organisations followed, including the Homosexual Law Reform Coalition in 1975 and the Gay Teachers Group in the late 1970s,[11] both of which were also based in Melbourne.

The Victorian LGBT community monitored events in South Australia surrounding the decriminalisation of homosexuality which took place between 1972 and 1975. In 1976, The Age reported that police had used entrapment to make mass arrests at Victoria's Black Rock Beach which angered the gay community and gave the issue wide public attention. Amidst the storm of protest and debate, widespread support for the decriminalisation of male homosexual acts surfaced within the political mainstream.[12][13]

The age of consent for homosexual acts was equalised to 16 in 1991 by the Crimes (Sexual Offences) Act 1991.[8]

HIV transmission law repeal

In April 2015, the Andrews Government announced it would repeal Section 19A of the Crimes Act, a law which singled out intentional HIV transmission for harsher penalties of up to 25 years imprisonment, in contrast to the maximum penalty for manslaughter which was 20 years.[14] As a result of the reform, intentional infection of HIV is now considered under existing criminal offences such as "causing serious injury".[14] The Crimes Amendment (Repeal of Section 19A) Act 2015 passed the Parliament on 28 May 2015 and received royal assent on 2 June 2015, before immediately going into effect.[15][16]

Historical convictions expungement

Victoria was the first state in the nation to pass legislation creating an expungement scheme for historical homosexual sexual offences that were no longer a criminal offence.[17] The legislation was one of the final Acts of the Napthine Government, and passed the Parliament with bipartisan support on 15 October 2014.[18][19][20] The scheme came into effect on 1 September 2015, and since that date an individual or an appropriate representative of a deceased person can apply to expunge historical convictions for homosexual sexual activity, that is no longer a criminal offence.[21]

Applications to expunge a conviction can be made to the Secretary of the Department of Justice & Regulation. After a conviction is expunged the individual can claim not to have been convicted or found guilty of that offence, ensuring they will not be required to disclose such information and that the conviction does not show up on a police records check.[21] Without the law, men who were convicted have had to deal with consequences, including restrictions on travel and applying for some jobs.[22]

Schemes of this nature now exist in all other jurisdictions of Australia.

On 24 May 2016, the Victorian Government issued a formal apology, delivered in Parliament, to the LGBTI community and specifically men who had been charged with homosexual offences in the state prior to its decriminalisation in 1981.[23][24] Premier Daniel Andrews said in a speech to the Victorian Parliament:

"On behalf of the parliament, the government and the people of Victoria: for the laws we passed, and the lives we ruined, and the standards we set, we are so sorry; humbly, deeply, sorry.”[25]

Opposition leader Matthew Guy said the following:

Australia post-war was a very, very intolerant place towards gay people, particularly gay men, and today we're going to apologise for that.

Recognition of same-sex relationships

Same-sex marriage

Same-sex marriage became legal in Victoria, and in the rest of Australia, in December 2017, after the Federal Parliament passed a law legalising same-sex marriage.[26]

Municipal relationship registers

In April 2007, the City of Melbourne set up a Relationship Declaration Register[27] for all relationships and carers, and the City of Yarra launched its Relationship Declaration Register[28] the following month.[29] Under the programs two people may declare that they are partners and have this declaration recorded in the Relationship Declaration Register. Though the register does not confer legal rights in the way traditional marriage does, it may be used to demonstrate the existence of a de facto relationship in relation to the Property Laws Act 1958, the Administration and Probate Act 1958 and other legislation involving domestic partnerships. Both local governments discontinued the registers in 2018, after the federal legalisation of same-sex marriage.[30][31]

Domestic partnerships

Since 2008 Victoria has allowed same-sex couples to register their relationships as a domestic partnership, referred to specifically in the legislation as a "domestic relationship". The Relationships Act passed the Parliament on 10 April 2008 and received royal assent five days later.[32] The law, introduced by the Bracks Government, allowed same-sex couples to register their relationship with the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages and amended 69 other pieces of legislation, ensuring equal treatment for registered relationships in most areas of Victorian law.[33] The legislation was subject to a conscience vote in both houses of parliament; it passed the Legislative Assembly on 12 March 2008 by a vote of 54 to 24 before passing the Legislative Council by a vote of 29 to 9 on 10 April 2008.[34][35][36] The law came into effect on 1 December 2008.[37][38]

In October 2015, the Andrews Government announced it intended to make Victoria the fourth state in the nation to recognise the marriages and civil partnerships of same-sex couples performed overseas, in the state's relationships register.[39] The government introduced the Relationships Amendment Bill to the Parliament on 6 October, before it was passed by the Legislative Assembly on 12 November 2015.[40][41] The bill passed the Legislative Council on 10 December 2015, with a key amendment attached creating a provision for the register to "conduct a ceremony in connection with the registration of a relationship".[40][42][43] The Assembly re-worded the amendment, though retained the ability for the register to conduct a ceremony in connection with a registered relationship, and the bill formally passed the Parliament on 16 February 2016.[40][44] The bill received royal assent on 16 February 2016 and became the Relationships Amendment Act 2016. Portions of the law that; provided for immediate recognition of a domestic relationship for unions entered into in different jurisdictions, removed the previous 12-month living requirement for couples, and recognised de facto relationships, overseas same-sex marriages and civil unions on death certificates, went into effect on 1 July 2016.[45][46] Under the commencement provisions of the legislation, the entirety of law went into effect on 1 October 2016.[47]

De facto relationship recognition legislation

In August 2001, the Statute Law Amendment (Relationships) Act 2001 and the Statute Law Further Amendment (Relationships) Act 2001 amended 60 Acts in Victoria to give same-sex couples, called domestic partners, some rights equal to those enjoyed by de facto couples, including hospital access, medical decision making, superannuation, inheritance rights, property tax, landlord/tenancy rights, mental health treatment, and victims of crime procedures.[48]

Civil union proposal

In March 2006, openly gay independent Victorian MP Andrew Olexander proposed a private member's bill to allow civil partnerships in the state, but the state government would not allow it to be drafted by the parliamentary counsel.[49]

Adoption and parenting rights


Victorian law has allowed same-sex adoption since 1 September 2016. In May 2014, the state conference of the Victorian Labor Party unanimously approved a change in the party's platform, in support of full adoption rights for same-sex couples.[50][51] After Labor won government at the November 2014 state election, the newly appointed Equality Minister Martin Foley promised to amend the Adoption Act 1984 to allow for adoptions by same-sex couples. Foley said Labor would also tackle other inequalities, including the inability of a step-parent to adopt their partner's child and the inability of a gay couple to jointly adopt a child conceived through IVF.[52] A review of Victoria's adoption laws, commissioned by former chief parliamentary counsel Eamonn Moran QC, handed a final report to the Minister on 8 May 2015.[53][54]

A bill to give same-sex couples adoption rights was introduced to Parliament on 6 October 2015.[55][56] The bill, subject to a conscience vote for the Liberal/ National opposition, was passed by the Legislative Assembly by 54 votes to 26, with 7 abstentions.[57] No Liberal MP voted in favour of the bill, however six of the eight National MPs supported the legislation.[58] The bill proceeded to the Legislative Council. On 12 November 2018, the Council passed the bill by a margin of 31 to 8.[59] Despite passage, the government failed to attract sufficient support for a clause in the bill which prevented faith-based organisations from being able to refuse adoption orders for same-sex couples, as conservative Liberal/National and minor party councillors voted against it.[59][60][61] Only one adoption agency (Catholic Care Victoria) had reportedly threatened to cease providing adoption services if it was compelled to assist adoptions to same-sex couples.[62] The amended bill returned to the Legislative Assembly on 9 December 2015, where it was promptly passed.[63] The bill received royal assent on 15 December 2015 and came into effect on 1 September 2016.[55][64][65][66]

Prior to that reform, same-sex couples could only be appointed as foster parents or guardians in Victoria, and they did not have the right to adopt a child together, even if that child had been in their care for years.[53] In response to a 2007 Victorian Law Reform Commission report into assisted reproduction, surrogacy and adoption, the Brumby Government stopped short of granting same-sex couples full adoption rights.[67]

A Supreme Court of Victoria decision in 2010 concerning the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 granted individual gay men and lesbian women some adoption rights by concluding that the state's Adoption Act 1984 "permits one person in a same-sex couple to adopt", opening the door to step-parent adoption for some couples.[68][69] The Liberal Government of 2010–14 briefly examined the issue of same-sex adoption in the later stages of its term in office, though despite Premier Denis Napthine expressing an openness to reform, the issue was never substantially tackled by the Government.[70]

Assisted reproduction and surrogacy

In May 1988, Victoria became the first state in Australia in which a child was born by use of IVF surrogacy. In July 1988, sections 11, 12, and 13 of the Infertility (Medical Procedures) Act 1984 were commenced to prevent a repetition of IVF surrogacy in Victoria, by prohibiting the use of IVF technology on women who have not been diagnosed as infertile and rendering commercial and altruistic surrogacy arrangements void.[71] In addition, only women who were married were allowed to access IVF treatment. Then in 1997, women in de facto relationships with men were allowed access to IVF treatment under the Infertility Treatment (Amendment) Act 1997.[72]

On 28 July 2000, re McBain v State of Victoria, Justice Sundberg of the Federal Court of Australia concluded that the Victorian legislation infringed the prohibition on discrimination found in section 22 of the Sex Discrimination Act. This eliminated any marriage requirement, but did not clearly address the medical needs requirement. This legal decision opened the door for lesbian couples to use IVF procedures.[73][74]

In June 2007, the Victorian Law Reform Commission released its final report recommending that the laws be modified to allow more people to use assisted reproductive technologies and to allow same-sex couples to adopt and be recognised as parents to their partner's children.[75] The proposed changes would also mean drastic reforms to surrogacy which, while technically legal, was practically impossible in Victoria; a woman would no longer have to be clinically infertile to be a surrogate mother. In addition, parents who have children through surrogacy would be able to go to the County Court and apply for a substitute parentage order for legal recognition.[76] Birth certificates could use the word parent instead of mother and father.[77]

Victoria adopted most of the 202 recommendations of the Victorian Law Reform Commission in legislation which was introduced to Parliament in September 2008.[78][79] This made IVF legal for all women (except sex offenders), and gave parents of surrogate children, including female same-sex partners, greater parenting rights.[80] Altruistic surrogacy would become legal, while commercial surrogacy would remain illegal.

The lower house voted 47–34 in favour of the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Bill 2008, with all Coalition members voting against it.[81] After passing the upper house by just two votes, the bill was amended and forced back for another vote in the lower house, where it passed. The bill subsequently received Royal Assent on 4 December 2008 and became effective from 1 January 2010.[82][83]

Rainbow birth certificates

In July 2020, it was reported by the Australian media Star Observer that “rainbow” birth certificates became available for same-sex parents since March 2020 - due to the 10th anniversary of the Victoria government passing laws on IVF and surrogacy equality back in January 2010. Victoria has made changes to their rules to allow a child’s birth registration to recognise both parents as “mother” or “father” or “parent”. The new rules came into force earlier this year in March 2020. The rules will also allow families to correct previously issued birth certificates.[84]

Discrimination protections

Since 2000, Victoria prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity under the Equal Opportunity (Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation) Act 2000 – which amended the Equal Opportunity Act 1995.[85][86]

Since 2010, the Equal Opportunity Act 1995 has been repealed and replaced with the Equal Opportunity Act 2010[87] - that still includes both sexual orientation and gender identity.

Federal law also protects LGBT and Intersex people in Victoria in the form of the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Act 2013.[88]

In December 2014, the Labor Government promised to rewrite equal opportunity laws to make it harder for faith-based organisations, such as schools, to discriminate against certain employees because of their sexual orientation and religious beliefs.[89] On 31 August 2016, the government introduced the Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016 to the Legislative Assembly.[90] The bill amended the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 and sought to reinstate an 'inherent requirements test', which would mandate that a religious body or school could only discriminate against employees in circumstances related to the employment of a person where "conformity with the body or school’s religious doctrines, beliefs or principles is an inherent requirement of the job, and, because of a particular personal attribute, the person does not meet that inherent requirement".[91][92] The bill passed the assembly by 44 votes to 36, with the Coalition Opposition voting against the bill.[93] The bill then proceeded to the Legislative Council, where the second reading stage began on 11 October.[94] The bill was rejected by the Council on 6 December 2016, the vote tied at 19 votes-all.[95][96]

In August 2020, the media Star Observer reported that discrimination is the top LGBTIQ+ legal issue within Victoria.[97]

Gender and Sexuality Commissioner

In July 2015, Minister for Equality Martin Foley announced the appointment of the inaugural Gender and Sexuality Commissioner, Rowena Allen. The Commissioner has a broad role aimed at integrating the advocacy of LGBTI rights within the Government.[98] Types of roles initially under scrutiny of the Commissioner included the streamlining of federal and state laws to ensure passports and birth certificates align with a person's affirmed gender, as well as strengthening anti-discrimination protections in the workplace for transgender workers.[1]

Conversion therapy ban

In February 2016, the government announced it would promptly introduce legislation to "crack down" on gay conversion therapists in the state.[99] On 9 February 2016, the Health Complaints Bill 2016 was introduced to the lower house of the Victorian Parliament. The bill creates a Health Complaints Commissioner with increased powers to take action against such groups; these powers ranging from issuing public warnings to banning them from practicing in Victoria.[100] The bill passed the lower house on 25 February 2016, passed the upper house on 14 April 2016 with minor amendments and passed the lower house with the attached amendments on 27 April 2016.[101] Royal assent was granted on 5 May 2016. The law went into effect on 1 February 2017.[102] The law creates a new health watchdog in the state, which provides the Commissioner with powers to issue temporary or permanent bans on health providers who aren't registered under law such as those providing 'gay conversion therapy'.[103] A specific and targeted investigation was launched by the watchdog into the practice in May 2018, raising the spectre of financial punishment and criminal prosecution for rogue operators.[104]

In February 2019, the newly re-elected Labor Government announced it would introduce legislation at a later date that would clearly and unequivocally denounce conversion practices and prohibit them in law – following a recommendation issued by the Health Complaints Commissioner.[105][106]

Transgender rights

Birth certificates and drivers licences (which have no gender marker recorded) are within the jurisdiction of the states, whereas marriage and passports are matters for the Commonwealth. Victoria legally recognises a person's gender transition. In the past it has required the person first undergo sexual reassignment surgery and divorce if married.


Gender identity is a recognised and protected attribute under Victorian anti-discrimination law, meaning a transgender person cannot be discriminated against in employment and in other areas of life.[107]

Birth certificates

Birth certificates are issued by the state Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages. For many years, Victorian law required a person be unmarried in order to change the sex recorded on their certificate. The requirement was set to lapse in December 2018 following the federal legalisation of same-sex marriage in 2017, however the Victorian Parliament amended state law to this effect in May 2018.[108][109]

2016 failed reform effort

In August 2016, the Andrews Labor Government sought to pass legislation removing the unmarried requirement and also the requirement for transgender people to undergo sex reassignment surgery before amending their birth certificate. If passed, the legislation would have allowed parents to alter the gender descriptor of their child, with the child's informed consent and would also have simplified the existing administrative corrections for intersex people.[110][111][112] The Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2016 was introduced to the parliament on 18 August 2016 and passed the Legislative Assembly by 45 votes to 35 on 18 September 2016.[113] The bill proceeded to the Legislative Council though was rejected by the council on 6 December 2016, following a 19-19 tied vote.[114]

Removal of unmarried requirement

In March 2018, the government sought to address the unmarried requirement. It introduced the Justice Legislation Amendment (Access to Justice) Bill 2018 on 27 March 2018, which removed the unmarried requirement from state law. The sexual reassignment surgery requirement remained unaffected.[115] The bill passed the Parliament on 22 May 2018.[116] The bill received royal assent on 29 May 2018 and the portion of the law relating to birth certificates went into effect on 12 October 2018.[117][118]

2019 legislation

After returning to office at the November 2018 election, the government re-introduced legislation abolishing the sexual reassignment surgery requirement. The legislation allows applicants to self-nominate the sex listed on their birth registration as male, female, or any other gender diverse or non-binary descriptor of their choice. Children are also able to apply to alter the sex on their certificate, but only with the backing of their parents and a supporting statement from a doctor, psychologist or another prescribed person.[119] An approval process, similar for offenders changing their name, whereby a supervising authority needs to consider the reasonableness of the application, and security and welfare issues associated with it, is incorporated in the bill.[120]

The legislation was introduced to the Parliament on 18 June and passed the Assembly by 56 votes to 27 on 15 August 2019.[121][120] The bill moved to the Legislative Council, where it passed by 26 votes to 14 on 27 August 2019.[121][122] The legislation received royal assent on 3 September 2019 and went into effect on 1 May 2020.[123][124] The bill was debated along partisan lines in the Parliament. The Labor Party, the Greens and some crossbenchers were supportive, though Liberal/National members voted against the legislation, citing alleged concerns regarding the safety of women in single-sex spaces and the potential for applicants to abuse the system.[120]

Pride centre and lobbying

A pride centre is due to be opened by late 2020 in St Kilda, providing facilities for several LGBTI Victorian organisations. The facility cost $82.3 million and was financed by the Andrews Labor Government. The organisations to be housed at the centre include Thorne Harbour Health, Minus18, Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council, Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, JOY94.9, Transgender Victoria, and the Melbourne Queer Film Festival.[125]

In July 2020, the Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby officially changed there name or title to the Victorian Pride Lobby.[126]

Intersex rights

In June 2016, Organisation Intersex International Australia pointed to contradictory statements by the Victorian and other Australian governments, suggesting that the dignity and rights of LGBT and intersex people are recognised while, at the same time, harmful practices on intersex children continue.[127]

In March 2017, representatives of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia and Organisation Intersex International Australia participated in an Australian and Aotearoa/New Zealand consensus "Darlington Statement" by intersex community organisations and others.[128] The statement calls for legal reform, including the criminalisation of deferrable intersex medical interventions on children, an end to legal classification of sex, and improved access to peer support.[128][129][130][131][132]

Summary table

Same-sex sexual activity legal (Since 1981 for men; always for women)
Equal age of consent
Anti-discrimination state laws for sexual orientation
Anti-discrimination state laws for gender identity or expression
Hate crime laws include sexual orientation
Hate crime laws include gender identity or expression
Laws against LGBTI vilification (Bill Pending)[133][134]
Gay sex criminal records expunged
Gay panic defence abolished
Recognition in state law of same-sex couples as domestic partners
Step adoption by same-sex couples
Joint adoption by same-sex couples
Automatic IVF/artificial insemination parenthood for female partners
Access to IVF for lesbians
Conversion therapy on minors outlawed The first and only place within Australia
Same-sex marriages
Right to change legal gender without sex reassignment surgery [135]
MSMs allowed to donate blood (1 year deferral period - Australia-wide)
gollark: You don't have self-answering question technology?
gollark: ← you.
gollark: Your function WILL be transformed into irrelevancy.
gollark: Deploying countermatrices.

See also


  1. Jill Stark (30 August 2015). "Fighting for equality: meet Victoria's new sexuality and gender commissioner". The Age. R. Allen, Victorian Gender and Sexuality Commissioner: Every time somebody calls our families 'Gay propaganda' and says we are 'Not normal' it's a step backwards...I'm just glad Victoria is more progressive and [Victorian Premier] Daniel Andrews took a strong stance in support of [the film Gayby Baby] and of LGBTI families.
  2. Debbie Cuthbertson (17 November 2017). "Victoria's new age of enlightenment puts NSW in the shade". The Sydney Morning Herald. Sunny Sydneysiders might consider themselves much more open-minded and free thinking than their archetypal black-clad Melbourne cousins. But taking the political temperature of the two states shows that supposedly dour Victorians are loosening their corsets and becoming much more progressive.
  3. Alcorn, Gay (10 May 2013). "Welcome to Victoria, the progressive state". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 10 December 2016. Jeff Kennett, for all his bluster... now spends some of his days campaigning against discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex people.... Most Australians support gay marriage, but nowhere more strongly than in Victoria.
  4. Alcorn, Gay (28 October 2016). "Less talk, more action: why Victoria is the progress state". The Guardian. Retrieved 10 December 2016. Interest groups that have lobbied for years on gender and LGBTI issues in particular are finding a receptive government determined to make big leaps, to change the culture in fundamental ways.... Earlier this year, Andrews scoffed at the national fuss over the Safe Schools program that aims to ensure a safe environment for LGBTI students and, again, get students thinking about stereotypes and discrimination.
  5. Victorian Government (19 September 1979). "Buggery laws - Section 68(1)&(2) Crimes Act 1958(Vic)" (PDF). Victorian Government. p. 823.
  6. "Homosexual law reform in Australia". Australian Lesbian & Gay Archives. Retrieved 29 August 2009.
  8. Gay law reform in Australian States and Territories: Victoria pp. 10-15
  9. ABC News: Timeline: 22 years between first and last Australian states decriminalising male homosexuality
  10. Kaplan, Gisela (1996). The Meagre Harvest: The Australian Women's Movement 1950s–1990s. St Leonards. p. 93.
  11. "Melbourne" "A gay bibliography – Melbourne Gay Teachers Group".
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  13. Roberts, Peter (19 September 1979). "State poised for gay law reform". The Age. Archived from the original on 18 July 2012. Retrieved 29 August 2009.
  14. Benjamin Riley (14 April 2015). "Victorian Government to repeal 19A and address HIV stigma". Star Observer. Retrieved 4 May 2015.
  15. Benjamin Riley (28 May 2015). "Victoria repeals Section 19A to reduce HIV stigma in law". Star Observer.
  16. "Legislative Overview: Crimes Amendment (Repeal of Section 19A) Bill 2015".
  17. Nick Grimm (15 October 2014). "Victoria expunges historic gay sex convictions, legal groups hope other jurisdictions will follow". ABC News.
  18. "Legislative Overview: Sentencing Amendment (Historical Homosexual Convictions Expungement) Bill 2014".
  19. Paula Gerber (16 October 2015). "Expunging convictions for gay sex: an old wrong is finally righted". The Conversation.
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  24. Priess, Benjamin (24 May 2016). "Gay men receive apology more than 30 years after homosexuality decriminalised". The Age.
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  43. Rachel Cook (11 December 2015). "LGBT marriage advocates welcome recognition of overseas marriages and ceremony inclusion". Gay News Network.
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  89. "Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016 (Legislative Overview)". Parliament of Victoria. 31 August 2016. Archived from the original on 4 November 2016. Retrieved 7 September 2016.
  90. "Hansard: Parliament of Victoria Legislative Assembly, Wednesday 31 August 2016 (refer to pp. 3234 for quoted extract)" (PDF). Parliament of Victoria. 31 August 2016.
  91. "Explanatory Memorandum: Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016" (PDF). Parliament of Victoria. 31 August 2016. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 September 2016. Retrieved 7 September 2016.
  92. "Legislative Assembly Hansard: Thursday, 15 September 2016 (see page 76)" (PDF). Parliament of Victoria). 15 September 2016.
  93. "Legislative Council Hansard: Tuesday 11 October 2016" (PDF). Parliament of Victoria. 11 October 2016. Refer to pp. 18-20
  94. "Legislative Council Hansard" (PDF). Parliament of Victoria. 6 December 2016. Refer to pp. 41
  95. "Coalition and conservative crossbenchers unite to vote down equal rights bills". The Age. 6 December 2016.
  96. "Rowena Allen Is Victoria's First Gender And Sexuality Commissioner". Premier of Victoria. 15 July 2015.
  97. Glen Moret (9 February 2016). "Gay conversion therapy to be banned in Victoria". Gay News Network. Archived from the original on 25 August 2016.
  98. "New Laws To Crack Down on Dodgy Health Providers". Victorian Government. 9 February 2016.
  99. "Health Complaints Bill 2016". 25 February 2016. Archived from the original on 23 February 2016. Retrieved 15 February 2016.
  100. "Health Complaints Act 2016" (PDF). 1 February 2017.
  101. "Victoria's health watchdog to ban anyone practicing 'gay conversion therapy'". Star Observer. 3 February 2017.
  102. "Gay conversion therapy to be investigated by Victoria's health watchdog". ABC News. 17 May 2018.
  103. "Labor Government To Make Conversion 'Therapy' Against The Law". Premier of Victoria. 3 February 2019.
  104. "Australian-first move to ban gay conversion therapy will 'save lives'". The New Daily. 3 February 2019.
  105. "Gender identity, lawful sexual activity, sexual orientation discrimination". Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission.
  106. "What do the same-sex marriage laws actually say?". 9 December 2017. Archived from the original on 9 December 2017. People who changed genders were previously unable to change sex on birth certificates and other official documentation if they were married, as state or territory governments could refuse to do this as it could be seen as facilitating a same-sex union. Many transgender people were forced to divorce if they wanted to officially change gender. From 9 December [2018], state and territory governments will no longer be able to block changes to birth certificates and other documents.
  107. "Victorian laws changed to stop the forced divorce of transgender people". ABC News. 24 May 2019.
  108. Nino Bucci (18 August 2016). "Gender diverse win right to new birth certificates". Fairfax Media. The Age.
  109. Karen Barlow (18 August 2016). "Victoria Moves To Allow Gender Change on Birth Certificates". Huffington Post Australia.
  110. "On intersex birth registrations". Organisation Intersex International Australia. 13 November 2009.
  111. "Legislative Assembly Hansard: 15 September 2016 (see pages 3639-3648)" (PDF). Parliament of Victoria.
  112. "Landmark Transgender Rights Bill Passes in South Australia, Nixed in Victoria". BuzzFeed. 6 December 2016.
  113. "Explanatory Memorandum: Justice Legislation Amendment (Access to Justice) Bill 2018" (PDF). Parliament of Victoria. 22 May 2018. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 May 2018. Retrieved 23 May 2018. Refer to pp. 3 of the memorandum for information relating to birth certificates.
  114. "Victoria and NSW delivering marriage equality for trans people". Human Rights Law Centre. 23 May 2018.
  115. "Justice Legislation Amendment (Access to Justice) Act 2018" (PDF).
  116. "Sex Affirmation". Archived from the original on 23 September 2018. Retrieved 23 September 2018.
  117. "Bill to provide gender choice for birth certificates". 9 News. 18 June 2019.
  118. "Bill to allow transgender people to change birth certificate without surgery clears first hurdle in Victoria". The Guardian. 15 August 2019.
  119. "Legislative Overview: Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2019".
  120. "'Momentous night': Victorian birth certificate reform passed". The Age. 28 August 2019.
  121. "Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Act 2019" (PDF).
  122. "Trans and gender-diverse Victorians can now choose the gender on their birth certificate". SBS News. 1 May 2020.
  123. "Victorian pride centre sets sights on 2020 opening". Star Observer. 30 April 2020.
  124. "Submission: list of issues for Australia's Convention Against Torture review". Organisation Intersex International Australia. 28 June 2016.
  125. Androgen Insensitivity Support Syndrome Support Group Australia; Intersex Trust Aotearoa New Zealand; Organisation Intersex International Australia; Black, Eve; Bond, Kylie; Briffa, Tony; Carpenter, Morgan; Cody, Candice; David, Alex; Driver, Betsy; Hannaford, Carolyn; Harlow, Eileen; Hart, Bonnie; Hart, Phoebe; Leckey, Delia; Lum, Steph; Mitchell, Mani Bruce; Nyhuis, Elise; O'Callaghan, Bronwyn; Perrin, Sandra; Smith, Cody; Williams, Trace; Yang, Imogen; Yovanovic, Georgie (March 2017), Darlington Statement, archived from the original on 21 March 2017, retrieved 21 March 2017
  126. Copland, Simon (20 March 2017). "Intersex people have called for action. It's time to listen". Special Broadcasting Service. Retrieved 21 March 2017.
  127. Jones, Jess (10 March 2017). "Intersex activists in Australia and New Zealand publish statement of priorities". Star Observer. Retrieved 21 March 2017.
  128. Power, Shannon (13 March 2017). "Intersex advocates pull no punches in historic statement". Gay Star News. Retrieved 21 March 2017.
  129. Sainty, Lane (13 March 2017). "These Groups Want Unnecessary Surgery on Intersex Infants To Be Made A Crime". BuzzFeed Australia. Retrieved 21 March 2017.
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