International Radiation Protection Association

The International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) is an independent non-profit association of national and regional radiation protection societies, and its mission is to advance radiation protection throughout the world. It is the international professional association for radiation protection.[1]

International Radiation Protection Association
Formation19 June 1965
Roger Coates
Key people
Vice-President Eduardo Gallego, Vice-President Congress Affairs Jong Kyung Kim, Executive Officer Bernard Le Guen, Publications Director Christopher Clement, Treasurer Richard Toohey

IRPA is recognized by the IAEA as a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) and is an observer on the IAEA Radiation Safety Standards Committee (RASSC).[2]

IRPA was formed on June 19, 1965, at a meeting in Los Angeles; stimulated by the desire of radiation protection professionals to have a world-wide body. Membership includes 50 Associate Societies covering 65 countries, totalling approximately 18,000 individual members.[3]

International policy relationships in radiological protection


The General Assembly, made up of representatives from the Associate Societies, is the representative body of the Association. It delegates authority to the Executive Council for the efficient administration of the affairs of the Association.

Specific duties are carried out by IRPA Commissions, Committees, Task Groups and Working Groups:

  • Commission on Publications
  • Societies Admission and Development Committee
  • International Congress Organising Committee
  • International Congress Programme Committee
  • Montreal Fund Committee
  • Radiation Protection Strategy and Practice Committee
  • Regional Congresses Co-ordinating Committee
  • Rules Committee
  • Sievert Award Committee
  • Task Group on Security of Radioactive Sources
  • Task Group on Public Understanding of Radiation Risk
  • Working Group on Radiation Protection Certification and Qualification

Associate societies

The following is a list of the 50 Associate Societies (covering 65 countries):

Argentina Sociedad Argentina de Radioprotección
Australia & New Zealand Australasian Radiation Protection Society
Austria Österreichischer Verband für Strahlenschutz
Belgium Belgian Association for Radiological Protection
Brazil Sociedade Brasileira de Proteção Radiológica
Bulgaria Bulgarian Association of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection
Cameroon Cameroon Radiological Protection Society
Canada Canadian Radiation Protection Association
China Chinese Society of Radiation Protection
Colombia Asociación Colombiana de Protección Radiológica
Croatia Croatian Radiation Protection Association
Cuba Cuban Physics Society, Radiation Protection Section
Cyprus Cyprus Association of Medical Physics and BioMeedical Engineering
Czech Republic Czech Society for Radiation Protection
Eastern Africa Eastern Africa Association for Radiation Protection

(Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda)

Egypt IRPA Egypt Radiation Protection
France Société Française de Radioprotection
German-Swiss German-Swiss Association for Radiation Protection
Greece Greek Radiation Protection Association
Hungary Health Physics Section of the Roland Eötvös Physical Society
India Indian Association for Radiation Protection
Iran Iranian Radiation Protection Society
Ireland Irish Radiation Research Society
Israel Israel Society for Radiation Protection
Italy Associazione Italiana di Radioprotezione
Japan Japan Health Physics Society
Korea Korean Association for Radiation Protection
Lithuania Radiacines saugos centras
Madagascar Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires
Malaysia Malaysian Radiation Protection Association
Mexico Sociedad Mexicana de Seguridad Radiológica
Morocco Association Marocaine de Radioprotection
Netherlands Nederlandse Vereniging voor Stralingshygiëne
Nordic Nordic Society for Radiation Protection(Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden)
Peru Sociedad Peruana de Radioproteccion
Philippines Philippine Association for Radiation Protection
Poland Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyki Medycznej
Portugal Sociedade Portuguesa De Protecção Contra Radiacoes
Romania Societatea Romana De Radioprotectie
Russia Sectiya Radiazionnoy Gigieny of Russia
Serbia-Montenegro Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro
Slovak Republic Slovak Society of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Hygiene
Slovenia Radiation Protection Association of Slovenia
Southern Africa Southern African Radiation Protection Association(South Africa, Namibia, Botswana)
Spain Sociedad Española de Protección Radiológica
Tunisia Tunisian Radiation Protection Society
United Kingdom The Society for Radiological Protection
Uruguay Uruguayan Society of Radioprotection
USA Health Physics Society
Venezuela Sociedad Venezolana de Protección Radiológica

List of International Congresses

The 2020 Congress (IRPA15) will be in Korea.

Past Congresses

IRPA 14 Cape Town, May 2016

IRPA 13 Glasgow, May 2012

IRPA 12 Buenos Aires, October 2008

IRPA 11 Madrid, May 2004

IRPA 10 Hiroshima, May 2000

IRPA 9 Vienna, April 1996

IRPA 8 Montreal, May 1992

IRPA 7 Sydney, April 1988

IRPA 6 Berlin, May 1984

IRPA 5 Jerusalem, March 1980

IRPA 4 Paris, April 1977

IRPA 3 Washington, September 1973

IRPA 2 Brighton, May 1970

IRPA 1 Rome, September 1966

International Cooperation

IRPA maintains relations with many other international organizations in the field of radiation protection, such as those listed here.

Inter-Governmental Organizations

IAEA- International Atomic Energy Agency
ILO- International Labor Organisation
NEA- Nuclear Energy Agency
UNSCEAR- United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
WHO- World Health Organisation

Non-Governmental Organizations

ICNIRP- International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
ICRP- International Commission on Radiological Protection
ICRU- International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements
ISO- International Organization for Standardization

Professional Organizations

IOMP - International Organization for Medical Physics
ISR - International Society of Radiology
ISRO - International Society for Radiation Oncology
WFNMB - World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology

Rolf M. Sievert Award

Commencing with the 1973 IRPA Congress, each International Congress has been opened by the Sievert Lecture which is presented by the winner of the Sievert Award. This award is in honour of Rolf M. Sievert, a pioneer in radiation physics and radiation protection.

The Sievert Award consists of a suitable scroll, certificate or parchment, containing the name of the recipient, the date it is presented, and an indication that the award honours the memory of Professor Rolf M. Sievert.

The recipients of the Sievert Award are listed below:

- 1973 Prof. Bo Lindell (Sweden), Radiation and Man Health Physics 31 (September), pp 265-272, 1976

- 1977 Prof. W.V. Mayneord (United Kingdom), The Time Factor in Carcinogenesis Health Physics 34 (April), pp 297-309, 1978

- 1980 Lauriston S. Taylor (USA), Some Nonscientific Influences on Radiation Protection Standards and Practice Health Physics 39 (December), pp 851-874, 1980

- 1984 Sir Edward Pochin (United Kingdom), Sieverts and Safety Health Physics 46(6), pp 1173-1179, 1984

- 1988 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Jacobi (Germany), Environmental Radioactivity and Man Health Physics 55(6), pp 845-853, 1988

- 1992 Dr. Giovanni Silini (Italy), Ethical Issues in Radiation Protection Health Physics 63(2), pp 139-148, 1992

- 1996 Dr. Daniel Beninson (Argentina), Risk of Radiation at Low Doses Health Physics 71(2), pp 122-125, 1996

- 2000 Prof. Dr. Itsuzo Shigematsu (Japan), Lessons from Atomic Bomb Survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Health Physics 78(3), pp 234-241, 2000

- 2004 Dr. Abel J. Gonzalez (Argentina), Protecting Life against the Detrimental Effects Atributable to Radiation Exposure: Towards a Globally Harmonized Radiation Protection Regime Paper prepared for IRPA

- 2008 Prof. Christian Streffer (Germany), Radiological Protection: Challenges and Fascination of Biological Research Stralenschutz Praxis 2009/2, pp 35-45, 2009

- 2012 Dr. Richard Osborne (Canada), A Story of T Lightly edited transcript of Dr. Osborne's lecture

- 2016 Dr. John Boice (USA), How to Protect the Public When you Can't Measure the Risk - The Role of Radiation Epidemiology

- 2020 Prof. Dr. Eliseo Vañó (Spain)

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See also


  1. IRPA. "History of IRPA". International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA. IRPA. Retrieved 14 July 2017.)
  2. IRPA EXECUTIVE COUNCIL REPORT FOR THE TERM 2012 – 2016. "IRPA Executive report 2012-2016" (PDF). IRPA. Retrieved 17 July 2017.
  3. "International Radiation Protection Association official website, More about IRPA". Retrieved 7 June 2014.
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