Image Universe
The Image Universe is a fictional shared universe wherein many of the comic books published by Image Comics take place.
Publication history
The Image Universe began with the founding of Image Comics in 1992, launching with series such as The Savage Dragon, Spawn, Youngblood and WildC.A.T.s.
Image Comics' nature of allowing comic creators to retain the rights to the characters they publish with Image had led to many characters entering or exiting the Image Universe as the creators move from or to other publishers. Image co-founder and Savage Dragon creator Erik Larsen generally treats the Image Universe continuity as though each title exists in its own universe, and any crossovers between different creators' characters are events that occur simultaneously in each respective characters' universes.[1]
When Jim Lee was an Image partner, his WildStorm properties such as WildC.A.T.s, Stormwatch, Gen¹³, Union, Deathblow, Wetworks, and Backlash regularly crossed over with other Image characters, but when he sold his studio to DC Comics, this ceased, and the WildStorm characters have since been incorporated into the post-"Flashpoint" DC Universe. Most of the comic characters in the Image Universe however are originally individually creator-owned from when the company was established.
There were several Image crossover mini-series in the 1990s, such as Shattered Image, Altered Image, Big Bruisers, Deathmate, Darker Image and Splitting Image, along with the Eclipse Comics satire Spittin' Image. But only Mars Attacks Image had any direct impact on the titles represented, as the Martians' attack was also shown and referenced many times in the Savage Dragon series.
In 2009, the Image Universe had its first major crossover in several years with Image United. However, it was canceled and Youngblood was sold to terrific Productions. Leaving the Image Universe defunct into separate universes though Savage Dragon still continues the crossovers of other Image works. Image Comics' nature of allowing comic creators to retain the rights to the characters they publish with Image had led to many characters entering or exiting the Image Universe as the creators move from or to other publishers. Image co-founder and Savage Dragon creator Erik Larsen generally treats the Image Universe continuity as though each title exists in its own universe, and any crossovers between different creators' characters are events that occur simultaneously in each respective characters' universes.
Superheroes in the Image Universe
- Abbey Chase (Wildstorm)
- Airboy
- Allegra
- Alpha Girl
- American Flagg
- Angela (Marvel Comics)
- Angel Murphy
- Annalee Rogers
- Ant
- Allen the Alien
- Aphrodite IX
- The Astounding Wolf-Man
- Atlas
- Atom Eve
- Atomic Sub
- Avengelyne
- Backlash (Marc Slayton) (Wildstorm)
- Backlash (Jodi Slayton) (Wildstorm)
- Badger
- Badrock
- Ballistic
- Barbaric
- Barry Ween
- Battalion (Wildstorm)
- Battle Pope
- Battlestone
- The Beaver
- Berserker
- Best Tiger
- Beautie
- Big Brother
- Black Samson
- Blacklight
- Black Anvil
- Blak
- Bloodbow
- Bloodwulf
- Boone
- Bootleg
- The Bounce
- Brady Lee
- Brit
- Brahma
- Bulletproof
- Byrd
- Cabbot Stone
- Cannon (Wildstorm)
- Captain Battle
- Captain Dynamo
- Captain G
- Casey Jones
- Cassie Hack
- Cast Iron
- Celeste Noble
- Charles Levy
- Charade
- Christian Walker
- Clarion
- Claymore (Wildstorm)
- Cloaker
- Cogliostro
- Coldsnap
- Combat
- Condition Red (Wildstorm)
- Confessor
- Cosmic Rae
- Cougar
- The Creech
- The Crow
- Crucible
- Crystal Man
- Cutlass
- Cyblade
- Cybernary
- Damien Darkblood
- Damper
- Dane (Wildstorm)
- Danielle Baptiste
- Daredevil
- Darkchylde
- The Darkness
- Darkwing
- Dart
- Dash
- Dawn
- Deathblow (Wildstorm)
- Detective Ryan O'Mega
- Deuce (Wildstorm)
- Derek Dynamo
- Destroyer Duck
- Diehard
- Diva (Wildstorm)
- Doc Noble
- Doc Rocket
- Dr. Stellar
- Dr. Weird
- Donatello
- Dozer (Wildstorm)
- Dupli-Kate
- Dusk
- Dutch
- El Campeon
- Ellis
- Elwood Johns
- The Emissary
- Exit
- Fabian Gray
- Fahrenheit (Wildstorm)
- Fatale
- Fightmaster & Dropkick
- Firebreather
- Fist
- Flaming Carrot
- Flint (Wildstorm)
- Fon-Ti
- Fourplay
- Frost
- Fuji (Wildstorm)
- The Fury
- Fusion
- Gaia Noble
- Gemini
- God
- Glory
- Grail (Wildstorm)
- Grease Monkey
- Grifter (Wildstorm)
- Groo the Wanderer
- Gunwitch
- G-Man
- Happy!
- Hana Tsu-Vachel
- Handgunn
- Haunt
- Heatwave
- Hector Plasm
- Hellstrike (Wildstorm)
- Henry Bendix (Wildstorm)
- Hercules
- Hit-Girl
- Hornet
- Horridus
- Horus, Lord of Light
- HotWire
- Hypernaut
- Icarus
- The Immortal
- Impact
- Infra-Girl
- Infra-Man
- Invincible
- Isis
- Jack Staff
- Jackie Estacado
- Jack-in-the Box
- Jacques Lalleaux
- Janus
- Japandroid
- Jennifer Dragon
- Jester (Wildstorm)
- Jinx
- Jingle Belle
- Johnny Barracuda (Wildstorm)
- Johnny Beyond
- John Doe
- Johnny Panic
- John Proctor
- Kaboomerang
- Kabuki
- Kayo
- Kick-Ass
- Kid Dynamo
- Kid Supreme
- Kid Thor
- Killrazor
- Knightsabre
- Knight Watchman
- Knockout
- Kodiak
- Krennick
- Kyle Barnes
- Labman
- Ladytron (Wildstorm)
- Lara Croft
- Le Bruiser
- Leonardo
- Lethal
- Leviathan
- Liam Adams
- Liberty & Justice
- Liz Donnelly-Noble
- Lord Emp (Wildstorm)
- Luther Strode
- M. Rex
- Madame Mirage
- Madman
- Magdalena
- Mage
- Malcolm Dragon
- Masada
- Maul (Wildstorm)
- Maxx
- Meltdown
- Megaton Man
- Menagerie
- Michelangelo
- Mighty Man
- Minutiae
- Mr. Big
- Mister Majestic (Wildstorm)
- Mr. Martian
- Mr. Monster
- Monster Girl
- Mother-One (Wildstorm)
- Maddie Warner
- Mister U.S.
- Narcisse
- Nash
- Neon Queen
- normalman
- Nyx
- Officer Downe
- Olympia Noble
- Omni-Man
- Ordnance
- Outrun
- Pastime
- Paula Pophouse
- Phade
- Phantom Jack
- Photon
- Pilgrim (Wildstorm)
- Pilot
- Pitt
- The Planet
- The Pro
- Professor Night
- Proof
- Prophet
- Protoplasman
- Psilence
- Rai-Kee
- Quantum Girl
- Race Noble
- Ramjet
- Raphael
- Rapture
- Rebound
- Reign
- Renee Bellochio
- Rex Dexter
- Rex Splode
- Rick Grimes
- Ricochet
- Ripclaw
- Riptide
- Robot
- Roman
- Rubble
- Rusty Noble
- Samantha Argent
- Sam Noir
- Samaritan
- Sgt. Marvel
- Savage Dragon
- Savant (Wildstorm)
- Scud: The Disposable Assassin
- Seahawk
- Sentinel
- Seoul
- Shadowhawk (Eddie Collins)
- Shadowhawk (Luke Hatfield Sr.)
- Shadowhawk (Paul Johnstone)
- Shadow Stalker
- Shaft
- The Shapesmith
- She-Dragon
- Shogun
- The Shrew
- Shrinking Ray
- Silicon Valerie (Wildstorm)
- SkyLark
- Sky Solo: Lady of L.A.S.E.R.
- Slam
- Slice
- Smasher
- Spartan (Wildstorm)
- Spawn
- Splinter
- Star
- Stasis
- Stryker
- Sundance
- Super Dinosaur
- SuperPatriot
- Supervision
- Suprema
- Supreme
- Surge
- Sydney Savage (Wildstorm)
- Synergy (Wildstorm)
- Tag
- Task
- Tech Jacket
- Teen Wolf
- Tempest
- The Tenth
- Tenth Muse
- Thermal
- Thor
- Thunder Girl
- Trencher
- Troll
- Twilight
- Ultiman
- Ultra
- The Unbelievable N-Man
- Union (Wildstorm)
- USA: Ultimate Special Agent
- Vanguard
- Velocity
- Vlad
- Vita-Man
- Vogue
- Void (Wildstorm)
- Voodoo (Wildstorm)
- Warblade (Wildstorm)
- WildStar
- Witchblade
- Norrin Weismeyer
- Winged Victory
- Winter (Wildstorm)
- Wolf
- Wraith
- Wylder
- Wynonna Earp
- Yeti
- Young Omni-Man
- Zealot (Wildstorm)
- Zephyr Noble
- Zorro
Superhero teams in the Image Universe
- Allied Supermen of America
- The Atomics
- The Axiom
- Battle Chasers
- Battle Hymn
- Bloodpool
- Bloodstrike
- Body Baggers
- The Bone Cousins
- Brigade
- Codename: Strykeforce
- Cyberforce
- Cyberpunx
- Danger Girl (Wildstorm)
- The Deadly Duo
- Doom's IV
- Dynamo 5
- Elephantmen
- Firebirds
- First Family
- Freak Force
- Freedom Force
- Freshmen
- Gen¹³ (Wildstorm)
- G.I. Joe
- The Guardians of the Globe
- Honor Guard
- Hunter-Killer
- Intimidators (comics)
- Jersey Gods
- Masters of the Universe
- Micronauts
- Morning Glories
- Mystery Incorporated
- The New Men
- Noble Causes
- The Pact
- Power Rangers Zeo
- Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
- Special Operations Strikeforce
- Section Zero
- Stormwatch (Wildstorm)
- Team 7 (Wildstorm)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the Mirage series only)
- The Teen Team
- Tomorrow Syndicate
- Violent Messiahs
- Voltron
- Weapon Zero
- Wetworks (Wildstorm)
- WildC.A.T.s (Wildstorm)
- Wildcore (Wildstorm)
- Wildguard
- Youngblood
- Abner Cadaver
- Adam-One
- Alison Summers
- Angelus
- Angstrom Levy
- The Avian
- Baby Boom
- Battle Beast
- Baxter Stockman
- Billy Kincaid
- Bi-Plane
- Bliss (Wildstorm)
- Blockade
- Bludgeon
- Bomb Queen
- Bonechill
- Brainape
- Brains & Brawn
- Cesspool
- Celestine
- Chapel
- Chelsea Nirvana
- Chrysalis
- Conquest
- Copycat (Wildstorm)
- The Curse
- Cyberface
- Cy-Gor
- Damien Darklord
- Darius Dax
- Darius Duck
- Dark Dragon
- Darkthornn
- D.A. Sinclair
- Dataman
- Deadlock
- Deadly Nightshade
- Death's Angel
- Despot (Wildstorm)
- The Devil
- Dr. Nirvana
- Disciple
- Doc Seismic
- The Doll-Master
- Dragon Slayer
- Dread Knight
- Dusk & Dawn Blackthorne
- The Elephant
- The Emperor
- Emerpus
- The End
- Evo (Wildstorm)
- The Fiend
- The Fox
- Fuckwit
- Furnace
- The Future
- The Freak
- Freestyle (Wildstorm)
- The Frightener
- Frostbite (Wildstorm)
- Gorrl
- Hardware
- Hawk's Shadow
- The Heap
- Helspont (WildStorm)
- Helmut (WildStorm)
- Hellrazor
- Horde
- Hunter Blackthorne
- The Hyena
- Ian Nottingham
- Imp
- The Inhabitor
- Ivana Baiul (WildStorm)
- Isotope
- Jack-A-Dandy
- Jason Wynn
- Jessica Priest
- Jimbo da Mighty Lobster
- Joey Finkleberry
- Johnny Redbeard
- Johnny Two-dicks
- JumpStart
- Kaizen Gamorra (WildStorm)
- Karai
- Kenneth Irons
- The Killer
- Kitty Blackthorne
- Komodo
- Korgo
- Kurr the Emperor
- Lionel Barstow
- Lord Entropy (WildStorm)
- Mace
- Machine Head
- Major Disaster
- Mako
- Malebolgia
- Mammon
- Magnattack
- Master Meteor
- Master Mind
- Dr. Max Maximus
- Mercury Blackthorne
- Mister Liu
- Mr. Glum
- Mr. Gone
- Mother May I
- Multi-Paul
- Nailbiter
- Natalia Kassle (Wildstorm)
- Necrona Blackthorne
- Negan
- Negate
- Neutron Bob
- N'golth
- Nocturn
- Octopus
- Openface
- Optilux
- Overlord
- Overt-Kill
- Phillip Marko
- Psi-Fire
- Powerhaus (Wildstorm)
- Powerhouse
- The Professor
- The Puzzler
- Redeemer
- Robot
- Rus Livingston
- Quagg
- Samhain
- Satan
- Shadow Supreme
- Shithead
- Sideways Bob (WildStorm)
- Slaughterhouse Smith (WildStorm)
- Slate Blackthorne
- Slaver Ant
- Shredder
- Skullface
- Solar Man
- Squidious
- Synergy
- Sublime (Wildstorm)
- The Sucker
- Tao (Wildstorm)
- Tapestry (Wildstorm)
- Televillain
- Tiffany
- Titan
- Thragg
- Threshold (Wildstorm)
- Tremor
- Ultimatum
- Urizen
- Voltage
- Vor-Em
- Violator
- Whiptail
- The Wicked Worm
- Widowmaker
- Wroth
- Zera
- Zoyvod
Villain teams in the Image Universe
- The Annihilators
- The Blackthornes
- The Brotherhood of Man
- Cobra
- Covenant of the Sword
- Cyberdata
- The Daemonites (Wildstorm)
- Dino-Men
- Dv8 (WildStorm)
- The Flaxans
- Foot Clan
- The Fraternity
- The Frightening Force
- The Hammer Empire (Wildstorm)
- The Industrial Accidents
- The Keep
- The Lizard League
- The Martians
- The Mauler Twins
- The Order
- Phlebiac Brothers
- The Ra'Zplarr
- The Reanimen
- Slashers
- The Veil
- Vicious Circle
- The Viltrumite Empire
- The WarGuard (Wildstorm)
See also
- "One Fan's Opinion: Issue #14". Comic Book Resources. 2005-11-10. Retrieved 2013-09-02.