Idaho Green Party
The Green Party of Idaho is the state party organization for Idaho of the Green Party of the United States.
Green Party of Idaho | |
Ideology | Green politics |
National affiliation | Green Party of the United States |
Colors | Green |
Website | |
Green Party of Idaho | |
They have been put on inactive status by the Green Party of the United States since 2010.[1]
Current status
The Idaho Green Party is currently petitioning to become an active party again. The total valid signature required are 13,806. This petition with qualified signatures will be due to the Secretary of State no later than August 30th, 2020.[2] The Idaho Green party has been doing research in areas to form their platforms and policies. They have come up with four major pillars which include; Peace, Ecology, Social Justice, and Democracy.[3] They have also created 10 key values that explains in detail what they stand for and believe in. Petitions the Idaho Green Party members have purposed in the past involve the legalization and use of medical marijuana in the State of Idaho, and they have petitioned to increase the minimum wage in the State of Idaho. Due to the lack of signatures received from the citizens of Idaho, both these petitions failed. [4] Further more, the Idaho Green Party is continuing the process of petitioning the people of Idaho to help them become an active party again.
The 10 Key Values Include: [5]
- Grassroots Democracy
- Social Justice and Equal Opportunity
- Ecology Wisdom
- Non-Violence
- Decentralization
- Community Based Economics
- Feminism and Gender Equality
- Respect for Diversity
- Personal and Global Responsibility
- Future Focus and Sustainability
Elected officials
Members of Congress
- None
Statewide offices
- None
2004 nominees for offices
Ada County Highway District Commissioner (Sub-district #1): Kevin Bayhouse [8] [9]
2008 nominees for offices
Cynthia McKinney and her running mate Rosa Clemente where write-ins for Idaho. They received 39 votes taking about .01% of the vote.[10]
2012 nominees for offices
Jill Stein and her running mate Cheri Honkala were on the ballot has an independent.[11] They received 4,402 votes taking about .7% of the vote.[12]
2016 nominees for offices
Jill Stein and her running mate Ajamu Baraka were on the ballot has an independent.[11] They received 8,464 votes, taking about 1.23% of the vote.[13]
- "Green Party of the United States - National Committee Voting - Proposal Details". Retrieved 2017-04-13.
- "Forming a New Political Party" (PDF). Green Party ID. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
- "Green Party of Idaho Kicks off Petition Drive". Green Party ID. 2016. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
- "Petitions". Green Party ID. 2016. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
- "Four Pillars and 10 Key Values". Green Party ID. 2016. Retrieved 25 November 2019.
- "Wayback Machine". November 28, 2001. Archived from the original on 2001-11-28.
- "Wayback Machine". December 3, 2001. Archived from the original on 2001-12-03.
- "Green Pages ||".
- "2008 General Results statewide". Retrieved 2017-04-14.
- "Of political parties and Idaho's presidential ballot..." Retrieved 2017-04-14.
- "2012 General Results US President". Retrieved 2017-06-29.
- "President - by County". Retrieved 2017-06-29.