Hungary in the Eurovision Song Contest 2013

Hungary participated in the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 in Malmö, Sweden. The Hungarian entry was selected through a national selection format titled again "A Dal" (which means "The Song"), consisting of three heats, two semi-finals and a final, organised by the Hungarian broadcaster MTVA.[1] ByeAlex represented Hungary with the song "Kedvesem", which qualified from the second semi-final of the competition and finished in 10th place in the final, scoring 84 points.[2][3]

Eurovision Song Contest 2013
Country Hungary
National selection
Selection processA Dal 2013
Selection date(s)Heats:
2 February 2013
9 February 2013
16 February 2013
23 February 2013
24 February 2013
2 March 2013
Selected entrantByeAlex
Selected song"Kedvesem"
Finals performance
Semi-final resultQualified (8th, 66 points)
Final result10th, 84 points
Hungary in the Eurovision Song Contest
◄2012 2013 2014►

Before Eurovision

A Dal 2013

On 24 October 2012, MTVA announced the rules and regulations for their selection procedure, A Dal, and opened the submission period for artists and composers to send in their entries.[4] The deadline was set to expire on 20 December; however, MTVA granted an extension until 31 December.[5]

On 4 January 2013, MTVA announced that the jury for the competition would comprise:[6]

On 10 January 2013, during a press conference held by MTVA, out of a total of 244 submissions, a jury committee chose 30 songs to proceed to the next stage of the competition.[7] On 24 January, MTVA allocated the 30 songs into three heats comprising 10 songs each.[8]

On 2, 9 and 16 February 2013, three heats took place where the jury and public selected 18 songs in total to proceed to the semifinals.[9] The semi-finals were held on A Dal-hétvége (A Dal-weekend) on 23 February and 24 February, where the jury selected their top two in each show and the public selected an additional two songs from the remaining options to qualify to the final.[9] Eight songs competed in the final on 2 March 2013.[9]

The three heats, two semifinals and final were hosted by Gábor Gundel-Takács and Éva Novodomszky, with Márton Buda conducting backstage interviews.[9]

Competing entries

Artist Song (Translation) Music / Lyrics
Szilvia Agárdi & Dénes Pál "Szíveddel láss" (See With Your Heart) Zé Szabó / Tamás Molnár
Background "Neonzöld" (Neongreen) Gábor Berkó
Gergő Baricz "Húz" (Pull) Gergő Baricz
Bogi "Tükörkép" (Reflection) Ádám Kovacsics, Adrienn Bata "Barbee"
Bence Brasch "Túl egyszerű" (Too Simple) Krisztián Szakos, Krisztián Éder
Krisztián Burai "Született szívtörő" (Born Heartbreaker) Krisztián Burai, Balázs Megyeri, András Kállay-Saunders
ByeAlex "Kedvesem" (Darling) Alex Márta / Zoltán Palásti Kovács "Zoohacker"
Laura Cserpes "Élj pont úgy" (Live Just Like That) Tamás Kolozsvári, Péter Krajczár, István Tabár
Egy Másik Zenekar "Katatón dal" (Catatonic Song) Jenő Bartalos
Gyula Éliás "Mindhalálig várni rád" (Waiting For You Eternally) Gyula Éliás, Norbert Kardos, Péter Geszti
Zoltán Fehér "Nincs baj" (Not a Problem) Zoltán Fehér, Krisztián Burai, Péter Geszti
Flash Travel "Soha ne add fel" (Never Give Up) András Szabó, Péter Újvári, Viktor László, Elemér Szabó, Tamás Simó
Tibor Gyurcsík "Örök harc" (Perpetual Struggle) Márton Vödrös, Tamás Molnár, Péter Geszti
Mónika Hoffman "Hullócsillag" (Shooting Star) Mónika Hoffman, Jonas Gladnikoff, Primož Poglajen, Michael James Down / Péter Puskás
Veca Janicsák "Új generáció" (New Generation) Veronika Janicsák
András Kállay-Saunders "My Baby" András Kállay-Saunders, Krisztián Burai, Ernő Bodóczki, Leslie Tay, John Alexis
Ildikó Keresztes "Nem akarok többé játszani" (I Don’t Want to Play Anymore) Leander Köteles
Fatima Mohamed "Nem baj" (No Problem) Tibor Fehér / Laci Nagy
Mrs. Columbo "Játszd újra!" (Play It Again) Dorina Galambos, Zsófi Hudák, Fanni Sárközy, Norbert Kovács / András István Fecske
Odett "Ne engedj el" (Don't Let Me Go) Gergő Kovács, Zoltán Takács / Kamilla Fátyol, Odett Polgár
Tamás Palcsó "Ezt látnod kell" (You Gotta See This) István Tabár, Tamás Palcsó / István Tabár
Plastikhead feat. Laci Gáspár "A szeretet él" (Love Is Alive) László Gáspár, Zoltán Tóth, Tamás Orbán
Lilla Polyák "Valami más" (Something Else) Máté Bella / Vajk Szente, Attila Galambos
Péter Puskás "Amíg a tűz ég" (Until The Fire Burns) László Diaz Csöndör, Düki, Péter Puskás
Gergő Rácz "Csak állj mellém" (Just Stand Next to Me) Gergő Rácz, Péter Geszti
Gigi Radics "Úgy fáj" (Hurts So Much) Huba Kelemen, Jack D. Elliot / Jánosi
Rami "Puzzle" Tamás Kálmán, Judit Ramóna Hideg
Ádám Szabó "Hadd legyen más" (Let It Be Different) Ádám Szabó, Levente Molnár, Ágnes Szabó
Edina Mókus Szirtes "Ha virág lennék (If I Were A Flower)" Edina Szirtes
The Hated Tomorrow "Anyáddal" (Mother) Balázs Horváth
United "Tegnap még más voltál" (You Were Different Yesterday) Áron Romhányi, Barna Pély, Gergő Mits
Tamás Vastag "Holnaptól" (From Tomorrow) Zé Szabó / Vajk Szente
Gabi Völgyesi "Csak te légy" (Just Be Yourself) Ádám Kovacsics / Eszter Major

The songs "Ha virág lennék" and "Anyáddal" were withdrawn from the competition on 11 January 2013 as the songs were in breach of the contest rules, which state that songs cannot be presented before 1 September 2012.[10][11] The songs "Hullócsillag" performed by Mónika Hoffman and "Ne engedj el" performed by Odett were named as replacements.[10][12] On 14 January 2013, the song "Katatón dal" was also in breach of the same rule and was replaced by "Élj pont úgy" performed by Laura Cserpes.[13]


Heat 1

The first heat of A Dal took place on 2 February 2013.[9] The jury panel rated each song from 1-10 with the top three highest scoring songs qualifying as the jury's choice. Ildikó Keresztes, Gergő Rácz and Szilvia Agárdi and Pál Dénes were the jury qualifiers, which left the remaining seven songs facing a public televote.[14] Gergő Baricz, Tibor Gyurcsik and Tamás Palcsó were the televoting qualifiers.[14]

  Jury qualifier
  Televoting qualifier
DrawArtistSongV. RakonczaiC. WalkóM. RúzsaP. RákayJ. CsiszárJury totalResult
1 Zoltán Fehér "Nincs baj" 7778837 Eliminated
2 Mrs. Columbo "Játszd újra!" 7888738 Eliminated
3 Gergő Baricz "Húz" 8998943 Advanced
4 Bogi "Tükörkép" 7778837 Eliminated
5 Tamás Palcsó "Ezt látnod kell" 7777735 Advanced
6 Background "Neonzöld" 7777735 Eliminated
7 Tibor Gyurcsík "Örök harc" 9888841 Advanced
8 Ildikó Keresztes "Nem akarok többé játszani" 910109947 Advanced
9 Gergő Rácz "Csak állj mellém" 91099845 Advanced
10 Szilvia Agárdi and Dénes Pál "Szíveddel láss" 9101010948 Advanced

Heat 2

The second heat of A Dal took place on 9 February 2013.[9] The jury panel rated each song from 1-10 with the top three highest scoring songs qualifying as the jury's choice. Gáspár Laci and Plastikhead and András Kállay Saunders were the jury qualifiers, while an additional tie-break vote after a three-way tie resulted in Odett being the third jury qualifier.[15] Of the seven remaining song facing the public televote, Tamás Vastag, Veca Janicsák and ByeAlex were the televoting qualifiers.[15]

  Jury qualifier
  Televoting qualifier
DrawArtistSongV. RakonczaiC. WalkóM. RúzsaP. RákayJ. CsiszárJury totalResult
1 Plastikhead feat. Laci Gáspár "A szeretet él" 88910944 Advanced
2 Odett "Ne engedj el" 98108843 Advanced
3 Ádám Szabó "Hadd legyen más" 7668734 Eliminated
4 Gabi Völgyesi "Csak te légy" 87109842 Eliminated
5 Gyula Éliás "Mindhalálig várni rád" 98107842 Eliminated
6 Rami "Puzzle" 6555627 Eliminated
7 Tamás Vastag "Holnaptól" 9899843 Advanced
8 ByeAlex "Kedvesem" 8998943 Advanced
9 Veca Janicsák "Új generáció" 8998842 Advanced
10 András Kállay-Saunders "My Baby" 9101010948 Advanced

Heat 3

The third heat of A Dal took place on 16 February 2013.[9] The jury panel rated each song from 1-10 with the top three highest scoring songs qualifying as the jury's choice. Lilla Polyák, Laura Cserpes and Gigi Radics were the jury qualifiers, which left the remaining seven songs facing a public televote.[16] Fatima Mohamed, Péter Puskás and United were the televoting qualifiers.[16]

  Jury qualifier
  Televoting qualifier
DrawArtistSongV. RakonczaiC. WalkóM. RúzsaP. RákayJ. CsiszárJury totalResult
1 Lilla Polyák "Valami más" 9998843 Advanced
2 Krisztián Burai "Született szívtörő" 7778736 Eliminated
3 Mónika Hoffmann "Hullócsillag" 7787736 Eliminated
4 United "Tegnap még más voltál" 8899741 Advanced
5 Laura Cserpes "Élj pont úgy" 991010745 Advanced
6 Flash Travel "Soha ne add fel" 9989742 Eliminated
7 Fatima Mohamed "Nem baj" 7886837 Advanced
8 Bence Brasch "Túl egyszerű" 8779637 Eliminated
9 Gigi Radics "Úgy fáj" 991010947 Advanced
10 Péter Puskás "Amíg a tűz ég" 8999742 Advanced

Semi-final 1

The first semifinal of A Dal took place on 23 February 2013.[17] Of the 18 qualifiers from the previous three heats, nine were drawn to compete in the first semifinal. The jury panel rated each song from 1-10 with the top two highest scoring songs qualifying as the jury's choice. András Kállay Saunders and Gergő Rácz were the jury qualifiers, which left the remaining seven songs facing a public televote.[18] Laura Cserpes and Ildikó Keresztes were the televoting qualifiers.[18]

  Jury qualifier
  Televoting qualifier
DrawArtistSongV. RakonczaiC. WalkóM. RúzsaP. RákayJ. CsiszárJury totalResult
1 Péter Puskás "Amíg a tűz ég" 7669634 Eliminated
2 Laura Cserpes "Élj pont úgy" 6768633 Advanced
3 Plastikhead feat. Laci Gáspár "A szeretet él" 8779738 Eliminated
4 Ildikó Keresztes "Nem akarok többé játszani" 8888739 Advanced
5 Tibor Gyurcsík "Örök harc" 8777635 Eliminated
6 Odett "Ne engedj el" 7767633 Eliminated
7 András Kállay-Saunders "My Baby" 9999945 Advanced
8 Lilla Polyák "Valami más" 7777735 Eliminated
9 Gergő Rácz "Csak állj mellém" 9989843 Advanced

Semi-final 2

The second semifinal of A Dal took place on 24 February 2013.[17] Of the 18 qualifiers from the previous three heats, nine were drawn to compete in the second semifinal. The jury panel rated each song from 1-10 with the top two highest scoring songs qualifying as the jury's choice. Tamás Vastag was the first jury qualifier and after a tie between Gigi Radics and United, the jury selected Gigi Radics as the second jury qualifier.[19] The remaining seven songs faced a public televote resulting with ByeAlex and Szilvia Agárdi and Dénes Pál being selected as the televoting qualifiers.[19]

  Jury qualifier
  Televoting qualifier
DrawArtistSongV. RakonczaiC. WalkóM. RúzsaP. RákayJ. CsiszárJury totalResult
1 United "Tegnap még más voltál" 8899842 Eliminated
2 Tamás Palcsó "Ezt látnod kell" 7667632 Eliminated
3 Fatima Mohamed "Nem baj" 7776734 Eliminated
4 Gergő Baricz "Húz" 7778837 Eliminated
5 Veca Janicsák "Új generáció" 7778736 Eliminated
6 ByeAlex "Kedvesem" 8877737 Advanced
7 Szilvia Agárdi and Dénes Pál "Szíveddel láss" 8788738 Advanced
8 Gigi Radics "Úgy fáj" 9898842 Advanced
9 Tamás Vastag "Holnaptól" 9899843 Advanced


The final of A Dal took place on 2 March 2013.[3] Four songs from each semifinal, eight songs in total, qualified to compete. In the first round, the jury selected the top four songs which proceeded to the second round of voting. Instead of assigning scores immediately after each performance, the jury announced their vote after all of the songs were performed. A different voting system for the jury was used, assigning 4 points to the song they placed fourth, 6 points to the song they placed third, 8 points to the song they placed second and 10 points to the song they placed first. Tamás Vastag, András Kállay-Saunders, Gigi Radics and ByeAlex advanced to the second round after their songs achieved the highest scores from the jury.[3] A public SMS vote exclusively decided the result in the second round. ByeAlex and the song "Kedvesem" was the winner.[3] Overall, more than 244,000 votes arrived in the public round.

  Advanced to the second round   Winner

DrawArtistSongV. RakonczaiC. WalkóM. RúzsaP. RákayJ. CsiszárJury totalResult
1 Tamás Vastag "Holnaptól" 6406622 4
2 Ildikó Keresztes "Nem akarok többé játszani" 404008
3 András Kállay-Saunders "My Baby" 8101081046 2
4 Gigi Radics "Úgy fáj" 108810844 3
5 Gergő Rácz "Csak állj mellém" 000000
6 Szilvia Agárdi and Dénes Pál "Szíveddel láss" 000000
7 Laura Cserpes "Élj pont úgy" 000404
8 ByeAlex "Kedvesem" 0660416 1

At Eurovision

ByeAlex with Dániel Kővágó at the second semi-final dress rehearsal in Malmö.

Hungary was allocated to compete in the second semi-final on 16 May for a place in the final on 18 May.[20] In the second semifinal, the producers of the show decided that Hungary would perform 12th, following Armenia and preceding Norway.[21] On stage, ByeAlex was joined by backing vocalist Helga Wéber and guitarist Dániel Kővágó.[22]

Hungary qualified from the second semi-final, placing 8th and scoring 66 points.[23][24] At the second semi-final winners' press conference, Hungary was allocated to perform in the second half of the final.[25] In the final, the producers of the show decided that Hungary would perform 17th, following Sweden and preceding Denmark.[26] Hungary placed 10th in the final, scoring 84 points.[2]

In Hungary, both the semi-finals and the final were broadcast on M1, with commentary provided by Gábor Gundel Takács.[27]

The national jury that provided 50% of the Hungarian vote in the second semi-final and the final consisted of: Fecó Balázs, Erzsébet Jeney, Áron Kiss, Viktor Rakonczai, and Magdi Rúzsa.[28] The Hungarian spokesperson in the grand final was Éva Novodomszky.[29]

Points awarded to Hungary

Points awarded to Hungary (semi-final 2)[24]
12 points 10 points 8 points 7 points 6 points
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Points awarded to Hungary (final)[2]
12 points 10 points 8 points 7 points 6 points
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Points awarded by Hungary

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gollark: Documentation.
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gollark: Awesome is maintained, right? Arch has a list.

See also


  1. Brey, Marco (11 January 2013). "Update: Meet the Hungarian candidates for Malmö!". EBU. Retrieved 11 January 2013.
  2. "Eurovision Song Contest 2013 Grand Final". 18 May 2013. Retrieved 18 May 2013.
  3. Brey, Marco (2 March 2013). "It's ByeAlex for Hungary!".
  4. Juhász, Ervin (24 October 2012). "Hungary: Rules of A Dal 2013 announced". Archived from the original on 28 October 2012.
  5. Juhász, Ervin (13 December 2012). "Hungary: Deadline extended". Archived from the original on 28 March 2014.
  6. Webb, Glen (4 January 2013). "Hungary reveal more details for 2013 selection".
  7. Juhász, Ervin (10 January 2013). "Hungary: 30 songs announced". Archived from the original on 16 April 2014.
  8. Brey, Marco (24 January 2013). "Hungary: Check out the semi-final line-up!".
  9. Brey, Marco (11 January 2013). "Update: Meet the Hungarian candidates for Malmö!".
  10. Juhász, Ervin (11 January 2013). "Hungary: Szirtes Edina Mókus withdraws from A Dal". Archived from the original on 19 July 2013.
  11. Juhász, Ervin (11 January 2013). "Hungary: The Hated Tomorrow withdraw from A Dal". Archived from the original on 19 July 2013.
  12. Juhász, Ervin (11 January 2013). "Hungary: Odett replaces The Hated Tomorrow". Archived from the original on 19 July 2013.
  13. Juhász, Ervin (14 January 2013). "Hungary: One more withdrawal, and full concept announced". Archived from the original on 19 January 2013.
  14. Brey, Marco (2 February 2013). "Hungary: First six semi-finalists chosen".
  15. Brey, Marco (9 February 2013). "Hungary: Second set of semi-finalists chosen".
  16. Brey, Marco (16 February 2013). "Hungary: Results of the third quarter final".
  17. Brey, Marco (23 February 2013). "Watch live: Semi-final weekend in Hungary".
  18. Brey, Marco (23 February 2013). "Hungary: First four finalists chosen".
  19. Brey, Marco (24 February 2013). "Hungary: Second semi-final set of qualifiers".
  20. Siim, Jarmo (17 January 2013). "Draw results: Who's in which Semi-Final?".
  21. Siim, Jarmo (28 March 2013). "Eurovision 2013: Semi-Final running order revealed".
  22. "Eurovízió - ByeAlex a TOP10-be is bekerülhet". (in Hungarian). 18 May 2013. Retrieved 26 May 2013.
  23. Leon, Jakov (16 May 2013). "We have ten more finalists!". Retrieved 16 May 2013.
  24. "Eurovision Song Contest 2013 Semi-Final (2)". 18 May 2013. Retrieved 18 May 2013.
  25. Brey, Marco (16 May 2013). "Second Semi-Final Winners' Press Conference". Retrieved 16 May 2013.
  26. Storvik-Green, Simon (17 May 2013). "Running order for the Grand Final revealed". Retrieved 17 May 2013.
  27. "Eurovíziós Dalfesztivál 2013 – Döntő –". (in Hungarian). 9 May 2013. Retrieved 9 May 2013.
  28. Klész, Imre (19 May 2013). "Eurovízió 2013: Dánia a győztes". ESC Hungary (in Hungarian). Archived from the original on 9 June 2013. Retrieved 26 May 2013.
  29. Roxburgh, Gordon (18 May 2013). ""Good evening Malmö" - Jury order revealed". European Broadcasting Union. Retrieved 18 May 2013.
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