Hill (surname)

Hill is a surname of English origin, meaning "a person who lived on a hill", or derived from the Greek or Latin name Hilary or Hillary. It is the 36th most common surname in England and 37th most common in the United States.[1]

Meaninga person who lived on a hill, or derived from the Greek or Latin name Hilary or Hillary
Region of originEngland
Other names
Variant form(s)Hyll
Frequency Comparison:[1]


  • Aaron Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Adin Hill (born 1996), Canadian ice hockey goaltender
  • Agnes Leonard Hill (1842–1917), American journalist, author, poet, newspaper founder/publisher, evangelist, social reformer
  • Al Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Alan Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Alban Hill (died 1559), Welsh physician
  • Albert Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Alec Hill (19162008), Australian military historian and academic
  • Alex Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Alexander Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Alexandra Hill (born 1978), British journalist and newscaster
  • Alexandra Hill Tinoco, Salvadorian politician
  • Alexis Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Alfred Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Alisa Hill (born 1965), American middle distance runner
  • Allen Hill (Hugh Allen Oliver Hill) (born 1937), British chemist and academic
  • Ally Hill (born 1934), Scottish footballer
  • A. P. Hill (Ambrose Powell Hill) (182565), Confederate general in the American Civil War
  • Andrew Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Andy Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Anita Hill (born 1956), American lawyer, alleged victim of sexual harassment by Clarence Thomas
  • Anthony Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Antony Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Archibald Hill (A. V. Hill) (18861977), British Nobel laureate for Physiology or Medicine (1922)
  • Arthur Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • A. T. Hill (Asa Thomas Hill) (18711953), American businessman and archaeologist
  • Austin Bradford Hill (18971991), British epidemiologist and statistician


  • Baron Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Basil Alexander Hill (18801960), English rugby union international
  • Ben Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Benjamin Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Benny Hill (192492), British comedian and actor
  • Bernard Hill (born 1944), British actor
  • Bert Hodge Hill (1874–1958), American archaeologist
  • Bertie Hill (Albert Edwin Hill) (19262005), British equestrian, gold medallist at the 1956 Summer Olympics
  • Betty Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Bill Hill (baseball) (William Cicero "Bill" Hill, 18741938), American Major League Baseball pitcher
  • Billy Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • B. J. Hill (American football) (born 1996), American football player
  • Bob Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Bobby Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Boyd Hill, American football and basketball coach
  • Brad Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Bradford Hill (born 1967), American politician (Massachusetts)
  • Bradley Hill (footballer) (born 1993), Australian rules footballer
  • Brian Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Bronwyn Hill, British civil servant
  • Bryan Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Bunker Hill (musician) (stage name of David Walker, 1941after 1962), American rhythm & blues and gospel singer.



  • Damon Hill (born 1960), British racing driver, Formula One World Champion (1996), son of Graham Hill
  • Dan Hill (born 1954), Canadian singer/songwriter
  • Dana Hill (196496), American actor and voice actor
  • Daniel Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Danny Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Darryl Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Dave Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • David Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Debra Hill (born 1950) is an American film producer and screenwriter who is best known for producing various works of John Carpenter.
  • Delano Hill (American football) (born 1995), American football player
  • Delmas Carl Hill (190689), United States federal judge
  • Dennis Hill (born 1929), English professional footballer
  • Derek Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Dick Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Douglas Hill (19352007), Canadian science fiction author, editor and reviewer
  • Douglas Hill (musician) (born 1946), American composer, author and French horn soloist
  • Drew Hill (19562011), American football wide receiver
  • Dule Hill (born 1975), American actor
  • Dusty Hill (born 1949), American musician associated with the band ZZ Top




  • Geoffrey Hill (1932–2016), English poet
  • George Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Georgiana Hill (1858-1924), British social historian and women's rights activist
  • Gerald Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Gerry Hill (1913–2006), English cricketer
  • Gordon Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Graham Hill (19291975), British Formula One double World Champion and the only winner of the "Triple Crown of Motorsport", father of Damon Hill
  • Graham Hill (judge) (19382005), Judge of the Federal Court of Australia
  • Graham Hill (academic) (active 19972005), Zimbabwean veterinary surgeon and academic
  • Grant Hill (born 1972), American basketball player
  • Grant Hill (disambiguation), multiple other people



  • Ian Hill (born 1951), British musician associated with the band Judas Priest
  • Ian Hill (diplomat) (active 1993 and after), New Zealand diplomat
  • Irving Hill (191598), American lawyer and judge



  • K. J. Hill (born 1997), American football player
  • Karen Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Karl Hill (183193), German baritone opera singer
  • Karl Hill (musician) (born 1975), American rock and roll guitarist and drummer, member of Government Issue
  • Keith Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Ken Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Kenneth Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Kenny Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Kerry Hill (1943–2018), Australian architect
  • Kim Hill (disambiguation), multiple people



  • Mabel Betsy Hill (1877 – ?), American illustrator and author of children's books
  • Marc Hill (born 1952), American Major League Baseball catcher
  • Marc Lamont Hill (born 1978), American academic, journalist, author, activist and television personality
  • Lord Marcus Hill (Marcus Sandys, 3rd Baron Sandys, 1798–1863), British politician
  • Mark Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Marquise Hill (1982–2007), American football defensive end
  • Mary Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Matt Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Matthew Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Melanie Hill (born 1962), English actor
  • Mervyn Hill (1902–1948), Welsh-born cricketer
  • Micaiah John Muller Hill (1856–1929), British mathematician
  • Michael Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Mick Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Mike Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Mildred and Patty Hill, American writers of the song "Happy Birthday to You"
  • Minnie Mossman Hill (1863-1946), American steamboat captain
  • Miranda Hill (1836–1910), British social reformer
  • Mitch Hill (active 2014), American college baseball coach
  • Montero Hill (born 1999), American rapper known professionally as Lil Nas X




  • Paul Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Pete Hill (18821951), American outfielder and manager in baseball's Negro Leagues
  • Peter Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Phil Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Philip Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Phillip Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Major Ployer Peter Hill (18941935), USAF pilot and namegiver to Hill Air Force Base



  • Scott Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Sean Hill (born 1970), American ice hockey player
  • Sean Hill (American football) (born 1971), American football player
  • Sharon A. Hill (born 1970), American science writer and speaker
  • Shaun Hill (born 1980), American football player
  • Shawn Hill (born 1981), Canadian baseball pitcher
  • Sidney Hill, British merchant and philanthropist
  • Stephen Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Steven Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Stuart Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Sue Hill (born 1955), British healthcare scientist
  • Susan Hill (born 1942), British author of fiction and non-fiction


  • Terence Hill (born Mario Girotti, 1939), Italian actor
  • Terry Hill (born 1972), Australian rugby league player
  • Theodora Hill (born 1946), New Zealand Olympic gymnast
  • Thomas Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Timothy Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Tiny Hill (rugby union) (1927–2019), New Zealand rugby union player
  • Tom Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Tommy Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Tony Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Trysten Hill (born 1998), American football player
  • Tyler Hill (racing driver) (born 1994), American NASCAR driver
  • Tyreek Hill (born 1994), American football player




  • Zak Hill (born 1981), American football coach
gollark: The "no real cost to me now but possible large gains via belief" argument is called Pascal's wager and does not actually work.
gollark: Presumably, religious people do prayer and stuff. If they weren't religious, they could use that time for other things.
gollark: If your beliefs don't actually have *any* consequences for your actions I don't think you meaningfully believe them.
gollark: If you more accurately model reality you can more effectively achieve goals.
gollark: Inevitably.

See also


  1. "Hill Surname Meaning and Distribution". forebears.co.uk. Retrieved 21 January 2014
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