Heliotrope (color)

Heliotrope is a pink-purple tint that is a representation of the colour of the heliotrope flower.

Heliotrope flowers
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet#DF73FF
sRGBB  (r, g, b)(223, 115, 255)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k)(13, 55, 0, 0)
HSV       (h, s, v)(286°, 55%, 100%)
SourceMaerz and Paul[1]
ISCC–NBS descriptorVivid purple
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

The first recorded use of heliotrope as a color name in English was in 1882.[2]


Heliotrope gray

Heliotrope Gray
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet#AA98A9
sRGBB  (r, g, b)(170, 152, 169)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k)(0, 11, 1, 33)
HSV       (h, s, v)(303°, 11%, 67[3]%)
ISCC–NBS descriptorPale purple
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

The color heliotrope gray is displayed at right. The first recorded use of heliotrope gray as a colour name in English was in 1912.[5]

Heliotrope magenta

Heliotrope Magenta
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet#AA00BB
sRGBB  (r, g, b)(170, 0, 187)
HSV       (h, s, v)(295°, 100%, 73%)
ISCC–NBS descriptorVivid purple
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)

Old heliotrope

Old Heliotrope
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet#563C5C
sRGBB  (r, g, b)(86, 60, 92)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k)(7, 35, 0, 64)
HSV       (h, s, v)(289°, 35%, 36[6]%)
SourceMaerz and Paul
ISCC–NBS descriptorDark purple
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

At right is displayed the colour old heliotrope.

Another name for this colour is old helio.

The first recorded use of old helio as a colour name in English was in 1926.[7]

In culture

  • The color has been widely referenced as a characterization, the colour of key plot objects, or as flavor text in many works:
    • Heliotrope was a popular colour reference of Ray Galton and Alan Simpson, script writers of Hancock's Half Hour.
    • In James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, "heliotrope" is the answer to the Maggies' riddle. Throughout the chapter, the word "heliotrope" is disguised a number of times, hidden either in anagrams, riddles, puns, or obscure allusions.
    • In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the Polyjuice Potion brewed in order to disguise Hermione Granger as Mafalda Hopkirk is described as having a "pleasant heliotrope colour."
  • The periorbital purplish discoloration occurring in dermatomyositis is called the "Heliotrope rash" after the colour.
  • Heliotrope was among the handful of "half-mourning" colours worn by Victorians during the last stage of mourning.[8]
  • "Heliotrope" is the title of the fourth track on At the Drive-In's 1999 EP Vaya.
  • Heliotrope was referenced as a health status condition of the service droid Kryten, in the Red Dwarf Series V episode - Terrorform
  • "Heliotrope Bouquet" is a slow drag two step by Scott Joplin (with contributions from Louis Chauvin) composed in 1907.
gollark: Yes, the accursedly C-involving kernel with constant vulnerabilities.
gollark: I do *also* need something which actually supports my hardware and software.
gollark: I would prefer, up to a point, safe and correct code over fast code.
gollark: *Some* are probably unavoidable from writing low-level things, but I would assume a significant amount is in random logic bits.
gollark: According to MS and Chromium developers, 70% of their bugs are memory safety bugs, however.

See also

  • Heliotrope (disambiguation)
  • Lists of colours


  1. The color displayed in the color box above matches the color called heliotrope in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the colour heliotrope is displayed on page 131, Plate 54, Color Sample C10.
  2. Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Colour, New York: 1930 McGraw-Hill Page 196; Color Sample of Heliotrope: Page 131 Plate 54 Colour Sample C10
  3. web.forret.com Colour Conversion Tool set to hex code #AA98A9 (Heliotrope Gray):
  4. Of the various tones of Heliotrope Gray shown on the indicated web page of the ISCC-NBS colour list, the color displayed in the colour box above, colour sample #227, matches most closely the colour called Heliotrope Gray in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul, A Dictionary of Colour, New York: 1930 McGraw-Hill; the colour Heliotrope Gray is displayed on page 111, Plate 44, Color Sample C3.
  5. Maerz and Paul, A Dictionary of Colour, New York: 1930 McGraw-Hill, Page 196; Colour Sample of Heliotrope Gray: Page 111, Plate 44, Colour Sample C3
  6. web.forret.com Colour Conversion Tool set to hex code of colour #563C5C (Old Heliotrope):
  7. Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York: 1930 McGraw-Hill Page 200; Color Sample of Old Helio: Page 113 Plate 45 Color Sample J9
  8. Mourning Fashion
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