GHS Trikarpur
GHS Trikarpur is a school for both secondary and higher secondary education. It is situated in the middle of Trikarpur town. The school has upper primary divisions, secondary divisions and higher secondary divisions. It was started in the 1960s. It is run by the government of Kerala.
GHS Trikarpur | |
Location | |
Coordinates | 12.1431°N 75.1778°E / 12.1431; 75.1778 |
Upper Primary Division
Upper primary division starts from 5th Standard. 5th, 6th and 7th standards have many sub-divisions.
Secondary Division
Secondary divisions start from 8th Standard. The school has 9th and 10th Standard also. The school gives S.S.L.C after the completion of secondary education.
Higher Secondary Education
The school is conducting two-year VHSE (Vocational Higher Secondary Education) courses. These courses are job-oriented courses.
Other information
The school is useful to students of Trikarpur Panchayath, Valiraparamba Panchayath and Karivellur-Peralam Panchayath.
Nearly 500 students receive education from the school and every year 100+ SSLC AND 50+ VHSE students graduate from the school.