François Marie Daudin

François Marie Daudin (29 August 1776 in Paris – 30 November 1803 in Paris) was a French zoologist.

With legs paralyzed by childhood disease, he studied physics and natural history, but ended up being devoted to the latter.

Daudin wrote Traité élémentaire et complet d'Ornithologie (Complete and Elementary Treatise of Ornithology) in 1799–1800. It was one of the first modern handbooks of ornithology, combining Linnean binomial nomenclature with the anatomical and physiological descriptions of Buffon. While an excellent beginning, it was never completed.

In 1800, he also published Recueil de mémoires et de notes sur des espèces inédites ou peu connues de mollusques, de vers et de zoophytes (Collection of memories and notes on new or little-known species of molluscs, worms and zoophytes).

Daudin found his greatest success in herpetology. He published Histoire naturelle des reinettes, des grenouilles et des crapauds (Natural history of tree frogs, frogs and toads) in 1802, and Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière des reptiles (Natural History of Reptiles) (8 volumes) in 1802–1803. This latter work contained descriptions of 517 species, many for the first time, based on examining over 1100 specimens.

He was assisted by his wife Adèle, who drew the illustrations. Although his books were commercial failures the couple did not live in poverty.[1] She died of tuberculosis in late in 1803, and he followed shortly thereafter, not yet 30 years old.

Taxonomic credits

Despite his short life, Daudin made a lasting contribution to taxonomy.


  • Accipiter minullus, little sparrowhawk
  • Accipiter tachiro, African goshawk
  • Anhinga rufa, African darter
  • Anthochaera paradoxa, yellow wattlebird
  • Ciccaba huhula, black-banded owl
  • Circus ranivorus, African marsh harrier
  • Coracias naevius, Purple roller
  • Corvus leucognaphalus, white-necked crow
  • Crypsirina temia, black racket-tailed treepie
  • Falco chicquera, red-necked falcon
  • Falco rufigularis, bat falcon
  • Falco tinnunculus rupicolus, rock kestrel
  • Gymnasio nudipes, Puerto Rican owl
  • Haliaeetus vocifer, African fish eagle
  • Lamprotornis ornatus, Principe glossy-starling
  • Lophaetus occipitalis, long-crested eagle
  • Lophostrix cristata, crested owl
  • Loxigilla portoricensis, Puerto Rican bullfinch
  • Malimbus malimbicus, crested malimbe
  • Melanerpes portoricensis, Puerto Rican woodpecker
  • Melierax gabar, Gabar goshawk
  • Morphnus guianensis, crested eagle
  • Onychognathus nabouroup, pale-winged starling
  • Paradisaea rubra, red bird-of-paradise
  • Phaethon lepturus, white-tailed tropicbird
  • Ploceus baglafecht, baglafecht weaver
  • Polemaetus bellicosus, martial eagle
  • Saltator fuliginosus, black-throated grosbeak
  • Seleucidis melanoleucus, twelve-wired bird-of-paradise
  • Spizaetus ornatus, ornate hawk eagle
  • Sporopipes frontalis, speckle-fronted weaver
  • Sturnus melanopterus, black-winged starling
  • Terathopius ecaudatus, bateleur





Species named in Daudin's honour

  • Dipsochelys daudinii (Duméril & Bibron, 1835), Daudin's giant tortoise (extinct, Seychelles)
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  1. Bour, R. 2011. François Marie Daudin (29 août 1776-30 novembre 1803), auteur de l’Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, des Reptiles. Alytes, 2011, 28 (1-2): 1-76.
  2. 2007 IUCN Red List – Search
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