
Femizon may refer to one of two fictional groups appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

Fictional team history

Earth-712 Femizons

Publication information
PublisherMarvel Comics
First appearanceSavage Tales #1 (May 1971)
Created byStan Lee
John Romita Sr.
In-story information
Member(s)Princess Lyra

The first group to be called Femizons were the women of Femizonia, a gynarchic future world in an alternate timeline where women had become Amazon-like warriors, ruling over male slaves. It was this world that produced Thundra, a recurring enemy, and later ally, of The Thing.[1]

Earth-616 Femizons

Publication information
PublisherMarvel Comics
First appearanceCaptain America #386 (June 1991)
Created byMark Gruenwald
Rik Levins
In-story information

The second group to be called Femizons was a group of all-female supervillains in the Marvel Comics universe. They were enemies mainly for Captain America, and their goal was to conquer Earth and create a utopia where women ruled. Led by Superia, who claimed to be inspired by stories of Thundra's Femizons, the group consisted of a large number of established female criminals and super villainesses.[2]


Earth-712 version

  • Princess Lyra -
  • Syrani -
  • Thundra -

Earth-616 version

MemberFirst appearanceDescription
SuperiaCaptain America #387 (July 1991)Deidre Wentworth is the founder of the Femizons. A brilliant scientist with superhuman strength (on par with Captain Marvel), durability, and the ability of flight, Wentworth took the codename Superia and banded together Earth's mightiest female villains in a plot to gain power. She later became the head of H.A.M.M.E.R., and served as Ms. Marvel in Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers.
AnacondaMarvel Two-In-One #64 (June 1980)Blanche Sitznski is a mercenary often associated with the Serpent Society. Anaconda has the ability to elongate her limbs which she uses to constrict her enemies with her superhuman strength. She can also breathe underwater and possesses super-regenerative abilities. While aboard Superia's cruise ship, Anaconda brawled with her teammate Quicksand.
ArclightUncanny X-Men #210 (October 1986)Philippa Sontag is a mutant assassin and member of the Marauders. A war veteran, Arclight has the mutant ability to create shockwaves upon physical impact in addition to superhuman strength.
AspCaptain America #310 (October 1985)Cleo Nefertiti is a mutate criminal and member of the Serpent Society. Asp possesses the ability to fire paralyzing bolts from her hands. Asp defected from the Femizons alongside Black Mamba and Diamondback, aiding Captain America and Nomad against the group.
BattleaxeThing #33 (March 1986)Anita Ehren is a former wrestler and member of the Grapplers who uses an axe as her weapon of choice.
Black LotusMarvel Fanfare #11 (November 1983)An Asian assassin and enemy of Black Widow.
Black MambaMarvel Two-In-One #64 (June 1980)Tanya Sealy is a member of the Serpent Society and BAD Girls, Inc. She has the ability to pluck the image of her victim's loved one and use Darkforce to embody that person, eventually suffocating them.
BlackbirdIncredible Hulk #274 (August 1982)Heather O'Gara is an enemy of the Hulk. Formerly known as Jackdaw, Blackbird served the Leader before becoming one of Superia's lieutenants in the Femizons. She is equipped with mechanical wings enabling her to fly and wields an array of weaponry.
BloodlustMarvel Comics Presents #49 (May 1990)Beatta Dubiel is a ferocious member of the Femme Fatales. She has enhanced strength, speed, agility, and senses.
BombshellHawkeye #3 (November 1983)Wendy Conrad is a Hawkeye enemy and expert juggler that uses explosives.
ChimeraCaptain America #390 (August 1991)A metamorph that can grow wings and claws.
Dansen MacabreMarvel Team-Up #93 (May 1980)A hypnotist that kills her victims by dancing.
DiamondbackCaptain America #310 (October 1985)Rachel Leighton is a member of the Serpent Society and BAD Girls, Inc.. She throws diamonds laced with a variety of chemicals (acid, poison). Diamondback is also an ex-girlfriend of Captain America.
DragonflyX-Men #94 (August, 1975)Veronica Dultry is a villainess with flight and hypnotic abilities.
FerociaMarvel Premiere #15 (May, 1974)An Iron Fist villain who was magically-evolved from a K'un-L'un wolf.
FrenzyX-Factor #4 (May 1986)Joanna Cargill is a super-strong mutant with steel-hard skin. She has been a member of the Alliance of Evil, Acolytes, and X-Men.
GladiatrixThing #33 (March, 1986)Robin Braxton is a member of the Grapplers and a professional wrestler with super strength.
Golddigger -Captain America #389 (August, 1991)Angela Golden is a Captain America villain that has no super powers, but has athletic and martial arts abilities. She mostly relies on her feminine charm.
Gypsy MothSpider-Woman #10 (January 1979)Sybil Dvorak is a moth-themed villain who has the ability to fly and manipulate various organic objects.
Ice PrincessCaptain America #387 (July 1991)A villain with the ability to generate and control ice.
ImpalaCaptain America #388 (July 1991)An African javelin thrower and former member of BAD Girls, Inc.
IonMachine Man #15 (June 1980)Voletta Todd is a Fantastic Four character who projects electromagnetic energy.
Iron MaidenMarvel Fanfare #11 (November 1983)Melina Vostokoff is a Russian assassin and longtime enemy of Black Widow. She wears an armored metal suit that protects her from physical harm. Iron Maiden served as one of Superia's lieutenants in the Femizons.
KarismaFantastic Four #266 (May, 1984)Mary Brown is a Fantastic Four villainess that uses radiation wavelengths to become irresistible to men.
KnockoutAmazing Spider-Man #340 (October 1990)Elizabeth Rawson is a super-strong woman and member of the Femme Fatales.
MindblastAmazing Spider-Man #340 (October 1990)Danielle Forte is a member of the Femme Fatales with telekinetic abilities.
MODAMWest Coast Avengers #36 (September 1988)Olinka Barankova is a MODOK-like super-genius created by A.I.M. with various psionic abilities.
MoonstoneCaptain America #192 (December 1975)Dr. Karla Sofen is a former psychiatrist and current supervillain. She has been known to work with several supervillain groups such as the Masters of Evil, the Thunderbolts, and the Dark Avengers. One of Superia's lieutenants, Moonstone possessed the abilities of flight, intangibility, emitting light, and projection of energy blasts.
MysteriaCaptain America #387 (July 1991)Mysteria Winters is a villainess that uses mist as her weapon.
NightshadeCaptain America #164 (August 1973)Tilda Johnson is a Captain America villainess and second-in-command of the Femizons. She is a mad scientist who has the ability to secrete pheromones.
Pink PearlAlpha Flight #22 (May 1985)An obese Alpha Flight villain with above-average strength.
PoundcakesMarvel Two-In-One #54 (August 1979)A member of the "Grapplers" that creates tremors with her boots.
Princess PythonAmazing Spider-Man #22 (March 1965)Zelda DuBois is a member of the Serpent Society and the Circus of Crime. Has a pet boa constrictor.
QuicksandThor #392 (June 1988)A woman with super strength and the ability to turn her body into sand.
Screaming MimiMarvel Two-In-One #54 (August 1979)Melissa Gold is a member of the Thunderbolts who had (then) a sonic scream.
SnapdragonMarvel Fanfare #12 (January 1984)Sheoke Sanada is a martial artist and long-time enemy of Diamondback.
Steel WindGhost Rider #75 (December 1982)A Ghost Rider villain, a cyborg with enhanced strength and durability.
TitaniaMarvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #3 (July 1984)Mary MacPherran possesses super strength and durability, and is married to the Absorbing Man.
VaporIncredible Hulk #254 (December 1980)Ann Darnell is a member of the U-Foes who can transform into any gaseous matter.
VertigoMarvel Fanfare #1 (March 1982)A member of the Savage Land Mutates and Marauders who can cause nausea and disorientation.
Water WitchFantastic Four Annual #13 (December 1978)A servant of the Mole Man and member of the Outcasts. She is a woman that can control water.
WhiplashMarvel Comics Presents #49 (May 1990)Leeann Foreman is a member of the Femme Fatales with whips extending from her gloves.
WhiteoutUncanny X-Men #249 (October 1989)A Savage Land Mutate with the ability to project beams of light, often blinding her enemies.
WranglerMarvel Fanfare #11 (November 1983)Laralie is a Black Widow villainess that uses cowboy-themed weapons.
YellowjacketAvengers #264 (February 1986)Rita DeMara was an initial Avengers enemy and later member of both the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy who could shrink her body and also project bioelectric blasts.

In the group shot, there are two unidentified members of the Femizons who are briefly shown.

gollark: Ah yes. A multitentacled superintelligent emu.
gollark: Is the emu more intelligent than standard emus or will it just think animal things constantly?
gollark: How do they test that?
gollark: Merely gazing upon the glory of Sam would destroy your feeble mind.
gollark: They're giant slugs with probably tentacles for some reason.


  1. Savage Tales #1. Marvel Comics.
  2. Captain America #386-388. Marvel Comics. The team disbanded due to the vast majority of its members (all but Blackbird, Iron Maiden, and Snapdragon) disapproving of Superia's misandristic and genocidal plans.
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