E6 European long distance path

The E6 European long distance path or E6 path is one of the European long-distance paths from the northwest tip of Finland through Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Austria to the Adriatic coast in Slovenia. A second section starts again in Greece to finish in Turkey.

The European walking route E6


Responsible organisation: None

European Ramblers' Association doesn’t take the responsibility for E6 in Finland, because of no ERA Member Organisation in this country.

Some of the places passed on the north-to-south route include:


Responsible organisation: Svenska Turistforeningen

Some of the places passed on the north-to-south route include:


Responsible organisation: Dansk Vandrelaug


The E-path starts in Kastrup Airport in Copenhagen and follows the southern side of Copenhagen towards Roskilde.

An alternate E6 starts in Helsingør and follows Nordsjællandsruten to Roskilde. It goes through North Zealand and passes nationalpark Kongernes Nordsjælland.

From Roskilde the E-path follows partly the trail Skjoldungestien to Ringsted. From Ringsted to Korsør the E-path follows its own track. In Korsør you take the train over Great Belt to Nyborg, where the E-path continues south towards Svendborg, where it follows the trail Øhavsstien on the southern part of Fyn. Take the ferry from Svendborg to Ærøskøbing on the island Ærø and continue along Øhavsstien to Søby. Take the ferry from Søby to Fynshav, where you continue south to meet the Leading Quality Trail Gendarmstien. Follow Gendarmstien, passing Sønderborg and Gråsten towards Kruså.

The E-path is well documented on Waymarked Trails

The E-path is not well marked on Fyn !

External links


Responsible organisation: Deutsche Wanderverband

Some of the places passed on the north-to-south route include:


Some of the places passed on the north-to-south route include:

External links


Some of the places passed on the north-to-south route include:


Some of the places passed on the north-to-south route include:


Some of the places passed on the north-to-south route include:

gollark: As if that's possible.
gollark: Fearsome.
gollark: I might have to release apioforms from the beecloud.
gollark: It must comfort you to think so.
gollark: > There is burgeoning interest in designing AI-basedsystems to assist humans in designing computing systems,including tools that automatically generate computer code.The most notable of these comes in the form of the first self-described ‘AI pair programmer’, GitHub Copilot, a languagemodel trained over open-source GitHub code. However, codeoften contains bugs—and so, given the vast quantity of unvettedcode that Copilot has processed, it is certain that the languagemodel will have learned from exploitable, buggy code. Thisraises concerns on the security of Copilot’s code contributions.In this work, we systematically investigate the prevalence andconditions that can cause GitHub Copilot to recommend insecurecode. To perform this analysis we prompt Copilot to generatecode in scenarios relevant to high-risk CWEs (e.g. those fromMITRE’s “Top 25” list). We explore Copilot’s performance onthree distinct code generation axes—examining how it performsgiven diversity of weaknesses, diversity of prompts, and diversityof domains. In total, we produce 89 different scenarios forCopilot to complete, producing 1,692 programs. Of these, wefound approximately 40 % to be vulnerable.Index Terms—Cybersecurity, AI, code generation, CWE
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