Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy documents
The various documents obtained by request or subpoena during dismissal of U.S attorneys controversy by both the United States House and Senate Committees on the Judiciary, originally produced by the Department of Justice (DOJ) or White House have been made available to the public and press via the two congressional judiciary committees' web sites. The documents received a great deal of attention in the United States press from March 2007 onward, and have been repeatedly cited or excerpted in news reports, editorials and analyses. The documents largely include copies of memoranda and email among leadership and key individuals within the United States Department of Justice, as well as key members of the Executive Office of the President, commonly termed White House.
Below is an extended set of references, and includes committee hearing transcripts, which were usually produced by Congressional Quarterly, and published by the Washington Post. Most documents listed were re-published at the Washington Post's web site, and some are linked from the two congressional judiciary committees' web sites. Some Op-Ed articles and editorials by key participants in the controversy are also listed below.
Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy |
Congressional Committees
Access to Congressional Judiciary Committee calendars and documents:
- House Committee on the Judiciary: http://judiciary.house.gov/
- Senate Committee on the Judiciary:https://web.archive.org/web/20070530190423/http://judiciary.senate.gov/schedule_all.cfm
Hearings transcripts and prepared statements
January 18, 2007
- Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice Senate Judiciary Committee.
- Witness:
- Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General,
February 6, 2007
- Prepared opening statement, before Senate Judiciary Committee by Paul McNulty
- Access to other witnesses' opening statements
- (DOJ Documents with February 6, 2007 Transcript) Transcript starts at page OAG-1255. Federal News Service, Inc..
- (DOJ Documents with February 6, 2007 Transcript) Transcript continues through page OAG-1316. Federal News Service, Inc.
- Witnesses:
- Senator Mark Pryor (D-Arkansas)
- The Honorable Paul J. McNulty, Deputy Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice
- Mary Jo White, Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP, New York, NY
- Laurie Levenson, Professor of Law, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, CA
- Stuart M. Gerson, Partner, Epstein Becker & Green, Washington, DC
March 6, 2007
- Statement from Rep. Doc Hastings (R-Wash.)
- Statement from Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.)
- Statement from Rep. Heather Wilson (R-N.M.)
- Transcript: March 6 House Judiciary Committee Hearing
- Transcript: March 6 Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing
- Witnesses for both the Senate and House on March 6:
- William Moschella, Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice
- Carol Lam, Former U.S. Attorney
- David Iglesias, Former U.S. Attorney
- Bud Cummins, Former U.S. Attorney
- John McKay, Former U.S. Attorney
- Daniel Bogden, Former U.S. Attorney
- Paul Charlton, Former U.S. Attorney
- John Smietanka, Former U.S. Attorney
- Representative Darrell Issa, R-California
- Former Representative Asa HutchinsonFormer Deputy Attorney General George Terwilliger
March 29, 2007
- Prepared Text of D. Kyle Sampson's Opening Statement to Senate Judiciary Committee
- Transcript of Sampson's Opening Statement to Judiciary Committee (As Delivered)
- Prepared Text of Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy's Opening Remarks
- Transcript of March 29 Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing
- Witnesses:
- D. Kyle Sampson, former Chief of Staff to Attorney General Gonzales
- Bradford Berenson, Attorney for D. Kyle Sampson
Gonzales Testimony April 19, 2007 () |
Senate Committee on the Judiciary Hearing on the dismissal of U.S. attorneys Testimony of Alberto Gonzales, United States Attorney General |
Video |
Opening Statements |
Senators' Questions and A.G.'s Testimony |
April 19, 2007
May 3, 2007
- Transcript: House Hearing House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law
- Witness: Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey
May 11, 2007
May 15, 2007:
- Witness: Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey
May 23, 2007
- Goodling Testifies Before The House Judiciary Committee Congressional Quarterly via the Washington Post
- Witness: Monica K. Goodling
- Transcript of opening remarks of Conyers and Goodling
- Prepared Remarks of Monica Goodling before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives
Dismissed U.S. Attorneys answers to interrogatories
- Questions and Answers from U.S. Attorneys After the March 6, 2007 hearing, supplemental responses by dismissed U.S. Attorneys to House Committee
Released March 8 and 9, 2007
- House Judiciary Committee Letter to Former White House Counsel Miers
- House Judiciary Committee Letter to White House Counsel Fielding
- House Judiciary Committee Letter to Attorney General Gonzales
Released March 13, 2007 Correspondence from Dept. of Justice and White House staff detailing the political considerations made by administration personnel:
Released March 19, 2007
Released March 20, 2007
- White House Counsel Fred Fielding's Letter to Congress (via FindLaw)
Released March 23, 2007
- DOJ Letter to Sen. Schumer
- DOJ Letter to Rep. Conyers
- DOJ Documents: William Mercer Schedule
- DOJ Documents: Regina Barrett and John Nowacki Schedule
- DOJ Criminal Caseload Statistics
- E-mails and Other Correspondence Set 1
- E-mails and Other Correspondence Set 2
- E-mails and Other Correspondence Set 3
- E-mails and Other Correspondence Set 4
- E-mails and Other Correspondence Set 5
Released March 26, 2007
Released March 28, 2007
- DOJ letter to Reps. Conyers and Sanchez
- DOJ letter to Sens. Leahy and Schumer
- DOJ E-mails, Set 1: Officials Discuss Response to Congressional Democrats
- DOJ E-mails, Set 2: Officials Discuss Response to Congressional Democrats
- DOJ E-mails, Set 3: Officials Discuss Response to Congressional Democrats
Released April 4, 2007
Released April 10, 2007
- House Judiciary Committee Correspondence with the DOJ
- House Judiciary Committee Subpoena for Documents
Released April 13, 2007
- DOJ Document Sets April 13 release, (via House Judiciary Committee)
- Letter From Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Ranking Member Arlen Specter to the White House
- Response to the Senate Judiciary Committee from the White House
Released April 26, 2007
- DOJ Document Set 1 Office of the Attorney General
- DOJ Document Set 2 Office of the Deputy Attorney General
- DOJ Document Set 3 Office of the Deputy Attorney General
- DOJ Document Set 4 Office of Legislative Affairs
- House Judiciary Committee: Index of Withheld Documents
Released May 2, 2007
- Subpoena Issued to Attorney General for Karl Rove's E-mails Senate Judiciary Committee
Released May 15, 2007
Released May 21, 2007
- DOJ Document Sets (via House Judiciary Committee)
Released June 6, 2007
- Cover letter, DOJ to Senate/House Judiciary Committees re: Subpoena of April 10, 2007
- Supplemental Documents responsive to Subpoena of April 10, 2007.
Released June 13, 2007
- Senate Judiciary Committee June 13, 2007 Subpoena of Harriet Miers
- White House Counsel Fred Fielding's June 7, 2007 reply to Senate Judiciary Committee
June 21, 2007
- Documents in the possession of Monica Goodling, reviewed and released by the DOJ (House Judiciary Committee)
June 27, 2007
- Solicitor General's letter to Pres. Bush claiming Executive Privilege excuses compliance with Congressional subpoenas (via GonzalesWatch.com)
June 28, 2007
September 2007
Editorials and articles by leading participants
- Alberto Gonzales Nothing Improper Washington Post, April 15, 2007. (Op-Ed)
- Alberto Gonzales They lost my confidence USA Today, March 6, 2007. (Op-Ed)
- David Iglesias Why I was fired by David Iglesias New York Times, March 21, 2007. (Op-Ed)
- David Iglesias 'Cowboy up,' Alberto Gonzales: A fired U.S. attorney calls on the attorney general to serve the people, not politics. Los Angeles Times, May 23, 2007. (Op-Ed)
Documents collections
- United States Attorneys The New York Times. (Mostly articles, but some links to documents)
- Documents: Congressional Probe Into U.S. Attorney Firings U.S. News and World Report
- Inside the U.S. Attorneys Emails: Major Players and Themes (Analysis of some emails and documents) Wall Street Journal
- Documents Related to the U.S. Attorney Firings The Washington Post
- Searchable database of DOJ emails documents, converted into text Via Trainingdb.com..
- USA Firing List Timeline via Talking Points Memo Email organized chronologically, detailing the addition and removal of USAs from the proposed dismissal list.