The Desagüe was the hydraulic engineering project to drain Mexico's the central lake system in order to protect the capital from persistent and destructive flooding. Begun in the sixteenth century and completed in the late nineteenth century, it has been deemed “the greatest engineering project of colonial Spanish America."[1] Historian Charles Gibson goes further and considers it “one of the largest engineering enterprises of pre-industrial society anywhere in the world.”[2] There had been periodic flooding of the prehispanic Aztec capital of Tenochitlan, the site which became the Spanish capital of Mexico City. Flooding continued to be a threat to the viceregal capital, so at the start of the seventeenth century, the crown ordered a solution to the problem that entailed the employment of massive numbers of indigenous laborers who were compelled to work on the drainage project. The crown also devoted significant funding. A tunnel and later a surface drainage system diverted flood waters outside the closed basin of Mexico. Not until the late nineteenth century under Porfirio Díaz (1876-1911) was the project completed by British entrepreneur and engineer, Weetman Pearson, using machinery imported from Great Britain and other technology at a cost of 16 million pesos, a vast sum at the time. The ecological impact was long lasting, with desiccation permanently changing the ecology of the Basin of Mexico.
- Cope, R. Douglas, "Desagüe", Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, vol. 2, p. 368.
- Gibson, Charles. The Aztecs Under Spanish Rule. Stanford: Stanford University Press 1964, p. 6.
- Gibson, Aztecs Under Spanish Rule, pp. 236-242.
- Miller, Shawn William, An Environmental History of Latin America. New York: Cambridge University Press 2007, pp. 140-45.
Further reading
- Aréchiga Córdoba, Ernesto. 2004. "El desagüe del Valle de México, siglos XVI-XXI: Una historia paradójica." Arqueología mexicana 12.68:60-65.
- Boyer, Richard. 1975. La gran inundación: Vida y sociedad en México, 1629-1638.
- Candiani, Vera. 2012. "The desagüe reconsidered: Environmental dimensions of class conflict in colonial Mexico." Hispanic American Historical Review 92.1 pp. 5–39.
- Cohen, M. P. 1999. El paradigma porfiriano: historia del desagüe del valle de México. UNAM.
- Gibson, Charles. 1964. The Aztecs under Spanish Rule: A History of the Indians of the Valley of Mexico, 1519-1810. Stanford University Press.
- González Navarro, Moisés. 1955. “México en una laguna”. Historia Mexicana 4, no. 4 (April – June) pp. 506–522.
- González Obregón, L. 1902. Memoria histórica, técnica y administrativa de las obras del desagüe del valle de México 1449-1900. Vol. 2. Tip. de la Oficina impresora de estampillas, 1902.
- Hoberman, Louisa. 1974. “Bureaucracy and Disaster: Mexico City and the Flood of 1629.” Journal of Latin American Studies 6 211-230.
- Hoberman, Louisa. 1980. Technological change in a traditional society: the case of the desagüe in colonial Mexico. Technology and Culture, 386-407.
- Lacroix, Jorge Gurría. El desagüe del valle de México durante la época novohispana. No. 19. UNAM, 1978.
- Maldonado Aranda, Salvador. "Efectos perversos de las políticas hidráulicas en México: desagüe residual del Valle de México y la creación de un distrito de riego." Nueva antropología 19.64 (2005): 75-97.
- Manuel, Perló. (1999) "El paradigma porfiriano. Historia del desagüe del valle de México." Mexico: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Miguel Angel Porrúa.
- Mathes, W. Michael. (1970). “To save a city: the Desagüe of Mexico-Huehuetoca, 1607.” The Americas, 26(4), 419-438.
- Miller, Shawn William, An Environmental History of Latin America. New York: Cambridge University Press 2007
- Simon, Joel. (1997) Endangered Mexico: an Environment on the Edge. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books.
- Tortolero Villaseñor, Alejandro. (2004) “Transforming the Central Mexican Waterscape: Lake Drainage and Its Consequences during the Porfiriato,” in Territories, Commodities and Knowledges: Latin American Environmental Histories in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, ed. Christian Brannstrom Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, pp. 121–147.