Departments of Nicaragua

Nicaragua is a unitary republic, divided for administrative purposes into fifteen departments (Spanish: departamentos) and two autonomous regions (Spanish: regiones autónomas):

ISO Map Department or autonomous region Capital Population (2015) Area (km2) Pop. density (km−2)
NI-BO BoacoBoaco 178,582 4,176.68 41.8
NI-CA CarazoJinotepe 190,769 1,081.40 172.8
NI-CI ChinandegaChinandega 429,557 4,822.42 87.7
NI-CO ChontalesJuigalpa 185,866 6,481.27 24
NI-ES EstelíEstelí 224,331 2,229.69 90
NI-GR GranadaGranada 206,009 1,039.68 162
NI-JI JinotegaJinotega 438,413 9,222.40 36
NI-LE LeónLeón 410,860 5,138.03 69
NI-MD MadrizSomoto 164,146 1,708.23 78
NI-MN ManaguaManagua 1,484,462 3,465.10 365
NI-MS MasayaMasaya 364,168 610.78 475
NI-MT MatagalpaMatagalpa 561,282 6,803.86 69
NI-NS Nueva SegoviaOcotal 253,489 3,491.28 60
NI-RI RivasRivas 177,668 2,161.82 72
NI-SJ Río San JuanSan Carlos 127,225 7,543.30 13
NI-AN North Caribbean Coast Autonomous RegionBilwi[note 1] 480,874 33,105.98 10
NI-AS South Caribbean Coast Autonomous RegionBluefields 385,102 27,260.02 11
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Autonomous regions

In 1987, the new constitution established the Charter of Autonomy (limited self-government) for the former department of Zelaya, comprising the entire eastern half of the country. The department was divided into two autonomous regions (communities). The Charter of Autonomy is largely based on the model used by Spain. The communities are governed by a Governor and a Regional Council.

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See also


  1. Regarding the capital of the North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region: Bilwi is the city, Puerto Cabezas is the municipality.


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