Debipur, West Bengal

Debipur is a small village located at Memari I block in Purba Bardhaman district. It is under Memari police station. Nearest railway station is Debipur railway station, which is under Eastern Railway and is a part of Kolkata Suburban Railway system. Nearest towns near Debipur are Boinchi, Memari. Debipur Nabatarun Sangha is a renowned local organisation involved in many social works in Debipur. They arrange blood donation camp each year during April /May and supply oxygen cylinders as emergency service to needy patients. During COVID-19 pandemic this organization helped hundreds of poor families by serving them essential commodities and also served cooking foods to the street dewellers.

Location in West Bengal, India
Debipur (India)
Coordinates: 23.14°N 88.15°E / 23.14; 88.15
Country India
StateWest Bengal
DistrictPurba Bardhaman district
22 m (72 ft)
  OfficialBengali, English
Time zoneUTC+5:30 (IST)
Telephone/STD code0342
Lok Sabha constituencyBurdwan Purba
Vidhan Sabha constituencyMemari


GT Road at Debipur

It is a small village having some beautiful sides of rural India. It is 78 km from Kolkata via Howrah-Bardhaman main line. G.T Road/State Highway 13 (West Bengal) goes through the edge of this village. A D.V.C. canal flows through the middle of this village. Additional areas are Mobarakpur, Gram Debipur.


According to 2011 Census, Debipur had total population of 3175. Among total population, males constitute 50.61% (1607 males) and females constitute 49.38% (1568) of total population. Average literacy rate of this village is 63.46%. 1562 persons are total workers among total population (3175). In total workers, there 70.74% population are directly or indirectly involved in agriculture.[1]


Some basic facilities like banks, ATMs, daily needs shops are available here. There are two banks near Debipur Railway.

This village's all sides are surrounded by agricultural lands. Main occupation among the villagers is agriculture, service & business .


There are two primary schools and two higher secondary schools in this village (Debipur Station High School for both boys' and girls').


Kali Puja is the main festival of this place.

The 60’ high Lakshmi Janardana temple established by the Singh family has rich terracotta carvings.[2]

David J. McCutchion describes the Lakshmi Janardana temple (1844) as a rekha deul with ek-bangla porch. There is rich terracotta decoration on three sides of the porch. Particular mention has been made of vegetal/ floral motifs.<ref>McCutchion, David J., Late Mediaeval Temples of Bengal, first published 1972, reprinted 2017, pages 70, 38. The Asiatic Society, Kolkata, ISBN 978-93-81574-65-2</refSome corrections are necessary. Thus I am sending the following corrected version for upload:

Debipur Nabatarun Sangha is a registered local organisation involved in many social works in Debipur. They arrange blood donation camp each year during April /May and supply oxygen cylinder as emergency service to needy patients. During COVID-19 pandemic this organization helped hundreds poor families by serving them essential commodities and also served cooking food to street dewellers.

gollark: ~~**Have** 2G word code (ZEn)**Want** offers~~
gollark:**Have** 2G Aeon**Want** any hatchling
gollark:**Have**3G stair SAltkin from alt arcana**Want** CB hatchlings or coppers/reds/xenowyrms/balloons/nebulas (I like other dragons, and may accept some) of any lineage or 3G SAltkin swap(reposting it since it's been up for a while)~~**Have** CB ice**Want** 2-4 hatchlings (preferably CB or xenowyrm/BSA/balloon/copper)~~
gollark: **Have** a CB Ice:**Want** hatchlingsDM me, since it's on cooldown.
gollark: ~~**Have** 2x 4G SAltkins. **Want** random hatchlings.~~~~**Have** weird 3G prize**Want** ~~**Have** 3G stair SAltkin**Want** CB hatchlings or coppers/reds/xenowyrms/balloons/nebulas (I like other dragons, and *may* accept some) of any lineage or 3G SAltkin swap.


  1. "2011 Census – Primary Census Abstract Data Tables". West Bengal – District-wise. Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. Retrieved 27 February 2017.
  2. Chattopadhyay, Akkori, Bardhaman Jelar Itihas O Lok Sanskriti (History and Folk lore of Bardhaman District.), (in Bengali), Vol II, page 596, Radical Impression, Kolkata. ISBN 81-85459-36-3
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