Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) was composed of three phases. The first phase was the Meeting of Foreign Ministers in Helsinki in 1973, the second negotiations held in Geneva from 1973 to 1975, and the third the Helsinki summit in 1975.
The Soviet Union had been politically confronted following the occupation of Czechoslovakia with its allies. In addition, it had lost its grip on the Communist parties of the West (see eurocommunism) and its ideological differences with China had escalated into military clashes in the border area between the two countries during winter and spring 1969. The Soviet leadership realized that none of these problems could be resolved by explaining or patching up relations, but that the Soviet Union could only improve its position by opening a new diplomatic front. In April 1969, therefore, it proposed the organization of a European Security Conference in the same way as it had done in 1954.[1]
In Finland, it was known that a positive response to the Soviet conference initiative would increasingly link Finland to Soviet influence in the eyes of the Western world. On the other hand, President Urho Kekkonen knew, on the basis of the note crisis in the autumn of 1961, that the militarily tinted political tension in Central Europe was not good for Finland. The security meeting could help Europe to recover from the shock of the occupation of Czechoslovakia if it were a real negotiating forum and not just a propaganda scene like previous attempts. Thus, Finland decided to make its own proposal, which differed from the initiative of the Soviet Union, in that the recognition of two Germanys would not be a threshold issue for holding a meeting, including the United States and Canada and Finland, which would offer to host the conference. Finland's starting positions in the conference project were more advantageous than other countries because Finland had not recognized either Germany, but rather managed its relations equally with both Germany, albeit with a low profile.[2] Before going to Helsinki, US President Gerald Ford held a meeting with a group of Eastern European-Americans, where he firmly declared that the political attitude of the United States towards the situation of the Baltic states would not change. The line would only be strengthened, as the agreement provided that the illegal seizure of the territories of another country was contrary to international law.
The Finnish initiative received a lukewarm reception in the West and Finland was not initially expected to receive more extensive support. NATO generally thought that the conference would not have the potential for success before the German issue was resolved. By the end of August 1969, 20 of the countries invited had replied in the affirmative. The only absolute refuser was China's ally and its European mouthpiece Albania. However, light began to appear at the end of the tunnel when Willy Brandt became Chancellor of West Germany in October 1969. In February 1970, Urho Kekkonen appointed The Finnish Ambassador to Stockholm, Ralph Enckell, as a travelling ambassador, who was tasked with keeping in touch with the governments of the invited countries, collecting information and preparing for the meeting. The negotiating arrangements became clearer during the spring of 1970. The Warsaw Pact stressed the persistence of the borders resulting from the Second World War, the abstention of violence and the improvement of commercial-technical links, while NATO's main focus was on mutually subtracting forces. There were differences in the emphases, but neither side considered the other's proposals to be unreasonable. In November 1970, the issue was so far advanced that Finland proposed negotiations at the ambassador level on the agenda and procedures of the conference.
Détente was strong in the mid-1970s. According to Minister Max Jakobson, Finland's offer to hold a summit proposed by the Soviet Union in Helsinki was mainly intended as a evasive maneuver, which would allow Finland to maintain an impartial position between East and West. President Urho Kekkonen did not even believe that the conference would be held.[3]
First and second phase
The first phase of the security conference was held at the foreign minister level at Finlandia Hall in Helsinki from 3 to 7 July 1973. The meeting was hosted by Foreign Minister Ahti Karjalainen. The meeting was also attended by UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim. No actual political decisions were taken at this meeting, as that was not the intention of the first phase. Instead, the aim was to bring together the results of the preparatory meetings held in Dipoli, Espoo since November 1972, and to map out the second or main phase of the conference.[4]
After the first phase of the meeting, in a good and confidential atmosphere, Foreign Minister Ahti Karjalainen described the special "Spirit of Helsinki". A small discordant voice at the meeting was caused by the appearance of a Representative of Malta, Prime Minister Dom Mintoff. Mintoff suggested that Algeria and Tunisia should also be allowed to attend the summit, because these countries were located in the Mediterranean and the problems of the Mediterranean countries were also problems in the rest of Europe. When this proposal was rejected, Mintoff left the meeting. Malta could still see victory in the fact that Mintoff's presentation was mentioned in the press release of the meeting.[5]
The second phase of the security conference was in the negotiations held in Geneva, Switzerland, which began in September 1973 and lasted until spring 1975. The worst stumbling block of the negotiations was the free movement of people and knowledge, which was considered ideological in the Eastern Bloc; on the other hand, it was able to agree on non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, on the inviolability of borders between states, and on the framework for economic, scientific and cultural cooperation.[6] The negotiating climate in Geneva did not improve in the expulsion of Nobel Prize-winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn from the Soviet Union in February 1974 and the earlier strong campaign by the Soviet authorities against him. The rather sticky progress of the negotiations seemed to postpone the third stage, the summit, because Finland would not have had enough time to make arrangements. After the Soviet Union's concessions, the summit could eventually be held in Helsinki on the original schedule.[7]
On 25 July 1975, President Urho Kekkonen appointed the Finnish OSCE delegation, which was composed of Prime Minister Keijo Liinamaa and Foreign Minister Olavi J. Mattila, and the major parties representatives of Kalevi Sorsa (SDP), Aarne Saarinen (SKDL) and Harri Holkeri (National Coalition). The Centre Party selected Ahti Karjalainen, the former Foreign Minister, who was centrally involved in the preparation of the OSCE.[8] In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the main preparation of the project was done by diplomat Jaakko Iloniemi.[9]

The OSCE Summit was held at Finlandia Hall in Helsinki at the end of July and the beginning of August 1975. The final phase of the OSCE was opened by Agostino Casaroli, Cardinal State Secretary of the Holy See, who chaired the final phase. The heads of state of 35 included: all European countries except Albania and Andorra, as well as the United States and Canada. The meeting was attended by
The Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau The leader of the Soviet Union, Leonid Brezhnev The President of the United States Gerald Ford The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Harold Wilson The Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro The President of Finland Urho Kekkonen (host) The President of France Valéry Giscard d'Estaing The Chancellor of Austria Bruno Kreisky The Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme The German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt the Party leader of the German Democratic Republic Erich Honecker The President of Romania Nicolae Ceausescu The President of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito
It was historic that the Heads of State of West and East Germany sat at the same table in Helsinki for the first time[10]. The Heads of State had several bilateral and multilateral meetings during the official programme.[11] President Kekkonen hosted the meeting and personally welcomed all dignitaries at Helsinki Airport. Unlike the others, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev arrived by train, and Kekkonen picked him up from Helsinki railway station. It was one of the biggest events of all time in Finland, along with the Helsinki Olympic Games.[12] According to the diplomat Iloniemi, the meeting went smoothly, even though President Kekkonen was concerned.[13]
Security measures in Helsinki during the meeting were unprecedented and the denizens did not see much of the high foreign guests.[14]
On 1 August, the final act of the meeting was signed, the so-called Helsinki Accords. The signing was started by Chancellor Schmidt and was finished by Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito. The final document was divided into four main sections. The first dealt with European security issues, the second decided on cooperation in areas such as economy, science and environmental protection, the third concerned cooperation in the humanitarian fields, and the fourth on the follow-up to the conference and future meetings.
All OSCE Participating States undertook to publish the final act of the conference in their own media.[15]
The Soviet Union was happy about the OSCE Accords first section, which guaranteed the integrity of the state boundaries resulting from the Second World War and the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty. The Soviet leaders also expected a great deal from the second section of economic cooperation between East and West, but in practice it remained formal due to the differences between the western market economy and the eastern planned economy.
In general, the Helsinki Conference was expected to become a finale for the Cold War. However, the confrontation between East and West was increased shortly after the OSCE. The parties still had doubts as to the need to continue the process.[16] In the second half of the 1970s, the Cold War expanded from Europe to third world countries, and in the early 1980s Europe was plunged into a spiral of missile armament between NATO and the Warsaw Pact.[17]
Western critics thought that the treaty had sealed the division of Europe. On the other hand, it has been thought afterwards that the increased cultural exchanges, and in particular the raising of human rights issues, contributed to the movement of dissidents in Eastern Europe and contributed to the revolutions of 1989 and, subsequently, to the breakup of the Soviet Union. Inspired by the Treaty, several countries of the Warsaw Pact created so-called Helsinki groups to promote human rights and freedoms of thought and expression. Lech Wałęsa, leader of the Solidarity Movement in Poland, told an Uusi Suomi correspondent in 1980 that he was authorized to fight for the rights of workers after reading the accords of the OSCE.[18]
After the meeting, the international press began to talk generally about the spirit of Helsinki, and the term 'détente' is often associated with the OSCE Summit. Finland's international position was in any case strengthened. The OSCE's foreign participants recognized Helsinki as neutral soil, and Finland was then able to emphasize its neutrality on many occasions.[19] On the other hand, after the meeting, Finland and Kekkonen felt that the Soviet Union had not genuinely recognized Finland's neutrality, but again sought to bind Finland to its greater interests, relying on the YYA Agreement.[20]
Jimmy Carter, elected president of the United States after Gerald Ford, made the defense of human rights around the world a key objective of American foreign policy. This led to clashes with the Soviet Union at the OSCE follow-up meetings, the first of which took place in Belgrade in 1977, and then in Madrid in 1979. When Ronald Reagan ousted Carter in 1981, OSCE seemed to go into oblivion. Reagan resigned from the very beginning from the OSCE because, in his opinion, it legalized the belonging of the Eastern European countries in the Soviet zone. Thus, in 1986, Sakari Virkkunen, columnist in Suomen Kuvalehti, wrote that the OSCE "is a pale memory" of the political ideals of the 1970s.[21] However, after the break-up of the Soviet Union, it became increasingly thought that the third section of the OSCE had quietly undermined the totalitarian system.[22]
The first OSCE follow-up meeting took place in October 1977 in Belgrade. Later, an OSCE follow-up meeting was held in Helsinki in 1992. In 1994, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was established as a successor to the OSCE.
The 10th anniversary meeting of the OSCE was held at Finlandia Hall at the foreign minister level at the end of July and beginning of August 1985. The meeting was hosted by the then Finnish Foreign Minister Paavo Väyrynen, who met with all his foreign counterparts in person. The tense international climate was illustrated by the fact that Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Ševardnadze criticized the United States for their unwillingness to negotiate an arms limitation treaty, while US Secretary of State George Shultz listed by name the cases in which he considered the Soviet Union to have violated human rights. President Mauno Koivisto met Shultz and Ševardnadze and some other foreign ministers. At the end of the meeting, no document was signed, even though the host country Finland had planned to do so.[23]
President Ramiz Alia of Albania, who left out the 1975 Summit, signed the OSCE Accord in Helsinki on 16 September, 1991. [24] Later in 1991, the Presidents of the Baltic States, Arnold Rüütel of Estonia, Anatolis Gorbunovs of Latvia and Vytautas Landsbergis of Lithuania signed.[25] In February 1992, the Accord was signed by the Heads of State of the former Soviet Republics of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.[26] At the 1992 follow-up meeting, the signatories were Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan.
- Tarkka, Jukka – Tiitta, Allan: Itsenäinen Suomi: seitsemän vuosikymmentä kansakunnan elämästä, s. 249. Helsinki: Otava, 1987.
- Tarkka–Tiitta, 1987, p. 255.
- Jakobson, Max: Tilinpäätös, s. 64. Otava 2003.
- Mitä Missä Milloin 1974, s. 108.
- Mitä Missä Milloin 1974, p. 108.
- Mitä Missä Milloin 1974, p. 108.
- Mitä Missä Milloin, Kansalaisen vuosikirja 1976, s. 101–102. Helsinki: Otava, 1975. ISBN 951-1-02085-4.
- Mitä Missä Milloin 1976, s. 65.
- "Biografiasampo". Retrieved 2019-09-23.
- Max Jakobson: Tilinpäätös, p. 65. Helsinki: Otava, 2003. ISBN 951-1-18856-9.
- Mitä Missä Milloin, Kansalaisen vuosikirja 1976, p. 64. Helsinki: Otava, 1975. ISBN 951-1-02085-4.
- Mitä Missä Milloin 1976, p. 119.
- "Helsingin Etyk 1975: Kommunismi kärsi tappion, Kekkosta jännitti kovasti". Yle Uutiset. Retrieved 2019-09-23.
- Latikka, Anne-Maria (toim.): Puoli vuosisataa: Mitä-Missä-Milloin -juhlakirja, p. 261. Helsinki: Otava, 1999. ISBN 951-1-15505-9.
- Latikka, Anne-Maria (toim.): Puoli vuosisataa: Mitä-Missä-Milloin -juhlakirja, s. 261. Helsinki: Otava, 1999. ISBN 951-1-15505-9.
- "ETYK-huippukokous Helsingissä". Elävä muisti. 2017-09-23. Retrieved 2019-09-23.
- Jakobson 2003, p. 66.
- Jakobson 2003, p. 66.
- Jukka Tarkka ja Allan Tiitta: Itsenäinen Suomi: seitsemän vuosikymmentä kansakunnan elämästä, p. 259. Helsinki: Otava, 1987.
- "Biografiasampo". Retrieved 2019-09-23.
- Kuohuvat vuodet 1916–1986. Suomen Kuvalehti 37B/12. syyskuuta 1986, p. 19. Helsinki: Yhtyneet Kuvalehdet.
- Jakobson 2003, p. 65–66.
- Mitä Missä Milloin, Kansalaisen vuosikirja 1986, p. 90. Helsinki: Otava, 1985. ISBN 951-1-08527-1.
- Mitä Missä Milloin, Kansalaisen vuosikirja 1993, p. 13. Helsinki: Otava, 1992. ISBN 951-1-12269-X.
- Mitä Missä Milloin 1993, p. 21.
- Mitä Missä Milloin 1993, p. 49.
Further reading
- ETYKistä ETYJiin: Liennytyksen konferenssista pehmeän kollektiivisen turvallisuuden järjestöksi. Helsingin yliopisto. 2000.
- Helsinki: STETE 1992: ETYK-tapahtumat vuodesta 1972.