Chinese lists of cults

Various parts of China under different jurisdictions have different official definitions of "cult" and thus different lists of cults.




Mainland China


  • The Church (教会) of Almighty God (全能神(quánnéngshén)),[4] 1991
  • Zhushenjiao, 1993
  • Zheng Hui (郑辉), 2012
Qigong fever

Originated from other countries

Originated from Taiwan

Hong Kong


During the transfer of sovereignty over Macau, Falun Gong visitors were rejected. [28]

gollark: It will replace all your locals with globals.
gollark: It will tweet your credit card number to Donald Trump.
gollark: It will reencode all your videos as H.265, using the lowest quality setting.
gollark: Then it will beat your skull to death.
gollark: ```lua local function do_things(x) for i = 1, x doprint "hello" end end```

See also

Legislate Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Banning Cult Organizations, Preventing and Punishing Cult Activities
Execute Notice of the Ministry of Public Security on Several Issues Concerning the Identification and Banning of Cult Organizations
To judge Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases of Establishing and Using Cults to Disrupt the Implementation of Law


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