American Institute of Architecture Students

The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is an independent, nonprofit, student-run organization providing programs, information, and resources on issues critical to architecture and the experience of education. The core focus of AIAS membership supports architecture students in collegiate schools across the United States, a population of approximately 25,000 students annually enrolled in accredited degree programs. In recent years, the AIAS has also expanded into international academic programs.

American Institute of Architecture Students
Founded atWashington, D.C.
Legal status501(c)3
PurposeProfessional organization
  • 1735 New York Ave. NW Washington, DC
6,000+ with over 100,000 alumni

The organization represents one of five collateral organizations that govern the discipline of architecture in the United States, including allied organizations: the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), and the American Institute of Architects (AIA). These governing bodies reflect the trajectory an architect will take during their career, from initial education, through licensure, and into practice.

AIAS publishes Crit, Journal of the AIAS (short for critique) and hosts events for students and professionals throughout the year, including FORUM, Grassroots Leadership Conference, and Quad Conferences. The organization was founded in 1956; it was originally called the National Architectural Student Association (NASA). Later the name changed to the Association of Student Chapters, AIA (ASC/AIA), before finding its present-day name the American Institute of Architecture Students.


Timeline of AIAS History

NASA: Before the Space Age

In 1956, architecture students established a continuing presence with the formation of the National Architectural Student Association (NASA). Chapters are established at all of the schools of architecture and a regional governance network is formed by the students at the first Student Forum.[1] The students also elect Jim Barry (Rice Institute) as the first national president. Having accomplished the task of organizing a disparate array of local student activities into a collective voice, the ambitious students of NASA plant the seed for the nationally organized student voice from which we benefit from today.

Jim Barry serves as a part-time volunteer from his school with funding provided by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Washington-area architectural programs. During his term, NASA publishes the first issue of LINE magazine, has representatives involved on AIA committees and hosts many interesting programs at the Octagon. The members of NASA also attend AIA Convention in Los Angeles, with special programs designed specifically for students.


In 1958 the student organization is renamed the Association of Student Chapters, AIA (ASC/AIA), with the goal of bridging members to the AIA upon graduation. However, staff and leaders of the AIA are concerned in the early years about a separate student organization. It is believed this will conflict with the objective of encouraging students to maintain their memberships with both organizations. At the 1960 student convention (held on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley) the AIA board of directors proposed to abolish the ASC/AIA. John Richards, FAIA, then president of the AIA states, "[the student affiliations] of the past had not been as successful as had been hoped, and that it was feeling of the staff of the AIA that student organization structure was in need of improvement."

Students leaders lobbied to convince the AIA board of directors that the ASC/AIA chapter system was the foundation for the AIA and for the promotion of future generations entering architecture. Final remarks made by student president Charles Jones (University of Arizona) on this matter foreshadow what is to become. In his speech to the General Session of the AIA on April 22, 1960, he states, "The students have no desire to make this organization so large that it becomes completely out of hand." However, the organization did grow. At the 1970 AIA Convention student president Taylor Culver (Howard University) leads a student revolt. Minutes of the meeting report that Culver and his fellow students take over the podium held by the AIA president and display their strength and solidarity in numbers.

The strength of the organization continues to grow in all directions, and the responsibilities of the officers coincide. In 1972, two-term student president Fay D'Avignon (Boston Architectural Center) is elected as the first female president of the organization, and also becomes the first ASC/AIA officer to take full-time responsibilities in Washington, DC. This marks a new phase in the organization's efforts to become an autonomous voice of architectural students. This is a significant point when professionals and the AIA relinquish responsibilities to the ASC/AIA in many affairs that directly impact students. As a result, ASC/AIA develops into a unified national voice for students. The number of local chapters increases steadily as does the general membership. With the extra workload, it is clear that the vice president is also needed on a full-time basis in Washington, DC. In 1975 president Ella Hall (North Carolina State University) and vice president Steve Biegel (Syracuse University) become the first ASC/AIA national officers to work full-time in the National Office in Washington, D.C., as a team. The term for the national officers also changes to the July–June schedule, parallel to academic schedules.

The Cover of Crit02

Exhibiting unbridled energy, 1976–1977 team Jerry Compton (SCI-ARC) and Robert Rosenfeld (University of California, Berkeley) demonstrate creativity and clarity of vision. Notable achievements include solidifying the ASC/AIA growing operations budget, holding the first design competition, publishing the magazine Telesis, and establishing student representation on the IDP Coordinating Committee. Rosenfeld names Crit, which launches the rebranded publication the following year. Crit celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2016.

The following year, Rosenfeld continues on as vice president, with Charles Guerin (University of Houston) as president. These two officers start many current traditions of the organizations, including initiating the first ASC/AIA Chapter Honor Award and publishing the first issues of Crit. They also hold perhaps the most unusual competition to date, which concludes with the construction of a hot air balloon that is then launched over the Pacific Ocean.

In 1978 John Jeronimo (University of Miami) and Mary Beth Permar (Clemson University and The University of Illinois) collaborate on the continuation and improvement of Crit from a magazine format to a true architectural journal. Additionally, they increase the size of the board of directors to include the FORUM Chair and Crit Editor. The overall operating budget of the ASC/AIA passes the $100,000 mark for the first time in history. Jeronimo and Permar set in motion the largest national design competition to date, the first McDonald's Competition, which includes over 650 entries (only surpassed in number of entries by the Vietnam Memorial Design Competition).

A New Autonomy: AIAS, Inc.

"Dancing Bunnies" Logo, 1985

After several years of continued prosperity, the ASC/AIA arrives at a critical phase. The growth of the organization is beginning to outweigh the abilities and skills of the national officers alone.

In 1982, under the leadership of president William Plimpton (University of California, Berkeley) and vice president Nora Klebow (Kent State University), the ASC/AIA formally separated from the AIA and incorporated as an independent not-for-profit corporation. To better prepare for the future, a special "Blue Ribbon" Task Force was formed in June 1982 to study the structure and operations of the organization.

In 1984, after a thorough self-examination, president Tom Fowler (New York Institute of Technology-Old Westbury) accepts the recommendations of the Special Task Force to review the structure of the organization. This report further suggests renaming the organization "The American Institute of Architecture Students" (AIAS), incorporating[2] The organization hires the first full-time Executive Director, Carl D. Costello, who quickly exhibits outstanding administrative skills and an understanding of the interests and concerns of architecture students. That year the organization is officially incorporated in Washington, D.C., as The American Institute of Architecture Students, Inc.

With a fresh name and new independence, the AIAS leadership takes to the task of developing the organization. 1985 president Scott Norberg (University of Nebraska) and vice president Whitney Powers (Mississippi State University) dedicate themselves to examining issues that are critical to the architectural scene. During the Kent State Memorial Competition, Ian Taberner's award-winning proposal is rejected by the University "because he was not a citizen of the United States, as required by the design competition". This sparks debate within the AIAS and becomes an issue at the annual meeting. Participation at these meetings is exceptional: over 1,100 students attend the 1985 AIAS FORUM in New York.

Growth and prosperity

The first meeting of AIAS Grassroots Leadership Conference was organized during the summer of 1985. This sets the beginning of a 30+ year legacy of chapter leaders from around the country gathering annually at the AIAS National Office in Washington, D.C., to discuss chapter issues, community involvement and participate in the governance of the organization. Also during 1985, the AIAS holds three national design competitions. In Norberg's second term, alongside vice president Lee W. Waldrep, Ph.D. (Arizona State University), the number of competitions increases to four; the AIAS initiates the Search for Shelter Program to address the growing issue of homelessness in America; and the AIAS contributes to the AIA Education Initiative by establishing the AIAS Outstanding Practitioner in Education award (which still exists today under a different name).

Norberg's successor, president Kent Davidson, combines forces with vice president Karen Cordes (University of Arkansas). During their term, the Search for Shelter Program is further developed with design charrettes across the country. The AIAS partners with Microtecture Corporation to initiate a computer software grants program providing 56 schools of architecture with Datacad computer software with an estimated retail value of $1,000,000.

In 1988–1989 the AIAS accepts its first chapter outside the United States when the Council of Presidents votes to accept Ryerson Polytechnic Institute in Toronto, Ontario (Canada).[3] AIAS strengthens its commitment to the housing for the homeless issue with active participation in the Habitat for Humanity program. The "Partners in Education" program is also founded. The sponsorship-based program provides interested individuals and corporations the opportunity to support students of architecture and the AIAS.

In 1989–1990 the AIAS moves into new office space, increases the full-time national office positions to five, and makes a major investment in desktop publishing software (which is very expensive at the time). The dues structure for local chapters is also revised to reflect a commitment to the organization by individual member dues, rather that a lump-sum from the entire school. One substantial outgrowth of this revision is the establishment of an active database which allows individual mailings of pertinent information to each AIAS member. A triumph for students this year is the inclusion of a standardized NAAB four-year degree language in college catalogs. This mandate is initiated by the AIAS and adopted by the five collateral architecture organizations the following year.

The 1990–1991 term sees the AIAS experience grow with the addition of thirteen chapters, which pushes membership to a then record 156 chapters. An additional full-time staff person is hired to coordinate AIAS competitions. The year's agenda is largely an affirmation of student commitment to environmental issues. The Environmental Action Committee (EAC) is established to gather information pertaining to environmental issues and their relationship to the design process, and disseminate this information to fellow students and educators. Two significant position papers on architectural education deficiencies and degree nomenclature are also presented to the collateral organizations by AIAS leaders during this term. These are included in a newly compiled, comprehensive set of AIAS governing documents.

The 1991–1992 officers, president Lynn N. Simon (University of Washington) and vice president Kevin P. McGillycuddy (Washington-Alexandria Center), emphasize a devotion to the quality of career counseling and the internship experience. Five national directors focus their endeavors on minority programs, affordable housing, women in architecture, community involvement and career options. The Five Presidents Declaration (five architecture collateral presidents) proposes a single designation for the professional degree in architecture, that sparks discussion and debate among students, educators and practitioners.

At the beginning of the 1992–1993 term the officers and staff work to make the office's duties manageable while combating a budget deficit. But there is continued development when the office produces a new handbook for each chapter to use on the local level, while the 1992–1993 national directors produce informational documents on career options and environmentally safe resources for the studio, and a video on women in architecture. A new system of regional coordinators is also set into place, the AIAS Long Range Plan is developed into a finished document, and the Sustainability Declaration is finalized for adoption by the four other collateral organizations. The membership is at 7,520.

1993–1994 president Garen D. Miller (Drury College) and vice president Christine A. Malecki (Carnegie Mellon University) hire former AIAS vice president Irene Dumas Tyson as Executive Director. The Council of Presidents (COP) votes to double individual dues with a goal to maintain a high membership level. Indeed, the 1993–1994 membership grew to 8,025. The AIAS enters the information highway with an e-mail address, involvement on the AIAOnline network, and develops of an all-electronic design competition. The COP approves a historic policy of the AIAS, requiring all speakers invited to AIAS events to verify that they pay their interns legally-mandated wages (still required of all AIAS speakers today). Following the lead of the AIAS, the board of directors of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and the AIA adopt similar policies.

At the 1995 Grassroots conference the Council of Presidents is offered three options for membership dues: $12 (the fee at the time), $24 or $36. Taking the appropriate action, the COP votes to triple the dues to $36/school year. Unfortunately, the consequence of this action is 42% drop in membership to 3,980 members, however, 85% of the chapters remain active. The AIAS enters its 40th year with decreased membership, but with leaders determined to re-grow the organization.

The next year, 1997–1998 president Robert L. Morgan (Clemson University) and vice president Rachel Livingston Ahalt (University of Colorado Denver) spend their term focusing on the financial viability of the National Office, and organizing AIAS Legacy members (former officers and directors) to defeat a proposal by the AIA board of directors to investigate the creation of a student category of membership within the AIA. The proposal sparks cohesiveness among AIAS members and debates at the 1998 AIA Convention reaffirm AIA members' support for the AIAS as an independent organization.

Heading toward the 50th Year

The 21st century begins with an exploration on the quality of the educational experience in the school-based design studios. The board of directors establishes a Studio Culture Task Force to study the effects of current architectural education practices on students' health. In December 2002 the organization publishes 'The Redesign of Studio Culture' that outlines the five values for the preferred culture in studios: engagement, innovation, optimism, respect and sharing. These values serve as a basis for making changes to the culture in architectural design studios. Two years later (in 2004) the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) adopts a 13th Condition for Accreditation (Condition 3.5) requiring schools to have a written policy regarding a positive learning environment in their studio environments. The AIAS also hosts a summit in 2004 to explore strategies for improving the studio experience.

The year 2002 sees the addition of two days to the Grassroots conference to focus on leadership education in collaboration with professionals from Georgetown University. The AIAS also reaches its healthiest financial position at the time with a strong organizational reserve, new investment policies, and professional management. Other organizational improvements included a shift in the terms of board of directors to coincide with the Grassroots conference, the creation of Personnel and Finance Committees, the initiation of a strategic planning process and a streamlining of the elections process.

AIAS Logo, 2004

In early 2003, Pam Kortan Day resigns as the Executive Director and the board of directors hires Michael V. Geary, CAE. Efforts then increase to better market the organization, increase membership, expand fundraising efforts, and prepare for the 50th anniversary. In 2004 the organization adopts a new logo[4] and Web site. The new logo includes an "A" in the middle representing a design compass and the "A"s in the organization's acronym. Also at this time the masthead and interior of Crit, Journal of the AIAS and AIASinfo (the bimonthly electronic newsletter) are redesigned by Design Army to supposedly reflect the modern design aesthetics of the members.

The AIAS makes a major shift to elevate the social members of the organization can make by launching Freedom by Design™. The program encourages architecture students to radically impact the lives of people in their community through modest design and construction solutions. Freedom by Design™ (FBD) teaches students how to resolve accessibility issues while simultaneously providing them with the real world experience of working with a client, mentorship from an architect and constructor, and an understanding of the practical impact of architecture and design.

50th anniversary

In the year 2006 the AIAS celebrated fifty years of organizing students. While operating in an autonomous manner, the organization has not been alone over the years. Allied organizations like The American Institute of Architects, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, National Architectural Accrediting Board, and the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards work collaboratively with the AIAS. There are also numerous companies, trade associations and professionals who play an important role in ensuring the viability and continuity of the AIAS. More importantly, the 100,000 students involved over the years demonstrate the long-term capability and necessity of a non-profit, independent and student-run association. Freedom by Design begins growing rapidly, reaching chapters across the organization. In 2006, the Beyond Architecture Campaign is launched as part of the fifty year celebration. This capital campaign raised $1.5M in endowment funds to support leadership development programs, including the Freedom By Design community service initiative of the AIAS.

By December 2007, the (Great Recession) begins causing significant damage within the construction industry. Many practicing designers in the field of architecture lose their jobs between 2007–2012. The United States hits an all time unemployment high, second only to the (Great Depression). The residual damage caused severe impact on architecture graduates trying to enter the field. Many left the practice of architecture entirely during 2007–2014. This major moment in time increased interest in alternative careers in architecture. In 2008, president Andrew C. Caruso (Carnegie Mellon University) and vice president Tony P. Vanky (Tulane University) releases the AIAS Issue Brief on Architectural Education. With rapid changes in technology, this critical and anticipatory document highlighted issues relevant to the future education and practice of the profession. The brief was intended to impact the 2008 review of the National Architectural Accrediting Board Conditions for Accreditation, citing opportunities for necessary and visionary change by way of major themes such as ecological literacy, social responsibility, global change, urbanism, diversity, technology, and culture (among others).

2009 president JW Blanchard (Southern Polytechnic State University) focused on ensuring the legacy of Crit to continue as a valuable asset to the membership. Development of resources to assist Quads with conference planning were released, which expanded outreach of regional events within the four territories. Participation numbers for Quad conferences rose.

At the end of 2009, Michael V. Geary, CAE resigns as Executive Director, launching an Executive Search for the organization. Association Strategies is hired to assist in finding a qualified replacement. Joshua Caulfield, IOM is hired in spring of 2010. Between 2009–2011, president Je'Nen M. Chastain (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), vice president Brett Roeth (Miami University), and president Tyler W. Ashworth (University of Idaho) and vice president Danielle McDonough (Northeastern University) were faced with the challenge of transitioning the organization into the next decade. Strategic planning exercises started in 2006 are carried through to realize long discussed programs, policies, committees, and member benefits that will support growing professional needs of the membership. Implementation takes off quickly into 2011–2012. FORUM receives a record high attendance of 1,000+ students in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Under the leadership of president Nick Mancusi (Taliesin, The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture) and vice president Laura Meador (Louisiana State University) the AIAS undergoes a Re:Branding effort. Advocacy also shifts forward as a strategic priority of the organization with the introduction of the Federal Student Loans (National Design Services Act). A four-year financial plan to double revenue is created, with the goal to achieve decade record high membership. New program tracks are introduced at the Grassroots Leadership Conference, and membership services are expanded. Continued growth takes place in 2011–2012. Gradual recovery from the (Great Recession) in the United States allows the profession of architecture to also recover.

In 2012 the AIAS is met with the resignation of Executive Director Joshua Caulfield, IOM. President Westin Conahan (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) hires Nick Serfass, CAE as the new Executive Director.



FORUM is the annual membership meeting of the AIAS, gathering 600–1,000 architecture students in one city over New Years. The AIAS signature conference, FORUM, is the largest annual gathering of architecture students in the world.

Quad Conferences

Organized by the four regions of the AIAS: Northeast, Midwest, South, and West, Quad conferences bring students together at nearby schools of architecture.

Freedom by Design

Freedom by Design is the community-service portfolio of the AIAS. Students use their design skills to address a wide variety of barriers in their communities.[5]

Initially focused on just physical accessibility, the scope of Freedom by Design was expanded in 2017 to encompass a wider variety of student-driven projects.

A significant amount of support for Freedom by Design is provided by NCARB. NCARB offers both funding and mentorship for participants.[6]


CRIT is the journal of the AIAS.


AIAS administers various competitions throughout the year.


During the 60-year history of the AIAS, the name and branding of the organization has evolved.

Name change

1956–1958, National Architectural Student Association (NASA)

1958–1984, Association of Student Chapters, AIA (ASC/AIA)

1984–present, American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)

Logo evolution

"Dancing Bunnies" Logo, 1985

Referred to as the "Dancing Bunnies" Logo, the previous logo was designed in 1985 by Kim Murray of Montana State University.

AIAS Logo, 2004

In 2004 the organization adopts a new logo[4] and website. In 2004, the AIAS introduces a new logo with alternating layered shapes, that are reflective of both the past and forward looking. This suggests a progressive organization that is also respectful of its history. It includes an iconic "A" in the middle representing a compass (drawing tool), an "A" for architecture, and the "A"s in the organization's acronym. A compass is a technical drawing instrument that can be used for inscribing circles or arcs. As dividers, they can also be used as tools to measure distances, in particular on maps. Compasses can be used for mathematics, drafting, navigation, and other purposes. Members of the organization received a pin with this symbol and began wearing it on their lapel.

American Institute of Architecture Students

In 2011 the organization began a Re:Branding effort led by president Nick Mancusci (Taliesin, The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture). The redesign was revisited again in 2015, as the organization explored modifications to simplify the 2004 logo.


The primary color for the AIAS logo will always be hexadecimal #6b8fb5. When AIAS chapters add their text next to the logo and under the AIAS text it will appear in the color hexadecimal #5c6266. The secondary palette, which is only used on material to complement the logo, is the following colors: hexadecimal #364c63, #ffd400, and #e3e2d9.

Members and chapters

The organization is made up of members from various chapters across the United States and abroad. Currently 6,000 members strong, the AIAS represents the nearly 25,000 architecture students enrolled in NAAB accredited programs. Being centralized in the U.S., regions are based on four geographic territories: Northeast Quad, Midwest Quad, South Quad, and West Quad.

Chapters follow the governing rules of the AIAS set forth in the Bylaws and Rules of the Board; however, every chapter also creates their independent culture based on location, design school philosophies, support from faculty and administrators, and engagement of students.

Chapter leaders serve on the Council of Presidents (COP). This governing body of the organization meets twice a year to vote on business of the AIAS, including election of the board of directors. Meetings of the COP occur at the Grassroots Leadership Conference in the summer and FORUM, the annual meeting during New Years break.

-Intl = International Chapters


FORUM is the annual conference of the American Institute of Architecture Students, and is the largest annual gathering of architecture students in the world.

Beaux Arts Ball at the Milwaukee Art Museum, FORUM 2007
Year Host City Host Chapter Theme
1957–1967 Washington, D.C. AIAS National Office
1968 Ann Arbor, Michigan University of Michigan
1969 Houston, Texas Rice University
1970 San Francisco, California
1971 Washington, D.C.
1972 Tucson, Arizona Arizona State University
1973 Miami, Florida University of Miami
1974 Fargo, North Dakota North Dakota State University
1975 Phoenix, Arizona
1976 Columbus, Indiana Ball State University
1977 Charleston, South Carolina Clemson University
1978 Sun Valley, Idaho University of Idaho
1979 Houston, Texas Rice University
1980 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1981 Los Angeles, California
1982 Lincoln, Nebraska University of Nebraska
1983 Atlanta, Georgia
1984 Ann Arbor, Michigan University of Michigan
1985 New York, New York
1986 Phoenix, Arizona Arizona State University Permagrid
1987 Boston, Massachusetts
1988 Chicago, Illinois
1989 New Orleans, Louisiana Tulane University
1990 San Francisco, California
1991 Miami, Florida University of Miami
1992 Buffalo, New York SUNY Buffalo
1993 Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky
1994 Portland, Oregon
1995 Washington, D.C. AIAS National Office
1996 Denver, Colorado
1997 San Francisco, California
1998 Fort Lauderdale, Florida AIAS Fort Lauderdale (FAU/BCC) Oceanside Forum
1999 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Ryerson University Beyond Borders
2000 Los Angeles, California University of Southern California Transformation
2001 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Carnegie Mellon University Going Beyond Green
2002 Chicago, Illinois University of Illinois City Reborn
2003 Austin, Texas University of Texas – Austin Off the Beaten Path
2004 New Orleans, Louisiana Tulane University Tourin’ the Vernacular
2005 Cincinnati, Ohio University of Cincinnati Building from Crisis
2006 Boston, Massachusetts Wentworth Institute of Technology Transitions
2007 Milwaukee, Wisconsin University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Architecture in Motion
2008 Denver, Colorado University of Colorado Denver Energy
2009 Minneapolis, Minnesota University of Minnesota Connections
2010 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Ryerson University Action Reaction
2011 Phoenix, Arizona Taliesin, Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture

Arizona State University

2012 Savannah, Georgia Savannah College of Art and Design [a]part
2013 Chicago, Illinois Illinois Institute of Technology Unified
2014 Nashville, Tennessee The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Reverb
2015 San Francisco, California No host school Bandwidth
2016 Boston, Massachusetts Wentworth Institute of Technology + Massachusetts College of Art and Design Revolution
2017 Austin, Texas Texas A&M University, University of Texas at Austin, University of Houston, + San Antonio College TEXAS
2018 Seattle, Washington University of Washington, Montana State University, Washington State University, + University of Calgary Cascades
2019 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Ryerson University + University of Toronto Contra-
2020 Chicago, Illinois TBD TBD

Legacy and Board of Directors

AIAS Board of Directors Ceremony

The AIAS National Board of Directors are students and recent graduates elected by members to serve the organization's highest office for a one-year term. Elections include a rigorous candidacy at the AIAS annual meeting FORUM, including national speeches, Q&A, and networking. Once elected, the new board of directors undergoes a transition period from December to July. In July of each year the new board of directors is sworn into term at the National Building Museum (a member attended tradition started in 2011). Individuals are asked to "raise their drawing hand" in order to take the oath.

The President and Vice President, known as Officers, are hired full-time to work together on behalf of the organization out of the National Office in Washington, D.C. Presidents transition into the role of Past President upon completion of their term on the board. Quad Directors work with students from within their region, typically while still attending school. Liaisons are appointed from collateral organizations, including the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture and the American Institute of Architects. The AIAS is supported by a full-time staff led by the Executive Director in Washington, D.C.

Legacy Members

Members who have served the organization are honored with the title of Legacy Member.

Term Year President Vice President NE Quad Director MW Quad Director S Quad Director W Quad Director ACSA Liaisons AIA Liaisons NCARB Liaison Executive Director
2018–2019 62 Amy Rosen, AIAS, Assoc. AIA, Carnegie Mellon University Brigid Callaghan, AIAS, Kent State University Mike Chiappa, AIAS, New Jersey Institute of Technology Adam Fogel, AIAS, Illinois Institute of Technology Paul Bamson, AIAS, University of Tennessee Knoxville Dominic Armendariz, AIAS, Assoc. AIA, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Ikhlas Sabouni, Arch D., RA, Prairie View A & M Timothy Hawk, FAIA, Columbus, OH Dennis Ward, FAIA, NCARB Nick Serfass, FAIA, CAE
2017–2018 61 Keshika De Saram, AIAS, Assoc. AIA, University of Minnesota Elizabeth Seidel, AIAS, Assoc. AIA, Montana State University Amy Rosen, AIAS, Carnegie Mellon University Brigid Callaghan, AIAS, Kent State University Sarah Curry, AIAS, Auburn University Caitlin Kessler, AIAS, University of Arizona Carmina Sanchez Arch D., RA, Hampton University Timothy Hawk, FAIA, Columbus, OH Dennis Ward, FAIA, NCARB Nick Serfass, FAIA, CAE
2016–2017 60 Sarah Wahlgren, AIAS, Assoc. AIA, Auburn University Rachel Law, AIAS, Assoc. AIA, Ryerson University Clayton Daher, AIAS, Roger Williams University Jeremy Gentile, AIAS, Illinois Institute of Technology Jenn Elder, AIAS, University of Tennessee at Knoxville Elizabeth Seidel, AIAS, Montana State University Carmina Sanchez Arch D., RA, Hampton University Steve Vogel, FAIA, Detroit, Michigan Dennis Ward, FAIA, NCARB Nick Serfass, AIA, CAE
2015–2016 59 Danielle Mitchell, Pennsylvania State University Joel Pominville, Clemson University Rachel Law, Ryerson University Danielle Jones, Kent State University Sarah Wahlgren, Auburn University Ashley Kopetzky, University of Oregon Greg Hall, PhD, AIA, NCARB, Mississippi State University Steve Vogel, FAIA, Detroit, Michigan (position created by the Council of Presidents) Nick Serfass, AIA, CAE
2014–2015 58 Charlie Klecha, School of the Art Institute of Chicago Obiekwe Okolo, University of Texas San Antonio Danielle Mitchell, Pennsylvania State University Nicole Gerou, Lawrence Technological University Joel Pominville, Clemson University Kirsten Keane, Arizona State University Greg Hall, PhD, AIA, NCARB, Mississippi State University Nick Docous, AIA, Sacramento, California Nick Serfass, AIA, CAE
2013–2014 57 Westin Conahan, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Jennifer Taylor, Tuskegee University Dave Golden, Drexel University Ryan Gann, Illinois Institute of Technology Obiekwe Okolo, University of Texas San Antonio Andrea Young, The University of Arizona Marleen Kay Davis, University of Tennessee Nick Docous, AIA, Sacramento, California Lenore M. Lucey, FAIA, Interim Executive Director;
Joshua Caulfield, IOM
2012–2013 56 Matthew A. Barstow, University of New Mexico Brent A. Castro, University of Tennessee Knoxville Interim: Danielle Mitchell, Pennsylvania State University Jason Soderlund, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Miyuki Tsujimura, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Westin Conahan, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Marleen Kay Davis, University of Tennessee Chris Morrison, FAIA, LEED AP BD+C, Washington, DC Joshua Caulfield, IOM
2011–2012 55 Nick Mancusi, Taliesin, the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture Laura Meador, Louisiana State University Becky Joyce, Drexel University Bryce Gamper, Lawrence Technological University Brent A. Castro, University of Tennessee Knoxville Matthew A. Barstow, University of New Mexico Thomas Dutton, Miami University Chris Morrison, FAIA, LEED AP BD+C, Washington, DC Joshua Caulfield, IOM
2010–2011 54 Tyler W. Ashworth, University of Idaho Danielle McDonough, Northeastern University Jared E. McKnight, Penn State University Michelle Morehead, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Laura Meador, Louisiana State University Nick Mancusi, Taliesin, the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture Thomas Dutton, Miami University Ed Zeigler, FAIA, Greenville, South Carolina Joshua Caulfield, IOM
2009–2010 53 Je'Nen M. Chastain, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Brett Roeth, Miami University Dave M.A. Guerriero, Philadelphia University Jared Sang, Kansas State University Sarah Able, University of Oklahoma Tyler W. Ashworth, University of Idaho Bradford Grant, Howard University Ed Zeigler, FAIA, Greenville, South Carolina Susan Zuber, Interim Executive Director;
Michael Geary, CAE
2008–2009 52 JW Blanchard, Southern Polytechnic State University Deana Moore, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Anna McCorvey, Howard University Ashley Wilson, Ball State University Je'Nen M. Chastain, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Amy Perenchio, Washington State University Bradford Grant, Howard University Stephen K. Loos, FAIA, Lyons, Colorado Michael Geary, CAE
2007–2008 51 Andrew C. Caruso, Carnegie Mellon University Tony P. Vanky, Tulane University Danielle McDonough, Northeastern University Brian Dennen, Iowa State University JW Blanchard, Southern Polytechnic State University Henry G. Schneider, University of Hawaii at Manoa David Mohney, University of Kentucky Stephen K. Loos, FAIA, Lyons, Colorado Michael Geary, CAE
2006–2007 50 Jonathan K. Bahe, University of Minnesota Catherine McNeel, Mississippi State University Andrew C. Caruso, Carnegie Mellon University Brian Dennen, Iowa State University Melissa Schricker, Auburn University Daniel Brown, University of Nevada-Las Vegas David Mohney, University of Kentucky Glenn H. Fellows, AIA, SMPC Architects Michael Geary, CAE
2005–2006 49 Eric Zaddock, Andrews University Matthew Fochs, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Travis Bridges, Wentworth Institute of Technology Jonathan K. Bahe, University of Minnesota Stuart Thiel, University of Florida Sean Beatty, Washington State University Michael Geary, CAE
2004–2005 48 Jacob R. Day, University of Maryland Trinity Simons, University of Arkansas Eric Zaddock, Andrews University Ashley Wood, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Ryan McEnroe, Arizona State University Michael Geary, CAE
2003–2004 47 Wayne Mortensen, University of Nebraska Katherine Bojsza, Carnegie Mellon University Jason Nguyen, Drexel University Randall Holl, University of Minnesota Trinity Simons, University of Arkansas Robert Williams, University of New Mexico Thomas Fowler IV, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Thomas R. Mathison, AIA, Tower Pinkster Titus Associates, Inc. Michael Geary, CAE
2003–2004 46 Lawrence Fabbroni, Carnegie Mellon University Jeanine Gunderson, University of Idaho Katherine Bojsza, Carnegie Mellon University Eric Hegre, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Leon Geoxavier, Tulane University Sarah Peden, University of Southern California Thomas Fowler IV, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Wayne Silberschlag, AIA Burlini/Silberschlag Ltd. Pam Kortan Day
  • 2001–2002:

Matthew Herb, President – University of Maryland
Aaron Koch, Vice President – University of Minnesota

  • 2000–2001:

Scott Baldermann, President – University of Nebraska
Nicole Kuhar, Vice President – University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee

  • 1999–2000:

Melissa Mileff, President – University of Oklahoma
John M. Cary, Jr., Vice President – University of Minnesota

  • 1998–99:

Jay M. Palu, President – University of Nebraska
Amy J. Isenburg, Vice President – University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

  • 1997–98:

Robert L. Morgan, President – Clemson University
Rachel Livingston Ahalt, Vice President – University of Colorado at Denver

  • 1996–97:

Raymond H. Dehn, President – University of Minnesota
Casius Pealer, Vice President – Tulane University

  • 1995–96:

Robert J. Rowan, President – Washington State University
Shannon Kraus, Vice President – Southern Illinois University

  • 1994–95:

Dee Christy Briggs, President – City College of New York
Elizabeth M. Koski, Vice President – Arizona State University

  • 1993–94:

Garen D. Miller, President – Drury College
Christine A. Malecki, Vice President – Carnegie Mellon University

  • 1992–93:

Courtney E. Miller, President – University of Maryland
Leigh Chatham Hubbard, Vice President – North Carolina State University

  • 1991–92:

Lynn N. Simon, President – University of Washington
Kevin P. McGillycuddy, Vice President – Washington-Alexandria Center

  • 1990–91:

Alan D.S. Paradis, President – Roger Williams College
David T. Kunselman, Vice President – Carnegie Mellon University

  • 1989–90:

Douglas A. Bailey, President – Montana State University
Catherine R. Miller, Vice President – University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

  • 1988–89:

Matthew W. Gilbertson, President – University of Minnesota
Irene Dumas Tyson, Vice President – Mississippi State University

  • 1987–88:

Kent Davidson, President – University of Nebraska
Karen Cordes, Vice President – University of Arkansas

  • 1986–87:

Scott Norberg, President – University of Nebraska
Lee W. Waldrep, Ph.D., Vice President – Arizona State University

  • 1985–86:

Scott Norberg, President – University of Nebraska
Whitney Powers, Vice President – Mississippi State University

  • 1984–85:

Thomas Fowler IV, President – NYIT–Old Westbury
Christine Reinke, Vice President – University of Miami

  • 1983–84:

Robert Fox, President – Temple University
Darrel Babuk, Vice President – Montana State University

  • 1982–83:

Robert Klancher, President – University of Cincinnati
Christina Vina, Vice President – Texas Tech University

  • 1981–82:

Bill Plimpton, President – University of California at Berkeley
Nora Klebow, Vice President – Kent State University

  • 1980–81:

Alejandro Barberena, President – University of Houston
Margie Miller, Vice President – Arizona State University

  • 1979–80:

Richard Martini, President – Boston Architectural Center
Kimberly Stanley, Vice President – Clemson University

  • 1978–79:

John Maudlin-Jeronimo, President – University of Miami
Mary Beth Permar, Vice President – Clemson University

  • 1977–78:

Charles Guerin, President – University of Houston
Robert Rosenfeld, Vice President – University of California at Berkeley

  • 1976–77:

Jerry Compton, President Southern – California Inst. of Architecture
Robert Rosenfeld, Vice President – University of California at Berkeley

  • 1975–76:

Ella Hall, President – North Carolina State University
Steve Biegel, Vice President – Syracuse University

  • 1974–75:

Patric Davis, President – Boston Architectural Center
Ella Hall, Vice President – North Carolina State University

  • 1973–74:

Fay D’Avignon, President – Boston Architectural Center
Perry Reader, Vice President – University of Florida

  • 1972–73:

Fay D’Avignon, President – Boston Architectural Center
Patrick Delatour, Vice President – Howard University

  • 1971–72:

Joseph Siff, President – Rice University
Robert Graham, Vice President – Howard University
Mark Maves, Vice President – University of California at Berkeley
James Miller, Vice President – University of California at Berkeley
Bruce Webb, Vice President – Montana State University

  • 1970–71:

Michael Interbartolo, President – Boston Architectural Center
Stephan Castellanos, Vice President – California Polytechnic State
Gene Lindman, Vice President – University of Illinois at Chicago
Jack Mathis, Vice President – Auburn University

  • 1969–70:

Taylor Culver, President – Howard University
Jim Kollaer, Vice President – Texas Tech University
Jim Brown, Secretary/Treasurer – Georgia Institute of Technology

  • 1968–69:

Edward Mathes, President – University of Southwestern Louisiana
Ray Franklin Kenzie, Vice President – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Richard Kidwell, Secretary/Treasurer – Arizona State University

  • 1967–68:

Morten Awes, President – University of Idaho

  • 1966–67:

Jack Worth III, President – Georgia Institute of Technology

  • 1965–66:

Kenneth Alexander, President – Pratt Institute

  • 1964–65:

Joseph Morse, President – Howard University

  • 1962–63:

Carl Schubert, President – California State Polytechnic University

  • 1961–62:

Donald Williams, President – University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

  • 1960–61:

Ray Gaio, President – University of Notre Dame
Alexi Vergun, Vice President – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • 1959–60:

Charles Jones, President – University of Arizona
Alexi Vergun, Vice President – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • 1958–59:

Paul Ricciutti, President – Case Western Reserve University
Eugene Burr, Vice President
Allen Roth, Secretary/Treasurer

  • 1957–58:

Robert Harris, President – Princeton University

  • 1956–57:

James R. Barry, President – Rice University
Robert Harris, Vice President – Princeton University
Laurie M. Maurer, Secretary/Treasurer


  1. The first Forum was held in November 1955 at the Octagon House in Washington, D.C., and the student delegates elected leaders to represent them at this gathering. At this time, the Student Forum is an annual event strictly for governance purposes (just for the student chapter representatives). NASA also hosts the first annual convention in November 1958, usually held in conjunction with the AIA Convention. In 1960, the meeting minutes of the student board of directors report the exploration of separating the activities so that "business would the Forum, thus permitting the Convention time to be devoted more to the topic of architecture itself." Today, the AIAS still organizes Forum and it is the primary annual meeting of the organization.
  2. The AIAS, Inc., and receiving status as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 1983.
  3. Chapters begin to organize in other countries and territories like France, Kuwait, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the United Arab Emirates.
  4. The previous logo (referred by many as the "Dancing Bunnies") was designed in 1985 by Kim Murray (Montana State University).
  5. "Freedom by Design". NCARB. National Council of Architectural Registration Boards. Retrieved 6 August 2017.
  6. "Get Involved > Freedom by Design". NCARB. National Council of Architectural Registration Boards. Retrieved 6 August 2017.
gollark: I should probably look at using transfer nodes, the dense cobble generators max out at 128 a second each.
gollark: Anyway, this thing does 2304 cobblestone per second.
gollark: Oh cool, CC.
gollark: Me and another person made this extremely overengineered cobble generator, which produces octuple compressed cobblestone.
gollark: I do *some* designs by hand. But this is kind of resource constrained and the magic algorithm™ did a much better job.

See also

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