Abu al-‘Abbās Tha’lab

Tha‘lab (ثعلب), whose kunya was Abū al-‘Abbās Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyā (ابو العباس احمد بن يحيى) (815 – 904) was a renowned authority on grammar, a muhaddith (traditionist), a reciter of poetry, and first scholar of the school of al-Kūfah, and later at Baghdād. He was a keen rival of Al-Mubarrad, the head of the school of al-Baṣrah. Tha‘lab supplied much biographic detail about his contemporary philologists found in the biographical dictionaries produced by later biographers.[3] [4]

Abū al-Abbās Tha’lab (ابو العباس ثعلب)

The Grammarian (النحوي)
Abū al-Abbās Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyā ibn Zayd ibn Zaiyar Tha’lab
Born815 October
Baghdād, Irāq
Died2 April 904(904-04-02) (aged 88)
Cause of deathKnocked down by a horse
Other namesAḥmad ibn Yaḥyā ibn Zayd ibn Sayyar Abū al-‘Abbās Tha‘lab (احمد بن يحيى بن زيد بن سيار ابو العباس ثعلب)[1] and Abū al-‘Abbās Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyā Tha‘lab. [2]
OccupationScholar of philology and educator
Years activeAbbāsid Era
Home townBaghdad
Academic background
InfluencesAl-Farra’, Al-Kisā’ī and Ibn al-A‘rābī.
Academic work
School or traditionGrammarians of Kufa
Main interestsPhilology, Grammar, Lexicography, etc.
InfluencedAl-Akhfash al-Aṣghar, Abū Bakr ibn al-Anbārī and Ghulām Tha'lab


Abū al-Abbās Tha’lab was born in Baghdād and Ibn al-Karāb in his Ta’rīkh ('History’) gives his date of birth as October 815 [third month, 200 AH], others give 816 or 819 [201 AH or 204 AH]. Tha’lab recalled seeing, as a child of four years, the caliph al-Ma’mūn arriving back to the city from Khurāsān in 819/20 (204 AH). The Caliph processed from the Iron Gate towards the Palace of al-Ruṣāfah, and the crowds were lined up as far as al-Muṣalla.[n 1][7] Tha'lab remembered clearly the occasion when the caliph raised him up from his father’s arms and said, ‘This is al-Ma’mūn.’ [8]

Tha'lab was adopted by the military-leader-come-poet Ma’n ibn Zā’idah,[n 2][11][3] of the Banū Shaybān, and became a leading grammarian, philologist traditionist of the Kūfah school.

Tha‘lab recalled his interest in Arabic studies, poetry, and language had begun in 831 (216 AH) at age sixteen and that he had memorised to the letter all of al-Farrā’s works, including Al-Hudūd, by the age of twenty-five. [3] His primary focus was on grammar, poetry, rhetoric, and ‘Al-Nawadir’ (Strange Forms). He associated with, and counselled, Ibn al-A‘rābī for about ten years.

Tha'lab describes an occasion being at the home of Aḥmad ibn Sa’īd with a group of scholars, amongst whom were al-Sukkarī[n 3] and Abū al-‘Āliyah[n 4]. Critiquing the meaning of a poem by al-Shammākh, Ibn al-A'rābī and Aḥmad ibn Sa‘īd showed surprise at Tha'lab’s confidence.

In another anecdote, related by Abū Bakr Aḥmad ibn Mūsā ibn Mujāhid al-Mukri, Tha’lab once expressed concern for his soul as a disciple of Abū Zayd Sa’id ibn Aws al-Anṣārī (d.830) and Abū Amr ibn al-‘Alā (d.770), over the exegetes, traditionists and fuqaha (jurists). However Ibn Mujahid then told him of his dream wherein the Prophet had sent a message to Tha'lab that his was the superior science. Abū Abd Allāh al-Rūdbāri interpreted this to mean that the study of oral language is above all the other sciences – tafsir (exegesis), Ḥadīth (tradition), fiqh (Law) – as it perfects and connects these to discourse.

Tha‘lab, was invited but declined to take a commission by the vizier al-Qāsim to write a commentary on the book Compendium of Speech by Maḥbarah al-Nadīm,[n 5] which the caliph Al-Mu‘taḍid had ordered. He offered instead to work on the Kitāb al-‘Ayn of al-Khalīl, and the commission went to Al-Zajjaj.[14]

On 30th March or 6th April 904 (17 or 10 Jumada al-Awwal 291 AH), being quite deaf, he was knocked down by a horse while walking in the street and died the next day. He was buried in the vicinity of his house near the Damascus Gate in Baghdād.

Tha’lab’s Teachers

  • Ibn al-A‘rābī[3]
  • Al-Zubayr ibn Bakkār (d.870)[15][16]
  • Aḥmad ibn Ibrāhīm[n 6], Abū al-Ḥasan, a calligrapher grammarian, not an author.[17]


Among his books there were:

  • Kitāb al-Muṣūn fī al-Nahw wa-Ja’alah Hudūdān (كتاب المصون في النحو وجعله حدودا) What is ‘Precious’ (Preserved) in Grammar, which he wrote in the form of definitions (ḥudūd);
  • Kitāb Ikhtilāf al-al-Naḥwīyīn (كتاب اختلاف النحوّيين) Points on which grammarians disagree;
  • Kitāb Maʻānī al-Qurʼān (كتاب معانى القران) The Meaning of the Qur’ān;[18]
  • Kitāb al-Muwaffaqa Mukhtaṣir fī al-Nahw (كتاب الموفّقى مختصر في النحو) The Favoured, an abridgment of grammar;
  • Kitāb mā yulaḥan fīhī al-‘Āmma (كتاب ما يلحن فيه العامّة) Faulty Expressions in popular use;
  • Kitāb al-Qirā’āt (كتاب القراءات) Differences between the Seven Readings of the Qur’ān;
  • Kitāb Maʻānī al-Ši‘r (كتاب معانى الشعر) Rare ideas in ancient Arabic poetry;
  • Kitāb al-Taṣgīr (كتاب التصغير) Diminutive Nouns;
  • Kitāb mā Yanṣarif wa mā lā Yanṣaruf (كتاب ما ينصرف وما لا ينصرف) What Is Declined and What Is Not Declined; Parts of Speech which form or do not form other functions;
  • Kitāb mā Yujzā wa mā lā Yujzā (كتاب ما يجْزَى وما لا يجزى) What Is Grammatical and What Is Not Grammatical; Nouns of first declension;
  • Kitāb al-Šawādd (كتاب الشواذّ) Exceptions;
  • Kitāb al-Amthāl (كتاب الامثال) Similes; Collection of Proverbs;
  • Kitāb al-Aiman wa al-Dawahā (كتاب الايمان والدواهى) Oaths and Calamities;
  • Kitāb al-Waqf wa al-Ibtidā’ (كتاب الوقف والابتداء) Start and End of Phrases;
  • Kitāb al-Istikhraj al-Alfāz min al-Akhbār (كتاب استخراج الالفاظ من الاخبار) The Derivation of Expressions from Legends (Historical Traditions);
  • Kitāb al-Hijā’ (كتاب الهجاء) Spelling;
  • Kitāb al-Awsat Ra'aītah (كتاب الاوسط رأيته) Grammar of medium extent;
  • Kitāb Ghuraīb al-Qur’ān Laṭīf (كتاب غريب القرآن لطيف) The Excellent Book of the Strange in the Qur’ān;
  • Kitāb al-Masā’il (كتاب المسائل) Questions discussed;
  • Kitāb ḥadd al-Nahw (كتاب حدّ النحو) Definitions of Grammar;
  • Kitāb Tafsīr Kalām Ibnat al-Khusa (كتاب تفسير كلام ابنه الخسىّ) Exposition of the Statement of Ibnat al-Khus [Hind];[n 7]
  • Kitāb al-Faṣīḥ (كتاب الفصيح) Eloquent Style (‘the Pure’), on philology;[n 8] [20]
  • Kitāb al-Tafsīr al-Qur’ān (كتاب التفسير القرآن) Parsing the Qur’ān; [21]
  • Kitāb al-Qirā’āt li-Tha'lab (كتاب القراءات لثعلب) Al-Qirā’ah of Tha'lab (Qur’ānic Readings);[n 9][22]


Tha'lab is cited as a source for biographies of the following

Grammarians of Baṣrah - Yūnus ibn Ḥabīb,[23] Sībawayh[24] Abū ‘Ubaydah,[25] al-Aṣma’ī,[26] Al-Athram,[n 10] [27]
Grammarians of Kufa - al-Ru’āsī,[28] Al-Zajjāj [29] who wrote the commentary of the Compendium of Speech.

Tha‘lab’s Disciples (pupils)

Abū al-‘Abbās Tha‘lab dictated his discourses on grammar, language, historical traditions, the tafsir (Qur’ānic exegesis), and poetry to his pupils who transmitted his works. Among these were:

  • Ibn Miqsam (ابن مقسم)[30][n 11]; a grammarian and Qur’ānic reader who wrote The Sessions of Tha‘lab. [34]
  • Al-Akhfash al-Asghar (d.927)[35][36]
  • Ibn Durustūyah (ابن درستويه) (ca.871 -958) wrote The Middle Ground between Tha‘lab and al-Akhfash al-Mujāshi’ī, about the meaning of the Qur’ān, and Refutation of Tha‘lab, concerning Tha‘lab's book “Disagreement of Grammarians”.[n 12] [37] [38]
  • Abū Bakr ibn al-Anbārī (ابو بكر ابن الانبارى) (885 - 940) learned grammar from Abū al-'Abbās Tha‘lab [39][40][3]
  • Hārūn Ibn al-Ḥā’ik, a Jew from al-Ḥīrah was an outstanding student of grammatical studies at al-Kūfah and was a pupil of Tha‘lab. [20][41][42]
  • Abū Muḥammad ‘Abd Allāh al-Shamī (the Syrian) a member of the school of al- Kūfah who wrote Collected Questions. [20]
  • Abū ‘Umar al-Zāhid al-Mutarriz (ابو عمر الزاهد), or al-Zāhid ‘The Ascetic’, who was nicknamed ‘’Ghulām Tha'lab’’[n 13] (870 - 957), wrote a commentary on Tha‘lab's Kitāb al-Faṣīḥ.[n 14] [43] [44][3][45][46]
  • Al-Ḥāmiḍ [n 15] was a scholar of al-Baṣrah, a scribe, and close friend of Tha‘lab. [47]
  • Nafṭuwayh[n 16] (ca.858 - 935) learned from Tha‘lab and al-Mubarrad, Muḥammad ibn al-Jahm (d. 895), ‘Ubayd Allāh ibn Isḥāq ibn Salām, and the associates of al-Madā’inī (753 - 846). [48][49][50]
  • Abū ‘Abd Allāh al-Yazīdī[n 17] (ابو عبد الله اليزيدى) (d. 922) preceptor to Caliph Al-Muqtadir

Poets edited by Tha'lab


  1. Sites in the old city of Baghdād on the West Bank of the Tigris. The Bāb al-Ḥadīd (Iron Gate) was a city gate in Baghdād close to a bridge. The Palace of al-Ruṣāfah was built by the Caliph al-Manṣūr for his son, al-Mahdī, completed in 775. The Muṣallā was a place of religious assembly, while the Bāb al-Shām (Damascus Gate), was the double gate on the west side of al-Manṣūr’s Round City.[5] [6]
  2. Ma’n ibn Zā’idah Abū al-Walīd al-Shaybānī. [9][10]
  3. Abū Sa’īd al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥusayn al-Sukkarī (d.888/9). The name is illegible in the Beatty MS of Al-Fihrist, Flügel correctly gives al-Sukkarī. Loosely translated. Aḥmad ibn Sa‘īd was probably Ibn Shāhīn of al-Baṣrah, who like Ibn al-A‘rābī was older than Tha‘lab.
  4. Abū al-‘Āliyah al-Ḥasan ibn Mālik al-Shāmī, 9th-century Syrian poet.[12][13]
  5. Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn ‘Abī ‘Abbād, Abū Ja‘far al-Nadīm, a courtier of Al-Mu‘taḍid.
  6. The name Aḥmad ibn Ibrāhīm is confused with al-Tirmidhī al-Saghīr in Flügel edition of Al-Fihrist.
  7. Hind bint al-Khus al-Iyādīyah was called al-Faṣāhat and was famous for her poetry and wisdom [19]
  8. Title omitted in Beatty MS. The others from Beatty MS and differ from Flügel text.
  9. Al-Qirā’ah interpretative method of Qur’ānic reading and recital. Circa 900 the viziers Muḥammad ibn ‘Alī ibn Muqlah and ‘Alī Ibn ‘Īsā authorised the methods of the Seven Readers and those of other scholars were deemed illegal. Cf Ibn Khaldūn Muqaddimah II, 440.
  10. Al-Athram was a disciple of al-Aṣma’ī and Abū ‘Ubaydah.
  11. Ibn Miqsam, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan ibn Miqsam ibn Ya‘qūb (d. 944),[31][32][33]
  12. The book ’Disagreement of Grammarians’ by Tha‘lab.
  13. Abū ‘Umar Muḥammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wāḥid ibn Hāshim al-Mutarriz, known as al-Zāhid.
  14. The Kitāb al-Faṣīḥ is not listed in the Beatty MS is listed last in Flügel. Yāqūt Irshād VI (2), 153 says the composition of al-Ḥasan ibn Dā‘ūd al-Raqqī was ascribed to Tha‘lab, who only transcribed it. Suyūṭī Bughyat, p. 173 ascribed it both to al-Ḥasan al-Raqqī and Ibn al-Sikkīt.
  15. Abū Mūsā Sulaymān ibn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Ḥāmiḍ may have been a copyist apprentice, and bookshop owner, who authored some books and probably transcribed for Tha‘lab.
  16. Nafṭuwayh, or Nifṭawayh, Abū ‘Abd Allāh Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad ibn ‘Urfah ibn Sulaymān ibn Mughayrah ibn Ḥabīb ibn al-Muhallab al-‘Atakī al-Azdī.
  17. Al-Yazīdī, Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muḥammad ibn al-‘Abbās ibn Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn Mubārak [51][52]
  18. Al-A’shā al-Kābir, Maymūn ibn Qays, Abū Baṣīr, poet who joined the Prophet Muḥammad. He died at Yamāmah.
  19. Al-Nābighatān, “the two Nābighahs”; Al-Nābighah al-Dhubyānī and Al-Nābighah al-Ja’di.
  20. Ṭufayl ibn ‘Awf al-Ghanawī, poet of the Jahiliyyah.
  21. Al-Ṭirimmāḥ ibn Ḥakīm, 8th-century poet from Damascus who lived at al-Kūfah.
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  1. This name is given by Ibn al-Kūfī.
  2. Name given by Abū ‘Abd Allāh al-Ḥasan ibn ‘Alī ibn Muqlah.
  3. Khallikān (Ibn) 1843, p. 83, I.
  4. Nadīm (al-) 1970, pp. 86, 191, 345, 348.
  5. Le Strange 1900, p. 204, Baghdād.
  6. Baghdādī (Al-Khaṭīb al-) 1904, pp. pp 47, 89, 102, 153, 155, 170..
  7. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 162.
  8. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 163.
  9. Khallikān (Ibn) 1868, pp. 398-408, III.
  10. Iṣbahānī (al-) 1900, pp. 42-6, Aghānī, IX.
  11. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 359.
  12. Khallikān (Ibn) 1843, p. 126, II.
  13. Jacut 1866, p. 692, Geog, I.
  14. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 132.
  15. Khallikān (Ibn) 1843, pp. 83, 531, I.
  16. Nadīm (al-) 1970, pp. 242-4.
  17. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 176.
  18. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 77, 163.
  19. Kaḥḥālah, p. 231, A’lām al-Nisā’, V.
  20. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 164.
  21. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 75.
  22. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 78.
  23. Nadīm (al-) 1970, pp. 92-3.
  24. Nadīm (al-) 1970, pp. 111-2.
  25. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 115.
  26. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 119.
  27. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 122.
  28. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 141.
  29. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 131.
  30. Taghrī-Birdī (Ibn) 1963, p. 116.
  31. Ziriklī (al-) 1999, p. 81, VI.
  32. Khallikān (Ibn) 1868, p. 47, n., III.
  33. Flügel 1872, p. 33, 2.
  34. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 74.
  35. Khallikān (Ibn) 1843, pp. 83, 244, I.
  36. Nadīm (al-) 1970, pp. 139, 182.
  37. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 77.
  38. Nadīm (al-) 1970, pp. 137-8.
  39. Khallikān (Ibn) 1868, pp. 53-5, III.
  40. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 165.
  41. Yāqūt 1927, p. 234, VI (7).
  42. Zubaydī 1954, p. 168, Ṭabaqāt.
  43. Flügel 1871, p. 648 (74), II.
  44. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 166.
  45. Khallikān (Ibn) 1868, pp. 43-8, III.
  46. Nadīm (al-) 1970, pp. 166-8.
  47. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 173.
  48. Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 178, 431.
  49. Khallikān (Ibn) 1843, p. 26, I.
  50. Zubaydī (al-) 1954, p. 171, Ṭabaqāt.
  51. Nadīm (al-) 1970, pp. 109-11, 164, 1128.
  52. Khallikān (Ibn) 1866, p. 50, III.
  53. Qutaybah (Ibn) 1904, p. 135, Shir.
  54. Iṣbahānī (al-) 1868, p. 77, Aghānī, VIII.
  55. Nadīm 1970, pp. 164-6, 173, 345, 964.
  56. Nadīm (al-) 1970, pp. 164, n.79; 1067..
  57. Iṣbahānī (al-) 1868, p. 88, Aghānī, XIV.
  58. Nadīm (al-) 1970, pp. 164, 346, 564, 1112.
  59. Iṣbahānī (al-) 1900, p. 156, Aghānī, X.
  60. Tammām (Abū) 1846, p. 65, §51.


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