2016 Summer Paralympics Parade of Nations
During the Parade of Nations at the opening ceremony of the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games, athletes from each participating country paraded in the Maracanã Stadium, preceded by its flag and placard barrier. Each flag bearer had been chosen either by the nation's National Paralympic Committee or by the athletes themselves.
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Parade order
All nations paraded in an alphabetical order in Brazilian Portuguese, except the host country, Brazil, who entered last.
Countries and flag bearers
The following is a list of all parading countries with their respective flag bearer, sorted in the order they appeared in the parade.[1] This is sortable by country name under which they entered, the flag bearer's name, or the flag bearer's sport. Names are given as were officially designated by the IPC.
Order | Nation | Brazilian Portuguese name | Flag bearer | Sport |
1 | Atletas Paralímpicos Independentes | Ibrahim Al Hussein | Swimming | |
2 | Afeganistão | Naiem Durani | Athletics | |
3 | África do Sul | Ntombizanele Situ | Athletics | |
4 | Alemanha | Markus Rehm | Athletics | |
5 | Angola | Esperança Gicaso | Athletics | |
6 | Arábia Saudita | Asaad Sharaheli | Athletics | |
7 | Argélia | Madjid Djemai | Athletics | |
8 | Argentina | Gustavo Fernández | Wheelchair tennis | |
9 | Armênia | Greta Vardanyan | Powerlifting | |
10 | Aruba | Jesús David de Marchena Acevedo | Swimming | |
11 | Austrália | Bradley Ness | Wheelchair basketball | |
12 | Áustria | Wolfgang Eibeck | Cycling | |
13 | Azerbaijão | Ilham Zakiyev | Judo | |
14 | Bareine | Fatema Nedham | Athletics | |
15 | Belarus | Aliaksandr Tryputs | Athletics | |
16 | Bélgica | Sven Decaesstecker | Swimming | |
17 | Benim | Cosme Akpovi | Athletics | |
18 | Bermuda | Jessica Cooper Lewis | Athletics | |
19 | Bósnia e Herzegovina | Dzenita Klico | Athletics | |
20 | Botsuana | Keatlaretse Mabote | Athletics | |
21 | Bulgária | Ivanka Koleva | Athletics | |
22 | Burkina Faso | Jacques Ouedraogo | Athletics | |
23 | Burundi | Remy Nikobimeze | Athletics | |
24 | Cabo Verde | Márcio Fernandes | Athletics | |
25 | Camarões | Christian Gobe | Athletics | |
26 | Camboja | Vun Van | Athletics | |
27 | Canadá | David Eng | Wheelchair basketball | |
28 | Catar | Mohammed Rashid Al-Kubaisi | Athletics | |
29 | Cazaquistão | Anuar Akhmetov | Swimming | |
30 | República Centro-Africana | Roddy-Mickael Stephane Mokolongo | Athletics | |
31 | Chile | Juan Carlos Garrido | Powerlifting | |
32 | República Popular da China | Rong Jing | Wheelchair fencing | |
33 | Chipre | Karolina Pelendritou | Swimming | |
34 | Colômbia | Nelson Crispin Corzo | Swimming | |
35 | Congo | Bardy Chris Bouesso | Athletics | |
36 | República Democrática do Congo | Rosette Luyina Kiese | Athletics | |
37 | República da Coreia | Lee Ha-gel | Wheelchair tennis | |
38 | Costa do Marfim | Alidou Diamoutene | Powerlifting | |
39 | Costa Rica | Leonel Solis | Cycling | |
40 | Croácia | Branimir Budetić | Athletics | |
41 | Cuba | Dalidaivis Rodriguez | Judo | |
42 | Dinamarca | Annika Lykke Dalskov Risum | Equestrian | |
43 | República Dominicana | Jose Frank Rodriguez | Cycling | |
44 | Egito | Metwaly Mathna | Powerlifting | |
45 | El Salvador | Herbert Aceituno | Powerlifting | |
46 | Emirados Árabes Unidos | Mohamed Al-Hammadi | Athletics | |
47 | Equador | Poleth Isamar Mendes Sanchez | Athletics | |
48 | Eslováquia | Jan Riapos | Table tennis | |
49 | Eslovênia | Gorazd Francek Tirsek | Shooting | |
50 | Espanha | José Manuel Ruiz Reyes | Table tennis | |
51 | Estados Unidos da América | Allison Jones | Cycling | |
52 | Estônia | Sirly Tiik | Athletics | |
53 | Etiópia | Tamiru Demisse | Athletics | |
54 | Ex-República Iugoslava da Macedônia | Olivera Nakovska-Bikova | Shooting | |
55 | Ilhas Feroé | Krista Mørkøre | Swimming | |
56 | Fiji | Merewalesi Roden | Table tennis | |
57 | Filipinas | Josephine Medina | Table tennis | |
58 | Finlândia | Katja Karjalainen | Equestrian | |
59 | França | Michaël Jeremiasz | Wheelchair tennis | |
60 | Gabão | Edmond Ngombi | Athletics | |
61 | Gâmbia | Jarju Demba | Athletics | |
62 | Gana | Yusif Amadu | Athletics | |
63 | Geórgia | Zviad Gogotchuri | Judo | |
64 | Grã-Bretanha | Lee Pearson | Equestrian | |
65 | Grécia | Grigorios Polychronidis | Boccia | |
66 | Guatemala | Oscar Raxon Siquiej | Athletics | |
67 | Guiné | Mohamed Sanoussy Camara | Athletics | |
68 | Guiné-Bissau | Cesar Lopes Cardoso | Athletics | |
69 | Haiti | Jean Indris Santerre | Athletics | |
70 | Honduras | Emmanuel Diaz | Swimming | |
71 | Hong Kong, China | Yu Chui Yee | Wheelchair fencing | |
72 | Hungria | Gitta Raczko | Swimming | |
73 | Índia | Devendra Jhajharia | Athletics | |
74 | Indonésia | Agus Ngaimin | Swimming | |
75 | República Islâmica do Irã | Eshrat Kordestani | Sitting volleyball | |
76 | Iraque | Rasool Mohsin | Powerlifting | |
77 | Irlanda | John Twomey | Sailing | |
78 | Islândia | Jon Margeir Sverrisson | Swimming | |
79 | Israel | Shraga Weinberg | Wheelchair tennis | |
80 | Itália | Martina Caironi | Athletics | |
81 | Jamaica | Shane Hudson | Athletics | |
82 | Japão | Yui Kamiji | Wheelchair tennis | |
83 | Jordânia | Khetam Abuawad | Table tennis | |
84 | Kuwait | Hamad Aladwani | Athletics | |
85 | República Popular Democrática do Laos | Pia Pia | Powerlifting | |
86 | Lesoto | Litsitso Khotlele | Athletics | |
87 | Letônia | Diana Dadzite | Athletics | |
88 | Líbia | Ghazalah Alaqouri | Powerlifting | |
89 | Lituânia | Edgaras Matakas | Swimming | |
90 | Luxemburgo | Joel Wagener | Cycling | |
91 | Macau, China | Chen Yu Chia | Swimming | |
92 | Madagascar | Revelinot Raherinandrasana | Athletics | |
93 | Malásia | Abdul Latif Romly | Athletics | |
94 | Maláui | Taonere Banda | Athletics | |
95 | Mali | Oumar Sidibe | Athletics | |
96 | Malta | Vladyslava Kravchenko | Swimming | |
97 | Marrocos | Azeddine Nouiri | Athletics | |
98 | Maurício | Scody Victor | Swimming | |
99 | México | Nely Miranda | Athletics | |
100 | Moçambique | Edmilsa Governo | Athletics | |
101 | República da Moldova | Larisa Marinenkova | Powerlifting | |
102 | Mongólia | Dambadondogiin Baatarjav | Archery | |
103 | Montenegro | Ilija Tadić | Swimming | |
104 | Myanmar | Aung Myint Myat | Swimming | |
105 | Namíbia | Johanna Benson | Athletics | |
106 | Nepal | Bikram Rana | Athletics | |
107 | Nicarágua | Gabriel de Jesus Cuadra Holmann | Athletics | |
108 | Níger | Ibrahim Dayabou | Athletics | |
109 | Nigéria | Lucy Ejike | Powerlifting | |
110 | Noruega | Bjornar Erikstad | Sailing | |
111 | Nova Zelândia | Holly Robinson | Athletics | |
112 | Omã | Raya Al'abri | Athletics | |
113 | Países Baixos | Marlou van Rhijn | Athletics | |
114 | Palestina | Husam Azzam | Athletics | |
115 | Panamá | Francisco Cedeno Almengor | Athletics | |
116 | Papua Nova Guiné | Joyleen Jeffrey | Athletics | |
117 | Paquistão | Haider Ali | Shooting | |
118 | Peru | Israel Hilario Rimas | Cycling | |
119 | Polônia | Rafał Wilk | Cycling | |
120 | Porto Rico | Paola Alexandra Acuna Sanchez | Swimming | |
121 | Portugal | José Carlos Macedo | Boccia | |
122 | Quênia | Henry Kirwa | Athletics | |
123 | Quirguistão | Zhyrgalbek Orosbaev | Powerlifting | |
124 | República Popular Democrática da Coreia | Song Kum-jong | Athletics | |
125 | Romênia | Carol-Eduard Novak | Cycling | |
126 | Ruanda | Hermas Muvunyi | Athletics | |
127 | Samoa | Maggie Aiono | Athletics | |
128 | São Tomé e Príncipe | Alex Anjos | Athletics | |
129 | Seicheles | Cyril Charles | Athletics | |
130 | Senegal | Youssoupha Diouf | Wrestling | |
131 | Serra Leoa | George Wyndham | Table tennis | |
132 | Sérvia | Borislava Perić-Ranković | Table tennis | |
133 | Singapura | Yip Pin Xiu | Swimming | |
134 | República Árabe da Síria | Mohamad Mohamad | Athletics | |
135 | Somália | Farhan Adawe | Athletics | |
136 | Sri Lanka | Anil Prasanna Jayalath Yodha Pedige | Athletics | |
137 | Suécia | Maja Reichard | Swimming | |
138 | Suíça | Sandra Graf | Athletics | |
139 | Suriname | Biondi Misasi | Athletics | |
140 | Tadjiquistão | Romikhudo Dodikhudoev | Athletics | |
141 | Tailândia | Rawat Tana | Athletics | |
142 | Taipé Chinesa | Lin Tzu-hui | Powerlifting | |
143 | República Unida da Tanzânia | Ignas Mtweve | Athletics | |
144 | República Tcheca | Jiří Ježek | Cycling | |
145 | República Democrática de Timor-Leste | Antonio Mendonca | Athletics | |
146 | Togo | Aliou Bawa | Powerlifting | |
147 | Tonga | Ana Pela Talakai | Athletics | |
148 | Trinidad e Tobago | Akeem Stewart | Athletics | |
149 | Tunísia | Hania Aidi | Athletics | |
150 | Turcomenistão | Sergey Meladze | Powerlifting | |
151 | Turquia | Mesme Taşbağ | Judo | |
152 | Ucrânia | Margaryta Pryvalykhina | Sitting volleyball | |
153 | Uganda | David Emong | Athletics | |
154 | Uruguai | Henry Borges | Judo | |
155 | Uzbequistão | Doniyor Saliev | Athletics | |
156 | Venezuela | Sol Rojas | Athletics | |
157 | Vietnã | Nguyễn Thành Trung | Swimming | |
158 | Ilhas Virgens Americanas | Ivan Espinosa | Athletic | |
159 | Zimbábue | Takudzwa Gwariro | Rowing | |
160 | Brasil | Shirlene Coelho | Athletics |
gollark: Go Nuclear Power!
gollark: I for one would be more annoyed about the terrorists if they ended up causing disproportionate responses which hurt everyone...oh wait.
gollark: Like, bigly a lot, literally.
gollark: There's a lot of water, though.
gollark: *Don't be like Sinthorion*
- "Full list of flag bearers for opening ceremony of Rio 2016 Paralympic Games". Rio2016.com. International Paralympic Committee. 7 September 2016. Archived from the original on 15 September 2016. Retrieved 12 September 2016.
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