1971 in anime


English name Japanese name Type Demographic Regions
Hippo and Thomasカバトット - KabatottoTVJA
Hans Christian Andersen Storiesアンデルセン物語 - Andersen MonogatariTVJA, NA, EU
Chingou Muchabee珍豪ムチャ兵衛 - Chingou MuchabeeTVJA
Attack No.1: Namida no FushichouアタックNo.1 涙の不死鳥 - Attack No.1: Namida no FushichouMovieTV
Animal Treasure Islandどうぶつ宝島 - Doubutsu TakarajimaMovieJA
Demon of the Kick Movieキックの鬼 Kick no OniMovieJA
Animentary: The Decisionアニメンタリー 決断 - KetsudanTVJA
Wandering Sunさすらいの太陽 - Sasurai no TaiyouTVJA
Alibaba and the Forty Thievesアリババと40匹の盗賊 - Ali Baba to 40-hiki no TouzokuMovieJA
Shin Obake no Q-taro新オバケのQ太郎 - Shin Obake no Q-taroTVJA
Genius Bakabon天才バカボン - Tensai BakabonTVJA
The Instructive Trip Around the World世界ものしり旅行 - Sekai Monoshiri RyokoTVJA
Marvelous Melmoふしぎなメルモ - Fushigi na MelmoTVJA
Sarutobi Ecchanさるとびエッちゃん - Sarutobi EcchanTVJA
Apache Baseball Teamアパッチ野球軍 - Apache YakyuugunTVJA
Kunimatsu-sama no Otoridai国松さまのお通りだい - Kunimatsu-sama no OtoridaiTVJA
Gegege no Kitarouゲゲゲの鬼太郎 - Gegege no KitarouTVJA
Lupin IIIルパン三世 - Rupan SanseiTVJA
Ryu the Primitive Boy原始少年リュウ 0 Genshi Shonen RyuTVJA
The Little Match Girlマッチ売りの少女 - Match Uri no ShoujoMovieJA
gollark: I mean, it's implemented in shellscripts so it probably isn't exactly very safe quotingwise.
gollark: I wonder how vulnerable the competition system is to XSS.
gollark: So basically they don't.
gollark: Well, they exist but they're bad.
gollark: Yes. No other languages exist.

See also

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