1966 in anime


English name Japanese name Type Demographic Regions
Osomatsu-kunおそ松くん - Osomatsu-kunTVJA
Rainbow Battle Teamレインボー戦隊ロビン - Rainbow Sentai RobinTVJA
Pirate Prince海賊王子 - Kaizoku OujiTVJA
Harisu no Kazeハリスの旋風 - Harisu no KazeTVJA
Asteroid Mask遊星仮面 - Yuusei KamenTVJA
Cyborg 009 Movieサイボーグ009 - Cyborg 009MovieJA
Jungle Emperor Leo Movieジャングル大帝 劇場版 - Jungle Taitei MovieMovieJA
Robotanロボタン - RobotanTVJA
Onward Leo!ジャングル大帝・進めレオ - Jungle Taitei: Susume Leo!TVJA, NA
Hang On! Marine Kidがんばれ!マリンキッド - Ganbare! Marine KidTVJA
Pictures at an Exhibition展覧会の絵 - Tenrankai no EMovieJA
Jump Out! Batchiriとびだせ! バッチリ - Tobidase! BacchiriTVJA
Sally the Witch魔法使いサリー - Mahou Tsukai SallyTVJA
Chim Chim Cher-eeチムチムチェリー - Chimuchimucheri ChimChimChereeShortJA
The Fool殺人狂時代 - Au Fou!ShortJA
The Woodpecker Planキツツキ計画 - Kitsutsuki KeikakuShortJA
Welcome, Aliensようこそ宇宙人 Youkoso UchuujinShortJA
gollark: You.
gollark: The best dragons of all are Xenowyrms! Chrono Xenowyrms!
gollark: Traitor!
gollark: Also, I don't know how, but the name `The Future` was free.
gollark: S2 tinsel hatchlings look wēird.

See also

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