1950 in philosophy





gollark: At http://rust-is.cool, obviously.
gollark: r u s t w i k i
gollark: Needs more Rust.
gollark: Yes, I have that app.
gollark: ```glsl#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGHprecision highp float;#elseprecision mediump float;#endifuniform vec2 resolution;uniform float time;float chunk(float x, float to) { return floor(x / to) * to;}float rescale(float x) { return (x + 1.) / 2.;}void main(void) { vec2 u = gl_FragCoord.xy; vec2 c = vec2( chunk(u.x, 50.), chunk(u.y, 50.) ); vec2 uv = c / resolution.xy; gl_FragColor = vec4( uv, rescale(sin(time)), 1.0 );}```GlsL.


  1. "The Nobel Prize in Literature 1950 - Bertrand Russell". Nobelprize.org. Retrieved 11 February 2013.
  2. Poli, Roberto. "Nicolai Hartmann". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP). Retrieved 11 February 2013.
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