1932 Auckland Rugby League season

The 1932 season was the 24th season of the Auckland Rugby League.

Devonport United won the Senior grade with a 7 win, 2 draw, and 1 loss record ahead of Marist Old Boys and Ponsonby United. They were the dominant team and their only loss came in the final round when they had already secured their second title first having won it in 1928. Marist Old Boys stuffed their trophy cabinet when they won the Roope Rooster (defeating City Rovers 28–8), Stormont Shield (defeating Devonport United 15–8), and Max Jaffe Cup for finishing runner up in the Senior Championship (they beat Ponsonby United in a playoff after both teams tied for second by 37 to 8). City Rovers won the Thistle Cup after beating Devonport in the final by 22 to 19 after both teams finished with 8 competitions points in the second round thus forcing a playoff for the Cup. Richmond won the Davis Shield after their lower grade teams combined for the most competition points in Auckland. This was remarkably their 10th win in the Shields 12 year history.

In the reserve grade Richmond Reserves won with an 8 win, 2 loss record, with Ponsonby Reserves finishing runner up. The Marist Old Boys club added yet another trophy to their season haul with their reserve grade team winning the Stallard Cup (awarded to the reserve grade knockout winners) when they beat Devonport Reserves by 12–6 in the final.

The representative program was marked by a match between Auckland and the touring England team. In a very competitive match Auckland went down by 14 to 19. Aside from this fixture Auckland did not play any other full representative matches. An Auckland XIII played a match against South Auckland where they won 29 to 13, and a series of trial matches such as North Island v South Island and Probables v Possibles matches were played featuring many Auckland players.

Preceded by
24th Auckland Rugby League season
Succeeded by

Fox Memorial Shield (Senior Grade Championship)

Senior Grade Standings

Team Pld W D L F A Pts
Devonport United 1072113010416
Marist Old Boys 1052312910512
Ponsonby United 1060415915712
City Rovers 103251341648
Richmond Rovers 103071161356
Newton Rangers 102261051086

Senior Grade Fixtures

All Round 2 Senior matches were postponed due to heavy rain on the Saturday morning.[27]

Following the Round 3 match between Marist and Ponsonby there was a protest by the Ponsonby club asking for a replay. Near the end of the game with Ponsonby leading an offside player (Clarke) from a kick recovered the ball without Frank Delgrosso, the Ponsonby fullback touching the ball. The player then ran in a try untouched and Marist went on to add to their score. The incident saw the referee jeered by the spectators for some time. The Auckland Rugby League were not interested in a replay as it was a matter of a possible refereeing error rather than an incorrect rule interpretation.[28] In Round 9 it was decided to play the reserve and senior matches between Ponsonby and City at the Northcote municipal ground at Stafford Park to help raise funds for the Northcote relief fund as the depression was in full swing by this time.[29] A sum of nearly £7 was raised for the Northcote Relief Committee as a result of the collection taken up at the match.[30]

The Round 10 matches were postponed due to heavy rain. This created scheduling issues with the need to select an Auckland team and New Zealand team to play against the touring England side in addition to finding opponents to play the victorious Northern Union Cup winners.[31]

1932 Senior Grade Results
Date Score Score Venue
Round 1 30 Apr [32] Devonport18Ponsonby10Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
30 AprNewton18City5Auckland Domain # 2, 3pm
30 AprRichmond5Marist0Carlaw Park # 2, 3pm
Round 2 14 May [33] Devonport14Richmond9Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
14 MayMarist12City2Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
14 MayPonsonby8Newton6Carlaw Park # 2, 3pm
Round 3 21 May [34] Marist23Ponsonby12Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
21 MayRichmond16City6Carlaw Park # 2, 3pm
21 MayDevonport8Newton8Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
Round 4 28 May [35] Marist11Devonport11Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
28 MayNewton15Richmond13Carlaw Park # 2, 3pm
28 MayPonsonby30City13Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
Round 5 4 June [36] Marists13Newton10Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
4 JunePonsonby25Richmond22Carlaw Park #2, 3pm
4 JuneDevonport21City17Devonport, 3pm
Round 6 11 June [37] Devonport7Ponsonby3Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
11 JuneMarist21Richmond13Carlaw Park # 2, 3pm
11 JuneCity13Newton13Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
Round 7 18 June [38] Ponsonby7Newton5Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
18 JuneCity13Marist13Carlaw Park # 2, 3pm
18 JuneDevonport13Richmond5Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
Round 8 25 June [39] Ponsonby26Marist21Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
25 JuneDevonport18Newton17Carlaw Park # 2, 3pm
25 JuneCity14Richmond10Carlaw Park # 2, 1:30pm
Round 9 2 July [40] Devonport7Marist5Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
2 JulyRichmond13Newton6Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
2 JulyCity32Ponsonby18Stafford Park, Northcote, 3pm
Round 10 13 Aug [41] City19Devonport13Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
13 AugPonsonby20Richmond11Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
13 AugMarist10Newton6Ellerslie, 3pm

Roope Rooster Knockout Competition

In the Round 1 match between Ponsonby and Newton three players were ordered off in the second half, two from Ponsonby (Lunn and Stevens) one from Newton (Neville St George).

1932 Roope Rooster Results
Date Score Score Venue
Round 1 27 Aug [42] City21Richmond14Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
27 AugPonsonby36Newton10Carlaw Park # 2, 1:30pm
Semi Final 3 Sep [43] City20Ponsonby17Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
Semi Final 3 SepMarist19Devonport18Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
Final 10 Sep [44] Marist28City8Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm

Stormont Shield

Devonport United led the Stormont Shield match until about 5 minutes from time when Marist Old Boys scored the go ahead try in the corner. A large number of spectators had encroached on the field and Devonport argued that the match should be replayed but this was refused. Arguments were put forward about what could be done to keep spectators from the field as it was a recurring problem at Carlaw Park, especially with matches on the #2 field where fans would often walk across it after the #1 field match was completed despite the match on #2 still being in progress.[45]

Stormont Shield Result
Date Score Score Venue
Final 17 Sep [46] Marist15Devonport8Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm

Thistle Cup Final

This was the first occasion that the Thistle Cup had been decided by a final. It was a trophy awarded to the team which accrued the most competition points in the second round of the championship. Both City and Devonport finished with 8 competition points (City secured 3 wins and 2 draws to Devonports 4 wins and 1 loss). City had to defeat Devonport in Round 10 of the championship to force this match and they repeated the result in the final by winning 22–19.

Thistle Cup Result
Date Score Score Venue
Final 25 Sep [47] City22Devonport19Carlaw Park # 1, 3:15pm

Max Jaffe Cup Charity Match

The Max Jaffe Cup was awarded to the team which finished runner up in the championship. As Marist Old Boys and Ponsonby United were tied a playoff was required.

Jaffe Cup Result
Date Score Score Venue
Jaffe Cup Result 8 Oct [48] Marist37Ponsonby8Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm

Senior Reserve Grade Standings

Team Pld W D L F A Pts
Richmond Rovers Reserves 10802694416
Ponsonby United Reserves 10712772615
Marist Old Boys Reserves 10513963911
Devonport United Reserves 1041490659
City Rovers Reserves 10117341193
Newton Rangers Reserves 10108451182

Senior Reserve Grade Fixtures

Round 10 was postponed due to heavy rain prior to and on the day of the matches. The Round 10 match between Ponsonby Reserves and Richmond Reserves decided the title. Richmond won 8 to 3 in a match which later caused major controversy as several Ponsonby players played in the match and then belatedly made their way to Carlaw Park to play for the senior side. This meant that the senior match was 20 minutes late kicking off and the players involved were suspended by their club.[49] The coach, Mr. F. C. White later took responsibility for the decision.[50] The reserve grade team met and made a lengthy statement about their situation and actions. They felt that they had been treated unjustly and were upset with the management of the Ponsonby club during the season.[51] Ponsonby decided to disqualify the reserve grade coach, Mr. F. C. White from his position as coach and as club vice-president for his role in the saga.[52] The situation dragged on for several weeks with Auckland Rugby League seeking explanations from the Ponsonby club as the players in particular pleaded their case and the sanctions were largely applied by the club rather than the league.

As reporting of the reserve grade was usually limited to just the results there were weeks where results were missing altogether. The Round 5 results were not reported, and the Round 9 match between Newton and Richmond was not reported though Richmond were the winners. They were also the winners of the Round 5 match over Devonport which was crucial in enabling them to win the championship.

1932 Senior Reserve Results
Date Score Score Venue
Round 1 30 Apr [53] Ponsonby6Devonport0Carlaw Park # 1, 1:45pm
30 AprCity8Newton7Auckland Domain # 2, 2pm
30 AprRichmond5Marist0Carlaw Park # 2, 2pm
Round 2 14 May [54] Richmond3Devonport2Auckland Domain # 2, 1:30pm
14 MayMarist20City0Auckland Domain # 3, 3pm
14 MayPonsonby36Newton6Carlaw Park # 2, 1:30pm
Round 3 21 May [55] Ponsonby3Marist2Auckland Domain # 2, 1:30pm
21 MayRichmond18City2Carlaw Park # 2, 1:30pm
21 MayDevonport20Newton3Auckland Domain # 2, 3pm
Round 4 28 May [56] Marist15Devonport5Carlaw Park # 2, 1:30pm
28 MayRichmond6Newton3Auckland Domain, 1:30pm
28 MayPonsonby10City2Auckland Domain, 3pm
Round 5 4 JuneNewton?Marist?Carlaw Park # 2, 1:30pm
4 JunePonsonbyLRichmondWCarlaw Park #1, 1:30pm
4 JuneDevonport?City?Devonport, 1:30pm
Round 6 11 June [57]Ponsonby3Devonport2Auckland Domain #2, 1:30pm
11 JuneMarist18Richmond11Carlaw Park #2, 1:30pm
11 JuneNewton11City3Auckland Domain # 2, 3pm 1:30pm
Round 7 18 June [58] Marist19City3Carlaw Park # 2, 1:30pm
18 JunePonsonby6Newton0Auckland Domain # 1, 1:30pm
18 JuneDevonport9Richmond5Auckland Domain # 1, 3pm
Round 8 25 June [59] Ponsonby2Marist0Auckland Domain # 2, 1:30pm
25 JuneDevonport27Newton15Carlaw Park # 2, 1:30pm
25 JuneRichmond13City5Auckland Domain # 2, 3pm
Round 9 2 July [60] Devonport10Marist10Carlaw Park # 2, 1:30pm
2 JulyRichmondWNewtonLCarlaw Park # 2, 3pm
2 JulyCity6Ponsonby6Stafford Park, Northcote, 2pm
Round 10 13 Aug [61] Devonport15City5Auckland Domain # 1, 1:45pm
13 AugRichmond8Ponsonby5Auckland Domain # 1, 1:30pm
13 AugMarist12Newton0Ellerslie 2pm

Stallard Cup Knockout Competition

1932 Stallard Cup Results
Date Score Score Venue
Round 1 27 Aug [62] Richmond18City11Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
27 AugNewton14Ponsonby8Carlaw Park # 2, 1:30pm
Semi Final 2 Sep [63] Devonport24Newton9Carlaw Park # 2, 1:30pm
Semi Final 2 SepMarist13Richmond5Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
Final 9 Sep [64] Marist12Devonport6Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm

Other Club Matches and Lower Grades

Lower Grade Clubs

The Davis Shield awarded to the club with the most competition points in lower grades was again awarded to Richmond. Since it had been awarded for the first time in 1921 they had won it every single year except for 1924 when City Rovers won it and 1931 when Marist Old Boys won it.[65]

Papakura won the Wright Shield for taking out the Second Grade, Ponsonby won the Third Grade Open and were awarded the Hayward Shield, Northcote’s Third Intermediate team won the Walker Cup, Point Chevalier won the Fourth Grade Hospital Cup, City Rovers won the Fifth Grade Endean Shield, Richmond won the Sixth Grade Banner and the Seventh Grade Myers Cup. The Myers Cup was the trophy originally awarded to the winners of the Senior Championship in its formative years. Knockout Trophies went to: Mangere (Second Grade), Richmond (Third Open), Marist (Third Intermediate), Akarana (Fourth Grade), Newton (Fifth Grade), and Richmond (Sixth and Seventh Grades). The Davis Shield for junior points went to Richmond with Marist in second place. This was the third year in a row that these two clubs finished in the top two positions.[66]

Grades were made of the following teams with the winning team in bold:

  • Second Grade: Devonport, Ellerslie, Mangere, Mount Albert, Northcote, Otahuhu, Papakura, Point Chevalier, Ponsonby (Won by Papakura who defeated Otahuhu in an extra match to decide the title by 5 points to 2, while Mangere beat Mount Albert 18–15 in the knockout final, this match was played at Onehunga and used to raise funds for the newly reformed Manukau Rugby League team.
  • Third Grade Open: Akarana, Glenora, Marist, Mount Albert, Papakura, Ponsonby, Richmond (Won by Ponsonby with Richmond runnersup).
  • Third Grade Intermediate: Akarana, City, Devonport, Marist, Mount Albert, Northcote, Richmond (Won by Northcote with City runnersup)
  • Fourth Grade: Akarana, Marist, Newton, Otahuhu, Papakura, Point Chevalier, Ponsonby, Richmond (Won by Point Chevalier with Akarana runnersup, the knockout cup was won by Akarana who defeated Papakura).
  • Fifth Grade: Akarana, City, Devonport, Ellerslie, Marist A, Marist B, Newton, Northcote A, Northcote B, Papakura, Papatoetoe, Point Chevalier, Richmond (Knockout final won by Newton 3–0 over Northcote).
  • Sixth Grade: City, Mangere, Northcote, Point Chevalier, Richmond A, Richmond B (Won by Richmond A with City runnersup, Richmond A also won the knockout cup).
  • Seventh Grade: Devonport, Ellerslie, Mangere, Richmond A, Richmond B (Won by Richmond A who were ten points clear of Devonport and had amassed 333 points without having their line crossed.[67]
  • Schoolboy Grade with competition points in brackets of the top 3 teams: Avondale, City, Devonport (19), Ellerslie (29), Newton (27), Northcote, Otahuhu, Papatoetoe, Richmond (Won by Ellerslie who beat Newton in the final 3–0).

Other Notable Matches

Prior to the start of the season a carnival was held to raise money for the Auckland City Mission. Marist and Ponsonby played matches with both their senior and senior reserve sides.

On 9 September Ponsonby and Devonport played an exhibition match at Pukekura Park in New Plymouth where plans were underway to form a league competition. A large crowd attended and saw a fast paced match which ended in a 28 all draw.

On 17 October a charity match was played between Marist and a combined Auckland club team to raise funds for the Richmond player Trevor Hall to enable him to return to England due to family circumstances.

List of Matches
Date Score Score Venue Attendance
Auckland City Mission Fundraising Matches 23 Apr [68] Marist5Ponsonby3Carlaw Park # 1, 3:30pm
Auckland City Mission Fundraising Matches 23 AprPonsonby Reserves7Marist Reserves5Carlaw Park # 1, 2:30pm
Exhibition Match 9 Sep [69]Devonport28Ponsonby28Pukekura Park, New Plymouth, 3pm5,000
Exhibition Match 17 Sep [70] Taupiri12City Reserves17
Exhibition Match 25 Sep [71] Hamilton10Richmond28Hinemoa Park, Hamilton, 3pm
Exhibition Match 25 Sep [72] Kaikohe16Mount Albert19Kaikohe
Exhibition Match 3 Oct [73] Taranaki25Marist17New Plymouth
10 Oct [74] Hikurangi-Waro5Newton18Hikurangi
Hanlon Benefit Match 17 Oct [75] Marist27Combined Auckland Club Team16Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm

Representative Fixtures

The first representative match of 1932 was between an Auckland XIII and South Auckland as part of the selection process for the upcoming England tour. Lord Bledisoe was in attendance at the match, this was the second time he had attended a Rugby League match at Carlaw Park.[76]

1932 Auckland Representative Fixtures
Date Score Score Venue Attendance
Representative Fixture 16 July [77] Auckland XIII29South Auckland13Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm
Trial Match 16 July [78] Probables26Possibles12Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
New Zealand Trial Match – Lipscombe Shield 23 July [79] North Island27South Island18Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm15,000
New Zealand Trial Match 23 July [80] Probables16Possibles37Carlaw Park # 1, 1:30pm
Inter-Provincial Sunshine Cup Charity Match 2 Oct [81] South Auckland8Auckland City34Huntly700

England Tour

Following their tour of Australia the English team toured New Zealand. They arrived on the Niagara ship into Auckland on 25 July and were met on the boat by Mr C.A. Sneddon, the president of the New Zealand Rugby League Council, Mr. W.O. Carlaw, secretary, and Mr. R.W. Pollock, a member of the council. They were then given a civic welcome at the Town Hall by the Mayor, Mr. G. W. Hutchison. The team stayed at the Hotel Auckland before travelling to Whangarei for their first tour match.[82] Their programme included tour matches against Northland (Won 56–5), South Auckland (Won 65–11), Auckland (Won 19–14), West Coast (Won 32–8) and North Island XIII (Won 59–8), along with three tests (Won 24–9, Won 25–14). The First and Third tests were played at Carlaw Park as was the match against Auckland. The team trained at Victoria Park, Auckland on the day after their arrival in preparation for their first match of the tour.[83]

1932 England Tour Matches in Auckland
Date Score Score Venue Attendance
First Test 30 July [84] New Zealand9England24Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm15,000
England Tour Match 6 Aug [85] Auckland14England19Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm15,000
Third Test 20 Aug [86] New Zealand18England20Carlaw Park # 1, 3pm12,000

Annual General Meetings and Club News

  • Auckland Rugby League put out separate tenders for refreshment booth and advertising rights. The advertising was for fences at Carlaw Park.[87] Their annual meeting was held at the Chamber of Commerce on 30 April.[88]
  • Auckland Rugby League Referees Association held a meeting which was attended by over 40 members with Mr. A. Ball presiding over it. Mr. Wilf Simpson advocated for the appointment of a sole selector to grade referees. After some discussion over whether one was enough given the size of the association his recommendation was carried. Their annual meeting was scheduled for 4 April.[89] Their annual meeting saw a record attendance of 53 and it was stated that there had such an increase in members that it would be necessary to limit membership in the future. Mr. A. Ball was elected president.[90] The Referees Association refused to appoint line umpires for the third test between England and New Zealand at Carlaw Park. Their reason for this was to register their disapproval through the Auckland Rugby League to the New Zealand Rugby League Council because the English managers had overlooked their referees to rule over the test match. Instead they had used a referee for the 2nd and 3rd tests who they had not submitted. They felt that visiting team managers should accept the recommended referees.[91]
  • Akarana Rugby League Football Club held their general meeting at Carlaw Park on Sunday 17 April.[92]
  • City Rovers held their annual meeting at Carlaw Park on Sunday, 27 March.[93] The report referred to a club record number of teams in all competitions of eight. Mr. C. Waugh was elected president.[94]
  • Devonport United Rugby League Football Club held their annual meeting at the Labour Rooms above Hellaby’s, Devonport on Wednesday, 23 March. Mr. A.W.D. Meiklejohn was elected patron and they congratulated the schoolboys on winning the Kiely Cup.[95]
  • Ellerslie United League Football Club held practices at the Ellerslie Reserve beginning on Saturday 2 April.[96] Mr. G. Harrison resigned as secretary after ten years in the position.[97] They held an urgent general meeting on 18 April after finding out from the League that they would be excluded from the first grade championship.[98]
  • Ellerslie-Otahuhu United League Football Club held their annual general meeting in the club’s training shed, Ellerslie on Monday, 21 March.[99]
  • Mangere United Rugby League Football Club held their annual meeting in St. James’ Hall, Mangere Bridge on Wednesday, 23 March.[101]
  • Mt. Albert United Rugby League Football Club held their annual meeting at King George Hall, Mt Albert on Wednesday, 16 March.[102] The meeting was presided over by Mr. R. Wilson and Mr. B. Brigham was elected patron. Practice was to begin the following Saturday on the club’s ground at Springleigh Avenue.[103]
  • Mt Wellington Rugby League Football Club were renamed Otahuhu Rugby League Club.
  • Newton Rangers Football Club held their annual meeting on Monday, 14 March at the Y.M.C.A.[104] It was presided over by Mr. Bradley with a large attendance of members. Mr. W. Monteith was elected patron.
  • Northcote and Birkenhead Ramblers League Football Club held their annual meeting on Monday, 7 March at Victoria Hall, Birkenhead.[105] More than 50 people attended the meeting with Mr. D. Wilkie presiding. The report stated that the club recorded a £30 profit. An engraved wristlet watch was presented to Mr. W.J. Dean for his service to the club as secretary and treasurer for the past three years. They planned on entering five junior teams along with a schoolboy thirteen. The club also decided to tell the Northcote Borough Council that they would be prepared to contribute to the cost of an addition to the dressing shed at the Northcote Municipal football ground.[106] Practices were held at McKinstry’s Paddock, Roseberry Avenue.[107] The Northcote High School board allowed use of its rugby field on alternate Saturdays to the Ramblers. On the other Saturdays the Northcote and Birkenhead Rugby Union Football Club would use it.[108]
  • Otahuhu Rugby League Football Club had ceased to operate following the forced merger with Ellerslie but the Mount Wellington club had requested from Auckland Rugby League that they be renamed Otahuhu and the request was granted.
  • Papakura Rugby League Football Club held their annual meeting on 22 March. Mr. E. C. Foote was elected patron and it was decided to make him a presentation in recognition of his service to the club.[109] At a meeting of the Papakura Town Board the Rugby League club were granted use of the Railway Reserve on the same terms as the 1931 season.[110] The club held a dance in the Star Theatre on Monday 18 April. Mr. and Mrs. G. Rogers won the Monte Carlo, and Mr. Alec Beams won the cake competition. It was decided to run a fortnightly dance during the season as this one was such a success.[111]
  • Ponsonby United Football Club annual meeting was held at Leys Institute on Monday, 14 March.[113] The decided to change from the one selector system to a three selector system with F. White, S. Lowry, and N.D. Culpan chosen to pick the sides. Mr. A. H. McKeown was elected patron.[114] Practises began on Sunday 2 April with players instructed to meet at Three Lamps, Ponsonby.[115]
  • Richmond Rovers Football Club annual meeting was held on Friday, 4 March at the Gaiety Hall, Surrey Crescent.[116]
gollark: No.
gollark: Let's add that to numbers, then.
gollark: Can you also override concat?
gollark: This couldn't possibly go wrong.
gollark: In PotatOS the string metatable has its own string metatable.


  1. "Election of Officers/The Game in Otago". Auckland Star. LXIII (86). 12 April 1932. p. 14. Retrieved 1 November 2019.
  2. "Management Affairs/Officials and Players". Auckland Star. LXIII (94). 21 April 1932. p. 15. Retrieved 4 November 2019.
  3. "Six Senior Teams/Opening Matches and Draw". Auckland Star. LXIII (88). 14 April 1932. p. 16. Retrieved 1 November 2019.
  4. "The League Code/Good Year Anticipated/Visit of British Team/Players and Their Clubs". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21167). 27 April 1932. p. 16. Retrieved 4 November 2019.
  5. "Management Meeting/All Senior Games at Park". Auckland Star. LXIII (105). 5 May 1932. p. 16. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  6. "Second Round to Commence/Keen Contests Anticipated/Devonport in the Lead". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21203). 8 June 1932. p. 16. Retrieved 6 November 2019.
  7. "Move in Manukau/South Auckland Benefit/Auckland Management Matters". Auckland Star. LXIII (225). 22 September 1932. p. 18. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  8. "League Football/Proposed Manukau Rugby League Football Club". Auckland Star. LXIII (229). 27 September 1932. p. 16. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  9. "Club at Onehunga". Auckland Star. LXIII (232). 30 September 1932. p. 12. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  10. "Formation of New Club/Headquarters at Onehunga". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21301). 30 September 1932. p. 7. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  11. "Rugby League". Auckland Star. LXIII (243). 13 October 1932. p. 16. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  12. "Football Finance/Auckland League Profit/£813 Surplus Last Season/Carlaw Park Valued at £10,000". Auckland Star. LXIII (53). 3 March 1932. p. 8. Retrieved 28 October 2019.
  13. "Auckland Executive/Senior Team Quotas". Auckland Star. LXIII (65). 17 March 1932. p. 16. Retrieved 29 October 2019.
  14. "Management Affairs/Officials and Players". Auckland Star. LXIII (94). 21 April 1932. p. 15. Retrieved 4 November 2019.
  15. "A.R.L. Executive/Transfers of Players". Auckland Star. LXIII (111). 12 May 1932. p. 18. Retrieved 7 November 2019.
  16. "Grounds for Football/Reduction in Charges/City Council Concession". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21205). 10 June 1932. p. 10. Retrieved 6 November 2019.
  17. "Radio Topics/Auckland Broadcasts/The Week's Programmes, Features From Station 1YA". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21172). 3 May 1932. p. 15. Retrieved 4 November 2019.
  18. "Referees' Criticism". Auckland Star. LXIII (115). 17 May 1932. p. 12. Retrieved 5 November 2019.
  19. "To Play League/A.E. Ciike Turns Over/Joins Richmond Rovers". Auckland Star. LXIII (151). 28 June 1932. p. 8. Retrieved 9 November 2019.
  20. "Cooke For League/Ex-Rugby Star Goes Over/Accepts Offer of Position". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21220). 28 June 1932. p. 7. Retrieved 9 November 2019.
  21. "Sudden Death/Mr. D. W. McLean, of Devonport/Seizure at Club Meeting". Auckland Star. LXIII. 2 March 1932. p. 8. Retrieved 28 October 2019.
  22. "Obituary/Mr. W. T. Wynyard". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21268). 23 August 1932. p. 12. Retrieved 28 October 2019.
  23. "Boxer's Death/Collapse in Ring". Auckland Star. LXIII (235). 4 October 1932. p. 9. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  24. "Fatal Boxing Bout/Death of Harry Johns/Tragic Ending to Match/Adjournment of Inquest/Brilliant Sporting Career". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21305). 5 October 1932. p. 5. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  25. "Boxing Ring/Death of Harry Johns/New Zealand Championships/Aucklanders' Performances". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21305). 5 October 1932. p. 19. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  26. "Laid to Rest/Harry Johns' Funeral/Many Sportsmen Attend/Last Tribute". Auckland Star. LXIII (237). 6 October 1932. p. 14. Retrieved 11 November 2019.
  27. "Senior Games Postponed". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21177). 9 May 1932. p. 14. Retrieved 28 October 2019.
  28. "Management Committee/Ponsonby Club's Protest/Venue of Senior Matches". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21192). 26 May 1932. p. 7. Retrieved 6 November 2019.
  29. "Northcote Committee". Auckland Star. LXIII (151). 28 June 1932. p. 3. Retrieved 9 November 2019.
  30. "Unemployed Relief/Northcote Activities". Auckland Star. LXIII (156). 4 July 1932. p. 5. Retrieved 9 November 2019.
  31. "Next Saturday's Games/North Island v South Island". Auckland Star. LXIII (162). 11 July 1932. p. 13. Retrieved 10 November 2019.
  32. "Opening Games Played/Devonport Beats Ponsonby/Surprise Win for Richmond". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21171). 2 May 1932. p. 13. Retrieved 4 November 2019.
  33. "Senior Competition Games/Fast Match at Carlaw Park/Devonport Defeats Richmond". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21183). 16 May 1932. p. 12. Retrieved 5 November 2019.
  34. "Senior Competition Games/Marist Defeats Ponsonby/Newton Creates Surprise". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21189). 23 May 1932. p. 12. Retrieved 5 November 2019.
  35. "Senior Competition Games/Fast Play at Carlaw Park/Marist and Devonport Draw". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21195). 30 May 1932. p. 12. Retrieved 6 November 2019.
  36. "First Round Concluded/Marist Defeats Newton/Hard and Thrilling Match". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21201). 6 June 1932. p. 12. Retrieved 6 November 2019.
  37. "City and Newton Draw". Auckland Star. LXIII (138). 13 June 1932. p. 13. Retrieved 6 November 2019.
  38. "In Rain and Mud/Competitions Continued/Ponsonby's Narrow Victory". Auckland Star. LXIII (144). 20 June 1932. p. 13. Retrieved 9 November 2019.
  39. "Play in the Second Round/Newton's Splendid Effort/Narrow Win for Devonport". The New Zealand Herald. LXIX (21219). 27 June 1932. p. 12. Retrieved 9 November 2019.
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