1607 in music

The year 1607 in music involved some significant events.

List of years in music (table)



  • Agostino Agazzari
    • First book of madrigaletti for three voices (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
    • Second book of madrigaletti for three voices (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
  • Gregor Aichinger
    • Cantiones ecclesiasticae (Dillingen: Adam Meltzer)
    • Virginalia: laudes aeternae Virginis Mariae... (Dillingen: Adam Meltzer)
  • Adriano Banchieri
    • Ecclesiastiche sinfonie for four voices, Op. 16 (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
    • Virtuoso ridotto tra signori, e dame, entr'il quale si concerta recitabilmente in suoni et canti una nuova comedia detta prudenza giovenile, fifth book for three voices, Op. 14 (Milan: Simon Tini & Filippo Lomazzo), a madrigal comedy
  • Bartolomeo Barbarino – Second book of Madrigali di diversi autori for solo voice with theorbo, harpsichord, or other instruments (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
  • Lodovico BellandaMusiche ... per cantare sopra il chitarrone et clavicimbalo (Music for singing with the theorbo and harpsichord) (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti), a collection of songs for solo voice
  • Giulio Belli
    • Compieta, falsi bordoni, mottetti, et litanie della Madonna for six voices and continuo (Venice: Alessandro Raverii)
    • Compieta, falsi bordoni, antifone, et litanie della Madonna for four voices and continuo (Venice: Alessandro Raverii)
  • Severo BoniniMadrigali, e canzonette spirituali del M. R. P. D. Crisostomo Talenti, vallombrosano, et del sig. Giovambatista Marino for solo voice with theorbo, harpsichord, or other instrument (Florence: Cristofano Marescotti)
  • William ByrdGradualia, Book 2, for four, five, and six voices (London: Thomas East for William Barley)
  • Diomedes Cato
    • Pieśń o świętym Stanisławie (Song of Saint Stanislaus) (Kraków: B. Skalski)
    • Rytmy łacińskie uczynione od krolewica polskiego Kazimierza (Kraków: B. Skalski), a collection of sacred music in lute tablature
  • Giovanni Luca ConfortiPassagi sopra tutti li salmi che ordinariamente canta Santa Chiesa (Venice: Angelo Gardano & fratelli)
  • Camillo Cortellini – Magnificat for six voices (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
  • Giovanni Croce – Fourth book of madrigals for five and six voices (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
  • Scipione Dentice – Fifth book of madrigals for five voices (Naples: Giovanni Battista Sottile)
  • Johannes Eccard
    • Epithalamion nuptiis Iohannis Stobaei et Elisabethae Hausmann for six voices (Königsberg: Georg Osterberger), a song for the wedding of Johann Stobaeus
    • Psalmus CXXVII (Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum) for six voices (Königsberg: Georg Osterberger), a wedding song
    • Harmonia musica (Docti fulgebunt quasi splendor firmamenti) for five voices (Königsberg: Georg Osterberger), a graduation song
  • Thomas FordMusicke of sundrie kindes, set forth in two bookes (London: John Browne)
  • Melchior FranckMelodiarum sacrarum for five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve voices (Coburg: Justus Hauck)
  • Hans Leo HasslerPsalmen und christliche Gesäng, published in Nuremberg
  • Tobias HumeCaptaine Humes Poeticall Musicke, published by John Windet
  • Johannes JeepStudentengartlein, vol. 1
  • Claudio MonteverdiScherzi Musicali, Book 1
  • Asprilio Pacelli – Motets and psalms for eight voices (Frankfurt)
  • Salustio Palmiero – First book of madrigals for five voices (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
  • Enrico Antonio Radesca – Armoniosa corona, a collection of motets, psalms, and falsobordoni for two voices and continuo (Milan: Simon Tini & Filippo Lomazzo), also contains one piece by Giovanni Battista Stefanini
  • Salamone Rossi – a collection of sinfonie and gagliarde

Classical music




gollark: It is, at least, kind of funny.
gollark: Also they're entirely reliant on the city for electricity and water and stuff.
gollark: Context: you can't really grow food on tiny bits of soil on cardboard. You can't really grow much food on the tiny plots. You can't grow food fast enough for it to be useful in your "commune" in the middle of a city. You probably can't grow enough food *at all* in that area to feed the sort of population density cities typically have. You definitely can't really do it without much farming equipment and by just making a few tiny soil bits with plants in them.
gollark: Yes, exactly.
gollark: https://twitter.com/tweetbrettmac/status/1270983562226012161?s=12


  1. Fenlon, Ian (1986). "Correspondence relating to the early Mantuan performances" in Whenham, John (ed.): Claudio Monteverdi: Orfeo. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-24148-0. pp. 167–72
  2. Whenham, John, and Richard Wistreich, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Monteverdi. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 66.
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