1602 in music

List of years in music (table)



  • February – Giulio CacciniLe nuove musiche [1] (The New Music), published in Florence
  • Agostino AgazzariSacrae cantiones, book 1 (Rome: Aloysio Zannetti)
  • Gregor AichingerDivinae laudes ex floridis Jacobi Pontani potissimum decerptae (Augsburg: Officina Praetoriana), settings of selections from the Floridorum of Jacobus Pontanus, for three voices
  • Felice Anerio
    • Second book of Sacri hymni et cantica (Rome: Aloysio Zannetti)
    • Second book of madrigals for six voices (Rome: Luigi Zannetti)
  • Giammateo Asola
  • Ippolito BaccusiPsalmi qui diebus festivus a Sancta Romana Ecclesia in vesperis decantari solent for five voices (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
  • Giovanni Bassano – First book of madrigals and canzonettas for soprano or bass voice with lute or other plucked instrument (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
  • Lodovico Bellanda – First book of madrigals for five voices (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
  • Aurelio Bonelli – First book of ricercars and canzonas for four voices (Venice: Angelo Gardano)
  • Christoph DemantiusTrias precum vespertinarum for four, five, and six voices and instruments (Nuremberg: Catharina Dieterich for Konrad Agricola), a collection of music for Vespers
  • Scipione Dentice – Fourth book of madrigals for five voices (Naples: Antonio Pace)
  • Stefano Felis – Ninth book of madrigals for five voices (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
  • Melchior Franck
    • Musicalischer Bergkreyen for four voices (Nuremberg: Konrad Baur), a collection of secular partsongs
    • Farrago for six voices (Nuremberg: Katharina Dieterich), a collection of secular partsongs
    • Contrapuncti composti for four voices (Nurember: Konrad Baur), a collection of psalms and other church songs in German
  • Tomaso Pecci – Madrigals for five voices (Venice: Angelo Gardano), also contains two pieces by Mariano Tantucci
  • Lodovico Grossi da ViadanaCento concerti ecclesiastici (One Hundred Church Concertos), the first major publication to make extensive use of figured bass





  1. Le nuove musiche was published in 1602 per the Gregorian calendar. Some sources list 1601, based on the Julian calendar, as the publication date.
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