Tag: xorg

117 How do I fix a "cannot open display" error when opening an X program after ssh'ing with X11 forwarding enabled? 2011-07-13T18:13:00.253

61 What is the difference between .Xresources and .Xdefaults? 2011-02-10T05:20:27.463

53 Detecting currently active window 2012-01-26T12:39:55.693

49 How do I find out my screen resolution from a shell script? 2010-10-06T14:33:05.710

46 Alt+click-drag window resizing on a Mac? (Similar to X-Windows) 2009-10-08T23:57:07.513

32 Get display resolution from the command line for Linux Desktop 2012-04-30T13:33:36.523

31 Per-application window scaling in Xorg for high dpi display 2015-08-04T21:22:19.090

30 NumLock is completely useless, and I want to disable it completely on Linux 2009-11-17T13:19:38.127

30 How can I view the WMClass attribute of a window in Xorg (linux)? 2010-05-18T02:14:15.453

23 Binding Super+C Super+V to Copy and Paste 2012-02-03T21:36:36.583

23 How to apply/reload X settings after changes to xorg.conf.d configuration files 2013-06-27T05:59:40.730

21 debian/ubuntu - invert all colours in desktop session (colors) 2013-03-24T08:18:17.470

21 How to get the display number I was assigned by X 2013-09-19T10:08:38.107

20 Updating screen session environment variables to reflect new graphical login? 2010-02-07T21:14:12.747

19 How to find out xorg version? or "what's my xorg version?" 2011-12-10T00:17:46.400

19 Is Cinnamon a desktop environment or a window manager? (Or both?) 2019-04-11T20:01:38.743

18 How do you start a program after X has started? 2010-06-08T19:58:59.073

18 Browser instead of window manager? 2010-12-07T20:45:41.803

17 Disable Unplugged Displays (xrandr) 2013-07-10T19:13:19.503

16 X11 forwarding from Amazon EC2 AMI 2011-02-22T19:39:52.927

16 Speeding up remote X sessions 2012-03-13T11:17:44.833

16 What does xfce4 power-manager do in "presentation mode"? 2013-05-05T07:27:25.893

16 How do I get X11 Forwarding to work on Windows with PuTTY and Xming? 2013-05-04T06:02:20.327

16 Starting and stopping X11 and LXDE from command line 2013-11-08T02:57:17.457

16 Run wine totally headless 2015-04-15T17:04:23.150

15 How can I set environment variables for a graphical login on linux? 2010-03-18T07:11:07.417

15 What XMonad Configuration Best Replicates Default Ion3 Behavior and Feature Set? 2011-10-21T01:00:56.393

14 "Detach" and "Reattach" xterms across X sessions? 2009-07-15T13:38:09.753

14 On Ubuntu 9.10, where is the xorg.conf file in Karmic Koala? 2009-10-05T16:09:37.707

14 Emulating extra displays 2013-01-19T21:50:51.737

14 How do I PROPERLY map a keyboard key to a mouse button? 2015-02-28T17:04:03.460

14 Cygwin/X and Windows Subsystem for Linux 2017-02-17T19:37:42.323

13 Assigning USB hub to specific seat in multiseat configuration 2012-07-17T11:47:24.930

13 Remap keys without xmodmap or any X tools 2014-03-16T00:24:58.710

12 how to set the mouse speed very low on ubuntu 2009-07-21T16:27:52.513

12 Xorg: How can I map AltGr to the CapsLock Key (to toggle 3rd level symbols) 2010-05-07T12:36:19.777

12 XWindows-like mouse behaviour in Windows 7 2011-12-07T14:02:41.540

12 enabling sticky keys under xorg (awesome desktop manager) 2012-04-10T07:28:12.367

12 Triple monitor setting in Linux with USB-HDMI adapter 2012-11-08T17:12:53.897

12 How do I restart a frozen screen in Ubuntu without losing any open windows? 2013-03-23T01:40:49.993

12 X11 - Forwarding and efficiency 2019-02-01T11:04:58.317

11 Practical tips when transitioning to xmonad? 2010-06-08T16:20:30.420

11 Disabling mouse acceleration in X.Org (Linux) 2011-03-18T15:03:59.770

11 X equivalent of 'screen' utility 2011-06-02T11:04:26.610

11 Linux: Use VNC to create a second Screen 2011-07-03T13:21:20.593

11 SSH: launch GUI programs on remote screen, not X display 2011-09-27T07:44:49.900

11 copy and paste tabs between terminal windows in X11 2011-11-10T14:32:18.247

11 How to check multitouch in GNU/Linux 2012-02-24T14:37:34.767

11 Pulseaudio Daemon Startup Failed 2012-05-19T22:10:43.047

10 Where is xorg.conf in Ubuntu 10.04? 2010-05-16T16:30:38.260

10 How to hide or minimize X11 window from console? 2010-09-09T20:59:16.953

10 How to stop the 'd' key from minimizing all windows in Ubuntu 10.10 when connected with Nomachine? 2010-12-09T15:02:51.707

10 Enabling hardware acceleration and Xinerama for multi-monitor/multi-GPU in Linux 2011-01-26T06:35:18.907

10 bashrc: how to know X window is available or not? 2011-02-10T20:15:33.973

10 Touchpad sensitivity scales to virtual screen dimensions 2011-07-11T02:17:47.387

10 Linux: How to send message to local user logged into X11? 2011-07-13T07:11:56.587

10 Using both Ctrl+Alt to replace AltGr 3rd level function on xorg 2012-01-31T14:36:58.450

10 How to make Elo touchscreen working for Linux? 2012-05-06T08:44:50.623

10 Firefox, two Linux machines, one X-server 2013-11-07T11:31:17.277

10 Why can't X find my vboxvideo driver? 2017-02-09T16:26:45.630

9 Moving from windows to linux : Understanding - X Window System, X Server, Xorg, Xfree86 2010-05-25T10:42:39.563

9 invert colors on X (or xfce4) 2010-11-08T23:55:23.867

9 Dropped ssh/X session, how to pickup where left off? 2011-10-18T17:35:06.673

9 Window manager which allows multiple active windows/multiple input devices? 2011-12-14T13:05:38.823

9 Understanding X Windows DISPLAY environment variable when tunnelling 2011-12-16T05:30:36.197

9 Faking monitor EDID information 2011-12-20T02:52:47.610

9 Why is my keyboard mapping wrong with Xming, Lubuntu in VirtualBox and Putty? 2012-01-12T10:02:49.423

9 X on one monitor, a bare, tty terminal on another? (linux) 2013-03-08T02:55:57.677

9 Disable screensaver / screen blank via command line? 2013-09-13T09:57:45.370

9 Xvfb with -nocursor shows cursor anyway 2017-03-30T23:02:40.007

8 x11 looks ugly while opening a remote window from ssh. Can I use GTK themes? 2009-11-11T20:04:09.230

8 How can I sort out Xephyr's keyboard mapping? 2009-11-14T05:38:02.273

8 using a second computer as a mere screen/monitor in X (VNC?) 2010-03-01T23:27:17.323

8 Configure a trackball under Linux without editing Xorg.conf 2012-01-04T10:45:29.273

8 howto set WM_NORMAL_HINTS with xprop? 2012-05-21T10:29:46.787

8 Linux, changing the default FN-key functionality in xorg (key-bindings?) 2013-09-25T23:51:26.483

8 Which video drivers should I install. X.Org X Server or Nvidia Binary Drivers 2014-05-29T04:05:15.973

8 How do I specify an IPv6 address in the X Window DISPLAY variable? 2015-10-23T20:17:19.623

8 How to remap CAPS LOCK on Wayland? 2017-04-06T19:48:51.240

8 Is my keyboard "Generic 101-key PC" or "Generic 105-key PC (intl.)" or what? 2017-06-06T12:21:42.227

8 Setting up X11 forwarding over SSH on Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux? 2018-06-19T22:59:45.363

7 What is the difference between the X clipboards? 2010-01-02T00:15:47.503

7 How to tell X.org to reload input device module? (Working around suspend-to-ram crash on Acer laptop) 2010-05-14T21:09:51.897

7 How to run a GUI app from ssh shell? 2010-06-17T19:39:57.967

7 How to connect to remote X-Server (logged in via ssh) 2010-07-31T14:17:54.270

7 Can't control backlight; strange segfault 2010-11-15T18:12:14.023

7 How can I make my Super keys (Windows Key) behave more like Ctrl/Alt/Shift in Linux 2011-02-15T23:49:30.573

7 Start (and display **on the remote machine**) a graphical application, via SSH 2011-05-22T01:43:32.367

7 Abort drag-and-drop from a busy program 2011-08-22T00:04:04.967

7 Space as modifier key XKB 2011-12-18T00:41:55.547

7 using ubuntu-server in full screen mode - VirtualBox 2012-01-05T14:27:57.917

7 How to prevent the monitor from turning off in Linux 2012-03-23T14:06:46.157

7 How do I unmaximize a window with xdotool or similar by command line? 2012-06-28T04:45:01.287

7 Dropbox causes xorg to use 100% CPU 2012-12-13T08:51:04.880

7 Running xserver from console as normal user and gdm3 disabled 2013-06-12T16:49:37.727

7 How do I run X11 applications remotely? 2013-06-18T21:20:46.873

7 Using Windows as a VirtualBox Host, how I can get AltGr behavior on linux guest? 2013-11-27T15:21:31.720

7 ffmpeg x11grab a single window 2014-02-01T02:19:01.140

7 What is the function of the modifier keys in xmodmap? 2016-03-25T15:28:58.003