Tag: working-directory

113 Change ConEmu's default start directory 2012-10-02T09:01:53.653

20 Temporarily change directory for single batch-file command 2011-07-29T00:12:14.460

13 Start bash shell (cygwin) with correct path without changing directory 2011-10-12T22:02:36.283

9 Run "cd" command as superuser in Linux 2019-10-20T15:16:43.557

4 How to get tty shell working directory? 2010-12-10T17:11:52.177

4 git: get current working dir 2011-04-10T18:52:46.157

4 Xargs: change working directory to file path before executing? 2015-03-25T16:03:32.507

4 Ideal Location For Google Identity Toolkit *.p12 file 2015-07-16T09:23:55.417

4 How to check if the current batch file is in a specific folder? 2018-08-20T14:53:50.067

2 How to open a new terminal tab in Mac OS X with working directory same as the current terminal tab 2011-04-08T17:25:48.850

2 Using screenrc, how can I make `C-a c` open a new window at the current window's working directory? 2011-06-02T05:03:40.220

2 Changing working directory of parent script from 'sourced' script 2011-06-08T12:34:22.980

1 How to count the number of times a file/directory has been opened? 2014-11-24T21:48:49.257

1 Set CMD Prompt to always be the current directory name in Windows XP? 2016-05-16T15:55:15.250

1 Linux tar: only --transform certain files 2016-12-07T00:57:36.217

0 Setting CMD CD to the directory that the batch was run in 2011-09-07T11:59:13.320

0 Getting a setting, the chdir value, out of GNU Screen 2012-08-13T04:42:46.893

0 Management of directories and subrutines 2013-02-22T18:46:18.373

0 How can I cd to a long path in DOS 6.22? 2018-03-27T20:13:13.793

0 Open ranger File-Manager in specific Directory 2018-09-25T20:53:32.233

-1 How would you count every occurrence of a term in all files in the current directory? 2015-11-06T14:16:58.653