Tag: vim

7 Sending commands to parent tmux session from vim 2011-12-04T19:38:06.757

7 How to open many tabs for many files in vim? 2012-01-14T20:40:10.750

7 Turning on XML syntax highlighting in vim for a non-XML file 2012-01-27T21:32:02.280

7 How to get version for a plugin inside Vim? 2012-03-12T12:57:12.340

7 How can you switch the j and k keys in vim? 2012-03-14T05:31:26.613

7 Can't open folders in Linux nerdtree vim 2012-03-16T11:17:49.870

7 Remap CapsLock(tap) to ESC and CapsLock(hold) to CTRL in OS X Lion 2012-07-03T23:44:40.767

7 What is this screen in vim? 2012-07-15T00:38:16.310

7 Block wrong shift key in Vim 2012-08-12T20:35:02.223

7 VIM: how to select a line, up to the cursor, including the char under the cursor? 2012-08-18T19:01:06.937

7 pass filename and current line to shell script 2012-08-28T16:14:55.667

7 Combining two operators in Evil-mode Emacs 2012-09-02T21:48:14.060

7 How can I copy text in one screen window running vim and paste it to another without traditional copy and paste? 2012-09-04T17:45:12.633

7 Vim :belowright by default 2012-09-19T17:55:50.050

7 Is it possible to control the whole Gnome desktop with vi-like commands? 2012-09-27T06:34:11.367

7 Make text bold in vim 2012-10-17T16:21:50.033

7 Weird rendering artefact in vim (terminal, not MacVim) 2012-10-28T19:57:07.783

7 Vim enable mouse scroll only - not cursor positioning 2012-10-29T17:11:19.600

7 Vim no longer prompts for encryption key when reading encrypted file; why not, and how can I get this restored? 2013-01-07T15:15:16.250

7 Replace a regular expression within vim with an output produced by a console command with the expression as its argument? 2013-01-25T13:56:43.627

7 Vim, how to play without the beeps? 2013-02-18T09:38:50.653

7 Is it possible to launch MacVim NOT in full screen mode? 2013-02-28T02:26:35.403

7 Vim: Possible to make default split vertical when opening help or file instead of horizontal? 2013-04-14T17:48:22.060

7 how to change the font in text mode VIM (not gvim with GUI) 2013-05-17T07:02:15.933

7 How to disable scroll wheel in Vim 2013-06-23T01:12:29.173

7 Take screenshot on every keystroke 2013-10-16T13:57:54.757

7 Vim: don't move cursor when I scroll (via mouse) 2013-11-21T13:26:57.590

7 how to move cursor directly to the next new line? 2013-12-21T08:19:25.777

7 Vim Visual mode: Select current block under cursor 2013-12-28T03:32:30.943

7 Editing a .jar with `vim` 2014-02-05T09:43:07.803

7 How do I set vim to support mouse scrolling, but keep text selection on left click? 2014-02-20T11:48:05.333

7 How to go to the n'th character, not byte, of a file? 2014-06-11T16:46:37.737

7 How can I use vim to view git diffs on Windows? 2014-07-10T17:22:03.193

7 Vundle - Plugins installed but not loading 2014-07-18T18:01:58.257

7 How can I cause vim to copy text to GNU screen's clipboard buffer? 2014-07-31T21:56:30.647

7 Vim copy/paste messing up indentaton 2015-01-10T17:17:10.150

7 Can I insert .jpeg and .gif images in my Vim files? 2015-03-05T14:50:35.203

7 Get rid of null character in vim variable? 2015-07-02T16:46:01.707

7 Can't copy certain gvim text, eg :version or error messages 2015-11-22T13:49:05.077

7 How to auto format code from the command line? 2015-12-14T07:31:17.223

7 iTerm 2 ZSH colors/themes not showed correctly 2016-04-04T12:46:39.947

6 To have Vim Psql's editor 2009-08-03T03:23:55.367

6 How to distinguish between \r\n and \n in VIM 2009-08-07T16:33:40.553

6 Auto formatting in VIM 2009-10-22T07:10:18.543

6 VIM: Disable Swap 2009-10-28T13:03:11.037

6 Using vim as the editor for the It's All Text! Firefox Add-on 2009-11-20T15:36:40.797

6 Bottom-right numbers in Vim 2009-12-13T21:52:57.453

6 Colors in Vim via gnome terminal are not the same with gVim 2010-01-03T14:16:48.983

6 How do I create my own tag files with Vim for interconnected non-code text? 2010-01-10T23:10:46.410

6 Using vim for LaTeX versus something else? 2010-02-25T14:52:14.610

6 select just pasted text 2010-03-30T21:44:52.203

6 Moving the the very bottom of the file with vi 2010-04-13T22:10:13.117

6 Vim - Displaying Code Output in a New Window รก la Textmate? 2010-04-23T02:24:36.423

6 What does capital W do in VIM? 2010-05-26T15:50:34.373

6 Have VIM jump to a ctag in an existing tab 2010-06-13T16:27:05.603

6 How to change Vi editor background 2010-06-24T09:22:57.967

6 Is it possible to make Gnome Terminal show the name of the file I am editting in vim as the tab title? 2010-07-03T23:06:23.930

6 Substract contents of one textfile from contents of another textfile on Linux 2010-07-07T08:18:23.827

6 How to ignore an autocmd in vim's undo history? 2010-08-06T08:24:41.897

6 How to switch MiniBufExplorer tabs in VIM when connecting with xterm? 2010-08-26T16:10:59.830

6 Why does gvim often freeze when editing files on a USB memory stick? 2010-09-03T13:35:08.453

6 Compile .tex files to .pdf as default in gvim with latexsuite plugin 2010-09-08T20:02:36.893

6 How do you do incremental search across multiple text files in VIM? 2010-10-07T14:08:52.413

6 How can I check if the current shell is being used from vim? 2010-10-17T16:38:14.277

6 Vim: Seeing *all* lines change when inserting to a visual block 2010-10-20T08:56:58.647

6 vim highlight (color) parentheses 2010-10-30T00:06:07.530

6 How do you increase or decrease the height or width of a vim buffer in a way so that when you hold down the key combo, the size constantly changes? 2010-12-06T20:12:03.260

6 How to move x lines up in vi/vim editor 2010-12-20T11:26:20.847

6 Compiling vim with xterm_clipboard support 2011-01-20T05:28:15.643

6 How do you install plugins for MacVim? 2011-02-21T14:53:41.097

6 Display invisible characters in vim 2011-02-23T08:39:47.680

6 In Vim's insert mode, how can you go to the end of the line and insert a newline? 2011-02-24T02:59:45.983

6 Vim-like input for Matlab 2011-03-07T01:49:02.833

6 Vim's relativenumber setting and multiple buffers 2011-03-18T23:22:20.493

6 gvim options / Settings window cannot write buftype is set e382 2011-04-13T06:51:16.187

6 Vim Color Scheme for specific filetype 2011-04-13T17:30:38.003

6 How can I open the current HTML file in a web browser from MacVim? 2011-05-10T16:20:30.797

6 How can I make terminal VIM my default editor application in Mac OS X? 2011-05-14T13:35:26.207

6 PDF-XChange Viewer, pdflatex, Windows XP Pro SP3 2011-06-22T18:21:59.877

6 How do I enable word wrap in all open splits? 2011-07-06T21:23:43.547

6 How can I edit a google doc with vi and automatically update the original doc in the cloud when I write the file? 2011-07-30T01:43:09.073

6 How to make vim always show the encoding of current opened file? 2011-08-14T04:44:55.600

6 Terminal / Editor themes for colourblindness? 2011-10-11T00:54:28.850

6 Vim motion commands in the Vim command-line 2011-10-11T13:21:32.373

6 How to prevent a VIM file from becoming read-only when edited via a Windows symbolic link? 2011-12-01T01:06:33.427

6 Possible to use modal editing inside Vim's command-line mode? 2011-12-02T00:54:56.413

6 Can Vim autocommand be triggered by filetype instead of by pattern? 2011-12-22T12:30:39.107

6 How Can Vim and Windows See Two Different Files that Have the Same Name in the Program Files Directory 2011-12-25T03:26:22.083

6 Alternate page-up in vim? 2012-01-20T22:37:30.207

6 How to explain VIM's modes to people? 2012-01-31T02:36:44.513

6 How to have a static view of the same file? 2012-03-06T16:54:12.103

6 vim with wdiff? 2012-03-19T14:25:41.693

6 Grep file in GVIM on Windows 2012-04-16T15:34:20.490

6 Use another user's .vimrc and .vim/ 2012-04-18T14:55:28.013

6 Search in Vim's undo history 2012-04-25T12:16:46.487

6 When editing an existing file with VIM: will it replace or change that file? 2012-05-04T11:21:36.290

6 VIM: Tab as omnicomplete, but not at beginning of line 2012-05-12T14:17:33.440

6 Open a Console Based Editor with limited access 2012-05-22T16:17:02.833

6 How to search a collapsed file item in NERDTree vim plugin? 2012-07-15T17:01:45.000