Uninstalling Vim compiled from source



I compiled and installed vim according to these instructions https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe/wiki/Building-Vim-from-source

But After installing I deleted the source directory So,How do I uninstall vim now ?

I am using Ubuntu 13.04


Posted 2013-07-23T07:23:36.127

Reputation: 123

Why can't you extract the source again from the download? – suspectus – 2013-07-23T07:44:31.613



To uninstall vim, you can just download again the sources and run in the source directory :

make VIMRUNTIMEDIR=/usr/share/vim/vim73
sudo make uninstall

replacing /usr/share/vim/vim73 by the one you used for installation.


Posted 2013-07-23T07:23:36.127

Reputation: 2 010

Also works for Ubuntu 14.04. Thanks! – marcelocra – 2016-12-22T01:07:57.270

i did just that .But it didn't remove vim .I can still use vim.Here is the output when i run sudo make uninstall http://paste.ubuntu.com/5903278/

– ka4tik – 2013-07-23T07:54:33.277

@ka4tik indeed, you need to set again the VIMRUNTIMEDIR variable. I'll edit my answer. – Levans – 2013-07-23T07:58:47.963

that did't work either http://paste.ubuntu.com/5903309/

– ka4tik – 2013-07-23T08:07:59.390

@ka4tik and if you run all the same steps as for installation, by replacing make install by make uninstall, and also not using sudo for make VIMRUNTIMEDIR=..., as in the doc you supplied ? – Levans – 2013-07-23T08:17:55.163


You have to run make distclean before make VIMRUNTIMEDIR=...

cd ~/tmp
hub clone vim/vim
cd vim
make distclean <---
make VIMRUNTIMEDIR=/usr/local/share/vim/vim80
sudo make uninstall


Posted 2013-07-23T07:23:36.127

Reputation: 21