Tag: unix

39 awk, mawk, nawk, gawk... WHAT? 2009-11-27T09:49:47.423

39 What is a CPU tick? 2010-01-27T11:21:05.537

39 How do I search for a word or a phrase in the Linux 'man' command and cycle through the found solutions? 2011-06-29T18:05:16.740

39 Full command text with unix ps 2009-06-19T15:02:57.517

39 Start a systemd service inside chroot 2013-12-15T16:38:50.720

38 Rename a group of files with one command 2009-07-19T19:41:06.037

37 Exclude hidden files when searching with Unix/Linux find? 2010-06-15T21:19:42.813

37 Does running commands verbosely make them slower? 2011-07-20T16:59:23.200

36 Is it a bad idea to use the same private ssh key on multiple computers? 2009-08-05T00:32:37.790

36 What is Gnome / KDE etc? 2009-09-15T20:39:12.970

36 How Unix'y is Mac OS X? 2009-10-01T08:03:14.813

36 Command: sudo su - 2010-02-05T22:15:54.730

36 Copy list of files 2010-08-24T21:14:20.873

36 Opposite of tail: all lines except the last n lines 2013-01-30T13:30:38.447

36 Find and delete all the directories named "test" in linux 2013-05-31T19:36:39.200

35 How to find the L2 cache size in Linux? 2009-10-14T20:40:03.573

35 tar – extract discarding directory structure 2009-11-17T20:58:33.020

35 A more comfortable way to edit a long $PATH? 2015-11-15T13:37:27.603

34 .tar files without directory structure 2011-04-18T06:13:23.390

34 How to specify group with chmod? 2011-09-30T17:42:31.527

34 Recursively chown all files that are owned by a specific user 2013-09-20T18:16:03.640

33 Is there a Windows equivalent of the Unix "strings" command? 2010-03-25T17:18:40.090

33 In UNIX, what are the Ss, Sl, and Ssl proccess types I see with ps aux? 2010-04-30T15:16:41.323

33 Is there an image viewer that takes images on STDIN? 2011-02-19T18:31:40.583

33 Bash History Not Preserved Between Terminal Sessions on Mac 2015-08-04T09:18:49.423

32 removing write permission does not prevent root from writing to the file 2010-02-03T00:11:29.810

32 How can I chmod/chown a specific list of files? 2013-01-29T09:19:52.270

32 Confused by "groups" and the Linux "permission model" 2020-02-24T03:53:14.403

31 Is there a way to make bash more TAB friendly? 2009-10-22T23:21:58.337

31 Is it possible to mount a .tar file? 2011-04-02T16:07:24.570

31 Windows PowerShell equivalent to Unix/Linux `pwd`? 2011-06-09T13:22:28.173

31 Extracting a tar.gz file returns, “This does not look like a tar archive.” 2014-11-18T18:44:43.653

30 How do I check version of alpine mail client? 2010-06-04T18:14:23.110

30 Users don't appear in /etc/passwd on Mac OS X 2010-09-21T16:43:15.773

30 Is there a scenario where rm -rf -no-preserve-root is needed? 2014-04-16T08:20:28.570

30 If Windows 7 doesn't support WSL, then what is "Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications"? 2019-04-18T03:49:38.103

29 Non-Windows, non-Unix-like OS's? 2010-05-20T02:55:28.977

29 Safely get rid of "You have new mail in /var/mail" on a Mac? 2010-06-06T01:53:07.117

29 How to display Unix time in the timestamp format? 2010-07-20T12:20:33.173

29 Counting total number of matches with grep instead of just how many lines match 2011-09-24T21:02:49.130

29 What is a Matrox GPU and why does my university's UNIX server have one? 2018-11-02T20:00:27.350

28 Can the output of one command be piped to two other commands? 2009-07-17T20:01:18.253

28 What is the fastest and most reliable way to split a 50GB binary file into chunks of 5GB or less, and then reassemble it later? 2010-07-05T02:29:42.203

28 How long are files kept in /var/tmp/, and how to use the directory? 2010-07-26T22:42:01.727

28 using xargs to cd to a directory 2010-11-03T19:14:51.193

28 Where does metadata go when you save a file? 2016-12-28T06:55:43.090

27 What is the difference between bash and sh? 2010-03-30T15:54:03.530

27 what is the max length of password on unix/linux system? 2010-06-04T21:52:48.240

27 How can I get the uncompressed size of gzip file without actually decompressing it? 2013-07-14T09:15:31.440

27 Is there a git-like file system? 2013-08-09T16:22:44.777

27 What do I need to do to have my Raspberry Pi host a webpage with dials indicating CPU temperature, CPU load, etc., in real time? 2017-12-27T23:09:24.190

26 Why is the size of a directory always 4096 bytes in unix? 2010-05-19T11:44:00.453

26 How to limit output of ls to only show filename, date and size? 2011-10-07T03:23:07.953

26 How to replace part of a text file between markers with another text file? 2012-06-22T03:00:36.117

26 How do I use my keyfile to sftp transfer data from one server to another 2012-10-04T17:48:39.420

26 How to grep for special character NUL (^@^@^@) 2012-11-17T21:50:57.427

26 Restart Systemd service automatically whenever a directory changes (any file inside it) 2017-01-26T10:36:43.523

26 Cannot make directory '/var/run/screen': Permission denied 2017-04-06T04:13:05.373

25 Bash Man Page: kill <pid> vs kill -9 <pid> 2010-02-11T13:48:22.193

25 How do I interpret the results of the `ls -l` command? 2010-08-04T11:56:12.217

25 groupadd/useradd not found on Mac OSX 2011-08-08T18:42:06.820

24 Learning the basics of Linux/Unix 2009-09-06T11:35:11.317

24 Linux-like top/netstat/etc. on Mac OS X? 2010-08-01T18:58:01.737

24 Store the output of date and watch command to a file 2011-06-15T00:14:16.547

23 What's the difference between the commands "su -s" and "sudo -s"? 2009-07-15T07:11:46.370

23 ls -la symbolics... what does that last symbol mean? 2009-11-06T12:53:18.350

23 what does the @ symbol mean in ls -l directory listing? 2010-04-15T12:57:52.913

23 Why are there short and long alternatives for command line options? 2010-08-11T08:02:59.360

23 What's the difference between .profile and .bash_profile, and when do you configure which? (Mac) 2011-05-02T21:05:47.663

23 How to jump to a particular flag in a Unix manpage? 2012-06-26T09:38:03.500

23 How to find which files and folders were deleted recently in Linux? 2013-01-08T20:53:58.413

22 How to make a statement that checks if something is divisible by something else without a remainder (BASH) 2009-10-01T23:20:14.047

22 Use GNU screen as login "shell" 2009-10-07T15:12:33.027

22 Random password generator: many, in columns, on command line, in Linux 2010-02-15T19:16:52.537

22 Unix command to delete two folders at once? 2011-02-07T07:31:38.487

22 Copy Folders from one Unix server to another? 2011-05-30T08:53:35.537

22 Faster alternatives to "find" and "locate"? 2011-09-29T13:15:30.350

22 What is the unix command to find out what executable file corresponds to a given command? 2011-10-29T15:38:25.987

22 Linux - alternative places where to store pid file instead of /var/run 2012-07-27T16:18:17.833

22 Is there a standard unix program that returns a range of numbers 2013-05-28T06:46:12.770

22 Unix command to get number of lines in a CSV file 2014-03-19T16:29:14.917

21 Finding what's using all the space in *nix 2009-07-24T05:53:13.893

21 How to change virtual ttys in Linux and OpenBSD with console commands? 2009-08-31T18:15:59.593

21 Tell `ls` to print only the base filename 2010-01-19T19:04:20.637

21 How to align columns in output from a UNIX command? 2010-09-02T14:08:22.340

21 In Unix "less", can I jump to the next line that does NOT contain X? 2010-10-02T10:59:24.117

21 Best practices to alias the rm command and make it safer 2012-01-25T17:36:15.797

21 Are Linux commands interchangeable with Unix commands? 2012-02-15T08:39:45.933

21 Why do we use cp to copy files and not dd? (in unix-derivatives) 2013-06-18T19:37:40.063

21 How do we pronounce "/etc" folder? 2013-07-30T04:43:50.757

21 What is the recommended directory to store website content? 2013-08-22T13:34:39.140

21 What is the function of the asterisk as a standalone command in Unix? 2017-10-04T13:31:01.710

21 How do I find help for point command `.` in *nix? 2018-03-22T08:20:54.090

20 How to make files created in a directory owned by directory group? 2010-01-29T16:43:43.420

20 Unix: Files starting with a dash, - 2010-03-15T10:39:23.993

20 Get exit status of last executed command in Windows? 2010-03-23T03:44:09.217

20 Advantages of cat'ing file and piping to grep 2010-09-23T15:45:33.200

20 Login with SSH user that has no password set 2012-01-29T17:30:15.127

20 How do I find the size of a directory on a Unix-like command-line? 2012-03-10T18:29:56.483