How do I use my keyfile to sftp transfer data from one server to another



I cant scp, the other server only takes sftp connections.

Currently, I am trying to do

sftp> put -r ~/

-i keyname does not work, just resolves with illegal option -- i.


Posted 2012-10-04T17:48:39.420

Reputation: 377




sftp -o "IdentityFile=keyname"

You can use -o to pass any option that's valid in ~/.ssh/config.


Posted 2012-10-04T17:48:39.420

Reputation: 2 120

Nailed it. thanks! how do i keep it there normally? – Jay – 2012-10-05T00:00:24.493

I don't know what you mean by "keep it there normally". If you mean that you want the IdentityFile option to always automatically be given, check out UtahJarhead's answer about putting it in ~/.ssh/config

– Celada – 2012-10-05T01:38:04.537


Copy your PUBLIC key to the server using traditional means.

On server:

  • Create .ssh if it doesn't exist:
[[ ! -d "${HOME}/.ssh" ]] && mkdir -p "${HOME}/.ssh"
  • Implement the public key:
cat /path/to/ >> "${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
  • Set appropriate permissions. OpenSSH is VERY ANAL about the permissions of the files in question:
chmod go-rwx "${HOME}" "${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys"

After that, you should be able to log in from the client using the PRIVATE key. To automate a transfer, you want to use a batch file, which is just a text file containing a list of commands to execute.

echo "put /safe/path/" >> /tmp/batchfile.txt
sftp -b /tmp/batchfile.txt -oIdentityFile=/path/to/private_key user@host

Alternatively, feel free to create a ~/.ssh/config file in ssh_config format so you can just type this in the future:

sftp -b /tmp/batchfile.txt host

Sample contents of ~/.ssh/config

Host the_hostname
    User user_name
    IdentityFile /path/to/private_key


Posted 2012-10-04T17:48:39.420

Reputation: 1 755

Ill try this on the next batch, the solution above did the trick though. – Jay – 2012-10-05T00:01:35.850


If you are looking to setup sftp on ec2, this article might help


Posted 2012-10-04T17:48:39.420

Reputation: 109

1This "answer" has nothing to contribute to the question. Worse, it is just a link to a page that will someday disappear. – John Mayor – 2016-10-02T20:57:22.730

Sorry, it really didnt. – Jay – 2012-10-05T00:01:13.913


I got into this issue recently and what worked for me in my macbook default terminal setup is the following

sftp -i ./privateFilePath.key

Note you might be promoted with UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! message in which case you need to run this command to make sure your private key is not accessible by others.

chmod 600 privateFilePath.key 

In some cases you need to put sudo in front of the command, this is only if you are working in a admin protected directory

I wish thats helpful :)


Posted 2012-10-04T17:48:39.420

Reputation: 101

Why do you expect this to be helpful when the question said that the -i option is not working? – Scott – 2018-08-06T14:17:25.483