Tag: time

216 How do I reset the time on my computer without turning it on? 2012-09-13T00:01:58.317

117 What's the difference between GMT+01:00 Amsterdam and GMT+01:00 Brussels? 2017-03-13T09:09:18.173

75 Updating Time : ntpdate[3108]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting 2013-08-31T17:03:46.743

75 How to get video duration in seconds? 2013-09-25T19:35:33.800

59 Show Windows 7 logon time? 2011-07-13T15:51:37.357

52 NTP - How are NTP servers so accurate 2014-04-23T12:03:22.683

51 Are CPU clock ticks strictly periodic? 2015-02-08T20:05:55.590

36 Is there any command like time, but for memory usage? 2012-09-28T18:44:44.613

34 Using virtual box is it possible to set your virtual machine time to be different from host time 2013-01-22T09:56:56.980

29 Windows 7 - display date using small icons 2009-12-31T01:39:49.307

27 Mac OS X Date & Time Synchronization 2010-06-23T13:43:18.343

24 Determine the time difference between two linux servers 2012-04-05T04:16:08.383

21 How can I give arguments to time command (ubuntu) 2010-02-23T10:40:34.157

20 Timezone conversion by command line 2010-07-16T09:29:49.547

19 Change the output format of zsh's time 2009-11-17T21:37:46.730

17 How to set Debian to automatically update time and date? 2011-08-14T18:12:06.093

17 Will overclocking your PC with no internet access screw up the system time? 2012-10-11T17:23:04.453

15 Can the Windows clock be configured to display a 24-hour-based time? 2010-06-17T17:19:39.097

15 How to prevent Windows 7 from reading the BIOS time? 2011-08-01T23:31:08.560

15 How do PCs know when the time has changed? 2012-12-24T11:44:58.427

14 how long to zero a drive with dd? 2011-03-25T02:00:28.983

14 Time the execution time of multiple commands 2013-06-17T12:12:02.990

13 In Windows 7, how to show day name in system tray clock? 2009-11-03T18:28:07.020

13 How is time measured in computer systems? 2011-03-05T05:12:29.380

13 Public, reputable sources of time sync via HTTP to use where NTP is blocked? 2011-10-25T17:07:59.180

12 Bash Run command for certain time? 2013-05-08T10:34:53.427

11 Is there any software or hardware which lets you stop, slow down, speed up or even reverse time? 2009-10-04T18:24:44.693

11 Synchronize Internet Time in a Windows script? 2011-08-15T20:35:37.003

11 How do I make a virtual machine with non-standard speed of time (timescale)? 2016-01-05T21:17:56.253

10 How to synchronize clocks for computers that are not online? 2012-01-06T15:55:19.577

10 Print current time (with milliseconds) 2013-11-11T15:19:34.510

9 Easiest way to time a command line tool 2009-07-30T16:38:51.203

9 How do I use options with time? 2012-03-08T16:19:10.413

9 Using find -mmin to find files with modification time in the future 2012-04-24T14:17:57.250

8 how to run cron jobs on GMT not local time? 2011-02-22T11:27:06.657

8 Network latency measurement (Linux) 2011-06-24T10:45:11.027

8 Is it possible to set wget to show the transfer times in milliseconds? 2010-02-04T17:13:35.537

8 Is there a way of getting correct CLOCK_TAI on Linux? 2016-12-15T07:05:09.717

8 Windows 10 always showing wrong time 2017-02-01T21:41:24.650

7 Windows port of /usr/bin/time? 2009-08-28T00:19:17.413

7 Fastest booting desktop linux distro? 2009-09-01T06:36:35.017

7 Fully featured time command on Mac OS X? 2010-10-05T12:31:46.620

7 Should I set my BIOS to local time or UTC? 2011-05-12T12:19:44.430

7 How can I find files added to the system within X minutes of a specific time? 2012-12-02T22:22:18.107

7 How to run "time" on a function in zsh 2013-12-13T20:52:32.760

7 Delayed messages in Slack 2017-07-31T07:18:42.943

6 REPORTTIME for Bash 2010-08-14T10:12:35.090

6 How to show date with clock when Windows 7 taskbar is vertical? 2010-11-26T16:41:21.023

6 System Time is Wrong in Windows 7 after dual booting Ubuntu 2011-02-26T12:32:25.043

6 Bash: number of seconds till midnight of current day 2011-03-16T13:06:24.230

6 How to force 'shutdown' at predefined time, in administrator account? 2011-05-31T11:45:43.903

6 How do I decode the "Faulting application start time" in a Windows event log entry? 2012-03-09T21:39:29.150

6 Windows 7 set to UTC RTC forcibly changes time 2013-03-25T23:22:47.160

6 How can I have a secondary clock show in 24-hour time but the primary one in 12-hour time? 2015-03-01T03:58:23.233

6 w32time: The computer did not resync because no time data was available 2016-08-24T01:14:45.027

6 What is Windows's time server synchronisation precision? (and does it compensate the ping time?) 2018-05-30T20:58:33.440

5 How can I permanently fix my date synchronize problem in linux? 2010-03-25T11:58:02.813

5 How does operating system software maintains time clocks? 2010-04-02T11:07:11.140

5 Laptop BIOS clock resets on reboot? 2010-11-06T17:55:19.353

5 The system time has changed kernel-general, off by one day 2011-04-13T18:53:15.080

5 Computer clock drifts on standby. Can I make Windows synchronize time on every wakeup? 2011-05-30T12:33:40.453

5 Using time to get CPU usage of a process, but not its children 2012-07-25T20:31:34.460

5 Different times between OS's 2013-04-21T10:56:13.263

5 dual booted pc: windows 7 clock becomes wrong after booting linux 2013-05-31T15:14:42.753

5 Windows Time clock going twice the speed 2013-10-08T15:36:02.573

5 How can I stop Linux from changing Windows's clock? 2018-07-03T22:55:19.893

5 Is there a way to show 24 hour time format in Skype 8? 2018-07-25T09:02:40.130

5 Unable to sync Windows 10 time with time servers 2019-10-06T19:19:55.237

4 Why does the clock in the notification area freeze? 2009-07-20T07:39:44.867

4 System clock runs behind 2009-09-11T06:56:35.697

4 Time changes when using two OSs 2009-09-15T09:56:19.407

4 Stop Ubuntu From Automatically Updating the Time 2009-12-15T21:36:31.253

4 How long does a typical Windows 7 64bit installation take? 2010-03-12T19:51:30.923

4 How to find out total running time of system and hard disk? 2011-05-05T06:06:33.057

4 How do I interpret the output of the "time" command? 2011-09-21T04:16:19.520

4 Time configuration does not persist through reboots 2011-09-26T12:36:34.653

4 Can you display milliseconds in the time/date on the Windows 7 taskbar? 2012-02-27T03:59:42.117

4 sh: time command not found 2012-04-29T13:42:49.547

4 Wrong time update when rebooting Archlinux - Windows 7 2012-05-07T01:47:39.943

4 How to connect to time server behind corporate firewall/proxy server? 2013-08-07T04:15:46.023

4 Os X - Why do I need to turn on WiFi to determine closest location 2013-08-26T22:09:59.283

4 NTP daemon or ntpdate doesn't synchronize 2013-11-06T15:56:58.580

4 Timezone setting in Linux 2014-01-22T12:01:14.593

4 Is there a way to find out how long a tab has been open, or when a tab opened? 2014-12-08T19:34:32.057

4 How to limit CPU consumtion of a process group with standard GNU/Linux tools? 2015-05-29T09:01:01.510

4 How can I set 24 hour time in KDE5 2015-07-30T09:48:46.083

4 Windows Time not synchronizing - "Access is denied" error 2017-04-16T09:13:57.873

3 Syncing your clock from command line 2009-11-01T20:34:40.527

3 ls in cmd window gives one hour off time 2010-02-15T09:45:04.707

3 How can I burn a timecode into a movie file? 2010-02-26T05:18:19.960

3 System time is off in Fedora 2010-05-16T18:10:21.983

3 Synchronizing time within workgroup 2010-07-06T09:21:28.803

3 Changing system time in VirtualBox 2010-08-06T16:59:19.377

3 Windows computer keeps updating to UTC time 2010-10-09T18:08:43.357

3 Does Mac OS X keep a log of network connection addresses and dates/times? 2010-11-25T15:18:23.647

3 Time calculator for OSX 2010-11-30T11:15:33.147

3 Windows Media Player - always show Current Time/Total Time 2010-12-25T22:38:56.037

3 Automatic insertion of current date and time in alphabetic form 2011-02-02T23:49:25.127

3 How do I set the timezone from the CLI on Ubuntu 10.04 server? 2011-03-21T16:05:09.643