Tag: terminology

316 What does the "Fi" in "Wi-Fi" mean? 2016-06-06T23:35:26.260

109 What is the difference between 4K, UHD and QHD? Do we agree on one official resolution? 2015-09-24T16:06:19.140

87 What is the name of the 8 white squares surrounding resizable views? 2017-02-09T16:22:12.467

75 What is the correct term for the mouse pointer/nipple/joystick thingy in the middle of a laptop's keyboard? 2012-06-19T13:23:31.140

56 What does "LFF SATA" mean? 2011-03-09T19:27:19.687

55 Where did the term "superuser" originate? 2018-01-20T23:53:33.573

51 What exactly is microcode and how does it differ from firmware? 2018-01-07T21:54:44.497

44 What are the origins of "Download", "upload", "downstream", "upstream", and why are they respectively down or up? 2019-11-09T13:47:32.330

32 What is the difference between a directory and a folder? 2010-09-12T11:22:38.213

32 What is meant by the terms CPU, Core, Die and Package? 2011-08-17T11:27:28.773

30 What exactly is VGA, and what is the difference between it and a video card? 2013-01-24T17:14:01.970

28 SSD, SD, eMMC, Raw NAND what are the differences? 2013-05-11T17:26:02.097

27 What does it mean for software to run natively? 2013-04-16T03:06:44.003

25 What's the difference between intranet, extranet and internet? 2010-04-27T12:28:12.270

19 What's the meaning of "foo"? 2013-01-23T21:05:50.483

18 Is there a name for the text that shows up at the front of each command in a CLI? 2012-12-14T23:14:13.873

17 Difference between a netbook, a notebook, and a laptop 2009-07-20T04:22:49.517

17 What is "Fog computing"? 2014-03-23T16:00:53.087

16 What's the difference between portable and install versions? 2010-05-05T16:57:08.720

15 What does it mean to "align" partitions? 2010-12-26T21:08:27.903

15 What are the differences between firmware and software/OS? 2011-06-19T23:57:50.203

13 What is the hexadecimal system? 2014-06-05T22:21:37.753

12 How to name/describe the Windows 7 Start Button? 2011-03-16T18:45:49.470

12 In the context of this quote, how many 'chips/sockets' do personal computers contain? 2016-11-10T09:54:55.457

11 What is a kernel panic? 2009-08-05T01:31:31.437

11 Is there a special name for keyboards that only have a few keys? 2016-11-14T01:27:35.137

10 What does fCK (RAM memory speed) stand for? 2014-09-04T16:50:11.073

10 What's the difference between SMTP server and SMTP Relay? 2016-07-08T11:59:30.250

9 Why are things like Gnome Terminal called "Terminal Emulators" instead of just "Terminals"? 2010-01-16T16:50:09.990

9 What does COM object mean? 2011-04-21T17:14:13.390

9 What's the difference between "anti-virus", "anti-malware" and "anti-spyware" tools? 2013-12-31T23:28:58.843

8 What is UNIX and what's UNIX-like? 2009-09-29T21:38:12.457

8 What is the difference between a fob and a dongle? 2010-02-26T16:09:39.517

8 What is the difference between CPU and Microprocessor? 2011-01-10T16:42:10.243

8 What is a router? What is a switch? and What is a hub? 2011-05-20T07:37:47.870

8 What do we mean by mounting a filesystem? 2011-09-10T15:00:11.277

8 What is the contemporary meaning of primary storage? 2019-11-19T17:27:58.563

7 What does X denotes in ASPX, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX etc? 2010-02-03T14:59:46.840

7 What does etc stand for/mean? 2011-01-26T20:26:13.277

7 What is a dongle used for? 2011-07-02T12:50:15.970

7 What is the difference between terminal and bash? 2015-02-20T12:59:07.300

6 What is the difference between an Incremental and a Differential Backup? 2010-02-05T13:36:55.037

6 Why some standards are called Request For Comments? 2010-07-02T10:57:11.640

6 What kind of device receives wireless signal and provides wired output? 2011-03-08T16:09:03.640

6 What is the difference between RTM, GA and GOLD versions? 2012-02-18T16:23:12.400

6 What are 'Toasts' or 'Toast Notifications' in Windows 8? 2012-10-28T17:01:24.257

6 Why traceroute on Windows is named tracert - book that I am reading is claiming that there is some historical context 2018-09-19T08:03:00.003

6 ShellExView vs ShellMenuView 2019-06-30T19:36:01.863

5 What does the condition "new pull" mean? 2009-09-22T04:39:57.220

5 What is a "Mainframe"? What is a "Workstation"? 2010-02-17T22:20:20.613

5 Virtualbox in Headless mode 2010-04-16T18:29:09.513

5 What is the meaning of dual core vs. dual cpus? 2011-03-20T15:42:07.593

5 Is there a way to stream wirelessly from a laptop to a TV? 2011-09-05T18:45:03.680

5 How does uploading a file actually work? 2012-08-07T08:20:15.077

5 What's the correct terminology for + email alias? 2015-07-14T19:43:04.717

4 What does the term 'anycast' mean? 2009-11-12T20:24:11.917

4 How can I best explain what a virtual machine "image" is to a non-technical person? 2010-04-14T09:57:16.357

4 What exactly is a proxy? 2010-04-28T16:31:01.407

4 Does "core" mean CPU or memory or both? 2010-06-04T12:30:12.967

4 What is the difference between "load" and "fetch"? 2012-10-21T16:25:08.710

4 What is ecosystem in IT world? 2013-02-18T14:10:42.173

4 Is DLL executable? 2013-05-16T13:11:13.883

4 What does one call a NON-wireless router? 2013-08-24T16:06:19.683

3 Is there a specific name for the .. or . on *nix systems? 2009-09-11T04:04:36.633

3 What is the proper definition of software? 2010-04-01T18:34:58.630

3 How is a headset that does not have a band around the head called? 2010-04-06T19:53:34.700

3 What does PS stand for in PS/2? 2010-06-13T05:56:59.863

3 What does the 'X' in .aspx, docx, xlsx, etc... represent? 2010-06-14T21:58:03.927

3 Term used for a motherboard without integrated audio or video 2011-05-27T13:58:19.723

3 Terminology used for CPU/Processors 2012-06-20T06:08:58.867

3 SSHD HMAC Configuration 2013-10-07T15:40:05.967

3 What does IOT mean in regards to SIGIOT? 2018-01-11T17:40:34.343

2 what are different connection speed ratings? 2009-12-19T23:18:24.807

2 What does "third-party in the context of "third-party application" mean? 2010-04-02T09:49:37.850

2 Is TRIM an acronym? 2010-09-02T07:49:35.757

2 "bus speed", "rated bus speed", "stock bus speed" 2010-11-15T06:11:02.973

2 What is the name of this component? 2011-01-21T03:40:45.643

2 What Exactly is a Threaded Web Server? 2011-04-27T10:12:14.490

2 Bits of CPU, architecture and OS 2011-06-18T18:58:36.687

2 Technical name of commands like Alt+F4, Ctrl+Alt+DEL, Alt+Tab 2013-09-14T23:41:25.540

2 How do I phrase what I'm looking for here? 2015-06-05T04:58:30.713

2 What exactly is a “network boundary?” 2015-10-09T05:08:22.400

2 What does Bytes In / Out mean? 2016-04-05T16:36:40.310

2 Is a trackball a mouse? 2019-10-16T23:24:54.973

1 The name of this interface? 2009-11-07T07:20:41.843

1 Terminology: Looking for one word meaning client and server 2010-06-07T23:35:06.893

1 What is a network segment? 2010-07-31T15:04:30.283

1 What happened to the term motherboard? 2010-12-28T02:38:07.217

1 Harddrive 9 in 1 capacity? What does that mean? 2011-02-11T18:43:50.360

1 "Stable" operating system - what does it mean exactly? 2011-03-31T19:55:47.063

1 RFC 2068 statement about HTTP 2011-05-14T06:51:23.777

1 What's a dual core? 2011-07-16T05:55:26.283

1 How is it called when audio streaming "freezes" or "stucks"? 2011-11-12T14:48:48.770

1 What's the correct term for this network connection? 2012-11-03T21:55:57.467

1 Does external HDD RAID closure exists not primarily for portability? 2013-05-22T15:53:48.517

1 Name for time period between boot and shutdown (login/logout is to "session" like boot/shutdown is to ???) 2013-06-15T08:26:47.190

1 Why do we say 'PC and MAC' 2013-09-11T09:31:34.770

1 What are "Difference" and "Delta" in Wireshark RTP Analysis? 2014-01-18T20:19:22.140

1 CISC and VLIW, and instruction and opcode 2014-01-28T03:17:04.403