I sometimes see web based applications (eg Avairy, Google Docs) labeled as "software". Is this the true meaning of software? Isn't it supposed to mean applications that run natively on an OS, such as Photoshop or Outlook? Or does it mean ALL applications whether native or web-based?
1If talking about what is considered "computer software" allowed on Super User, though, it is limiting to things you actually install/run on your computer. – Gnoupi – 2010-04-01T19:08:10.687
@Gnoupi, ya, I had that thought, but that was not the purpose of my question. From previous observation on Superuser, web-based software is not allowed on here... – studiohack – 2010-04-01T19:10:36.770
Yes, although the FAQ says questions about software are welcome on SU, questions about software that is run on a server or delivered by a server on the internet are typically not allowed. – heavyd – 2010-04-01T19:29:02.290
@heavyd: ya questions of that type go on Server Fault. – studiohack – 2010-04-01T20:41:53.740
@Gnoupi - we nowadays have all kinds of trademarks, trade names and such, so maybe your definiton of a computer is somewhat different, but I've never heard of a "non computer software". – Rook – 2010-04-01T20:59:40.943
@Idigas - I was only shortly reminding the policy on SU in a comment, but this is not the place to discuss that. It's not about my own definition, in that case. – Gnoupi – 2010-04-02T05:36:23.890