Tag: terminal-emulator

63 How to change the default terminal emulator on Windows (cmd)? 2012-11-23T13:54:54.210

51 How can I get a block cursor in Vim in the Cygwin terminal? 2013-08-20T17:45:10.297

47 Terminal emulator with split panes for Windows 7 (64 bit) 2011-04-07T21:31:30.863

28 Disable F1 on xfce terminal 2013-03-07T04:48:29.860

21 Move a program started in GNU screen out to another terminal 2016-03-18T08:42:30.443

20 Why can't I highlight text in a linux terminal emulator with shift+arrow keys? 2013-02-22T17:22:58.480

16 Why does `cat /dev/urandom` break your terminal? 2013-08-28T19:06:11.470

12 How to copy text from less 2013-07-30T04:04:41.763

10 unix find command on cmder.exe in windows 2017-06-14T10:10:58.710

9 Resize Bluestack Screen on Mac OS X 2013-08-05T12:27:42.970

8 Highlight a single word *always* in a terminal 2012-01-16T23:44:25.380

8 Jumping to previous prompt in terminal 2015-09-01T06:33:10.763

6 tmux / vim split panes 2012-10-12T16:20:54.077

6 How to reset terminator terminal emulator configuration? 2013-08-20T12:20:34.047

6 Is there a way to replace cmd window with the new windows terminal? 2019-08-08T20:08:56.890

5 emacs term-mode redraws prompt when backspacing inside executables 2015-10-15T15:28:01.410

5 iTerm2 fullscreen causes an empty line at the bottom 2016-02-12T18:03:18.240

3 How to change default terminal emulator in MATE? 2013-01-16T02:59:57.973

3 Terminal emulator in windows which can store commands 2013-02-08T02:54:49.683

3 Disable F11 (fullscreen) in XFCE Terminal 2018-02-23T15:17:43.457

2 Alternative to TinyTERM Terminal Emulator 2012-01-06T20:39:14.013

2 How to use x3270 macros 2012-12-20T23:36:23.473

2 Opening .bat file in CMDER instead of default CMD 2015-08-11T13:41:38.317

2 Terminal escape sequences in GNU Screen 2019-06-23T16:10:46.833

1 Shell scripts in windows 2012-05-20T15:37:46.997

1 How to let gnome-terminal to use specific font to display punctuations in their full width forms? (·‘’“”) 2013-03-28T18:29:51.450

1 Terminal application that appends CR to incoming LF's on COM 2013-07-08T12:39:32.763

1 Can dumping binary data in terminal be considered dangerous? 2013-09-24T14:23:57.903

1 How to change the settings for bluetooth from Android terminal emulator? 2015-01-03T12:45:00.980

1 How to go totally fullscreen in a st terminal on a PocketC.H.I.P.? 2016-07-08T23:52:17.783

1 Display non-printing chars in terminal emulator on windows 2016-09-30T09:49:32.040

1 how to save and restore settings for RealTerm, on Windows 7 2017-01-27T22:45:02.227

1 How to keep spawned GUI programs when closing bash 2017-12-15T14:03:42.370

1 Force terminal emulator to read .bash_logout (or .logout, etc) 2020-01-30T16:10:59.547

1 How can I type a backslash (\) in Tera Term instead of a yen symbol (¥)? 2020-02-26T21:41:23.067

0 Automatically opening multiple terminal windows with different commands 2010-07-29T08:54:24.537

0 Open a terminal window & run command, then close the terminal window if command completed successfully? 2012-11-07T17:02:41.730

0 How do I supress date/time display in GNU Screen vertical splits? 2013-05-28T14:43:42.840

0 Why am I getting a -3 on an AutoHotKey DllCall? 2013-11-15T16:15:17.287

0 "gksu" doesn't prompt for the root password 2013-12-01T18:46:08.650

0 Determine available terminal emulators 2014-07-04T08:18:42.697

0 Is there a way to emulate vt52 or any other terminal type in linux just like xterm? 2015-07-19T17:42:51.690

0 Linux terminal emulator with frequent, recent, and bookmarked commands/directories 2015-07-23T07:21:09.923

0 windows CMD in browser 2015-08-18T21:22:06.367

0 How to run C++ console program (which is a standalone C++ file not a console application project in Code::Blocks) in ConEmu? 2015-11-22T18:43:17.747

0 Line drawing characters not recognized on remote SUSE PC 2015-12-21T23:37:00.853

0 Viewing Tab Separated Values on the Terminal (it doesn't show the tabs) 2016-05-02T12:30:06.667

0 Automated visual cues for being logged in to different machines? 2016-05-13T08:32:19.253

0 Changing terminal buffer scrolling shortcut 2017-07-17T11:48:47.220

0 Tera term unresponsive on Windows 10 2018-03-16T22:29:37.337

0 What’s the difference between “su” and “su -“ 2018-06-03T20:33:42.813

0 ConEmu: How to call msys2 Portable as tab? 2018-08-23T06:15:18.853

0 Can we modify Extended controls of Android emulator? 2019-04-08T11:18:26.083

0 How to increase font size of tab title in Terminology (terminal emulator)? 2019-04-16T07:15:50.710

0 'rxvt' terminal emulator resets settings after logout 2019-10-12T04:43:53.160

0 How do I change my Wifi MAC address using terminal emulator and root? 2019-11-05T05:42:41.103

0 On QEMU TightVNC, how can I make it full screen without the black borders 2020-01-28T00:19:22.507