Tag: sudoers

108 How to check if I have sudo access? 2013-02-18T19:36:35.767

50 Why does the system have /etc/sudoers.d? How should I edit it? 2015-01-25T06:30:58.617

18 What do the "ALL"s in the line " %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL " in Ubuntu's /etc/sudoers file stand for? 2011-11-15T01:02:25.737

18 How can I properly set sudo/visudo's editor? 2012-11-29T13:24:18.027

17 What are the percentage signs for in the sudoers file? 2010-08-18T07:41:32.477

17 How to allow user to preserve environment with sudo? 2013-08-24T21:35:42.067

14 sudo command trying to search for hostname 2012-05-28T18:20:43.657

13 sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo 2013-08-19T08:54:50.883

11 Why there is no sudoers file: "/etc/sudoers: No such file or directory"? 2013-06-09T19:34:49.203

8 localhost in sudoers 2010-07-29T10:27:55.300

8 Lost sudo/su on Amazon EC2 instance 2011-10-13T16:27:27.773

8 Perrmission to run specific command by sudo as www-data users without password 2012-08-22T11:17:09.313

7 'user is not in the sudoers file' but actually is 2014-05-06T22:16:25.783

7 Sudoers NOPASSWD for single executable but allowing others 2018-06-04T09:39:22.337

6 Add a sudoer non-interactively from command line 2014-06-16T17:04:17.620

5 User supposedly not in sudoers file, but already is 2011-06-22T17:44:30.770

5 Who are forbidden sudo requests reported to? 2011-07-27T07:49:38.687

5 Passwordless sudo works for one user, but not for another 2014-01-27T23:11:01.440

4 Can I have sudoedit check `$EDITOR` like visudo does? 2011-11-19T02:32:33.257

4 passwordless sudo apachectl 2012-01-23T05:58:04.887

4 Why are sudoers not defined by UID? 2015-10-14T19:02:22.467

3 a safer no password sudo? 2010-11-22T11:16:43.953

3 Linux mint Sudoers edit not working: can't do anything 2012-07-24T13:13:09.353

3 Force sudo to ask for password once from outside sudoers 2012-09-10T12:48:36.977

3 Prompted for root password even with sudoers edited with NOPASSWD 2014-09-14T16:02:57.490

3 Get back to sudo group without recovery mode 2015-01-13T18:12:45.100

3 `sudo adduser username admin` leads to `adduser: The group `admin' does not exist.` 2015-05-20T13:43:25.383

2 Start SSH Server without typing a password - Sudoers (NOPASSWD) 2012-05-20T16:37:25.673

2 List admins on Linux 2012-08-02T14:13:29.770

2 Open root terminal without switching user (OS X) 2012-10-17T09:04:04.063

2 sshpass installation 2012-11-21T05:02:45.530

2 Can't use sudo's arguments as non-root in Fedora 16 2013-02-15T00:35:29.957

2 sudo for only ufw? 2013-03-19T15:30:51.457

2 Broken sudo on amazon web services ec2 linux centOS 2013-10-03T22:32:09.603

2 How can I override a default of rootpw in sudoers 2014-02-13T15:55:51.550

2 Why am I able to switch user only using hyphen? 2016-05-05T09:15:05.043

2 What is the different between giving user root privileges and adding it to root's group 2016-05-27T18:36:41.813

2 Adding elevated permissions to scripts in a directory 2018-03-09T14:33:08.883

1 How to use LDAP to store sudoer information 2010-12-06T17:36:57.263

1 What is sudoers file 2011-06-29T04:15:12.847

1 Automation of restarting the network without root permissions/password 2012-04-06T08:17:20.203

1 sudo access to view/edit a crontab 2012-05-15T14:33:04.943

1 sudo configuration & log for contractor 2012-07-18T15:51:25.010

1 How to allow only 2 groups to use network commands using sudoers 2012-12-16T19:50:43.757

1 cannot access crontab with sudo after being added to /etc/sudoers list 2012-12-20T16:39:49.697

1 Admin group can sudo, but my user in admin group can't 2012-12-31T06:05:33.870

1 why sudo create directories in wrong permission drwxr-sr-x? 2013-01-29T07:56:25.830

1 Edit sudoers to allow /sbin/ifconfig down with NOPASSWD 2013-03-09T22:55:38.090

1 Gentoo : cannot modify the hostname file as a sudoer 2013-04-02T09:28:40.403

1 Let a user to run a command as a member of a group he does not belong to, using `sudoers` 2013-08-08T09:42:49.967

1 sudoers syntax for specifying a list of executables 2013-12-19T11:01:33.110

1 remove specifying the full path in sudoers 2014-02-14T08:25:58.453

1 Run startup script with another user 2014-06-12T11:30:02.580

1 Disable an #include instruction in sudoers 2014-08-08T08:47:03.080

1 allow sudo user to execute multiple commands for only ONE file 2014-08-10T19:01:56.177

1 Adding group permissions with sudoers with NOPASSWD still prompting for password 2014-09-28T03:07:01.903

1 Replacement for "su user_with_sudo; sudo -s" for user without sudo-rights? 2014-10-07T14:05:55.993

1 force sudo to forget password immediately after exit everytime 2014-10-16T10:03:35.340

1 sudo - /etc/sudoers is world writable on Ubuntu OS 2014-12-16T17:22:30.497

1 amazon linux yum update changed sudo root permissions 2014-12-20T20:50:44.577

1 How to allow a user to view a particular file via sudoers? 2015-02-03T17:31:02.417

1 Can't sudo because password is disabled 2015-02-25T22:30:44.150

1 My admin user has completely lost the use of sudo (only gets 'permission denied') 2015-04-23T19:47:17.617

1 PYTHONPATH variable can't be echoed by non-root 2015-05-21T11:20:32.770

1 no valid sudoers sources found after running sudo chmod -R 777 /etc on AWS 2015-06-18T08:29:37.430

1 sudo --set-home decide based on command 2015-06-25T05:48:16.550

1 Root Privileges and Risky Commands 2015-06-28T01:44:46.793

1 Restrict access to directory with sudo 2015-09-07T02:11:04.447

1 Disable startup program super user authentication 2015-11-22T00:18:05.840

1 Running script that has sudo commands with sudoers 2016-02-29T22:37:13.797

1 Sudo user is not able to export path of ant 2016-03-20T22:12:07.887

1 Unable to get sudo lecture working on CentOS 7 server 2016-05-04T20:51:01.717

1 /etc/sudoers set user to have general sudo use, with no password prompt for only one commands 2016-06-21T17:28:35.550

1 Mac OS X El Capitain can't sudo 2016-06-22T13:21:47.010

1 How do I add to sudoers.d from a custom rpm 2016-06-25T21:09:31.943

1 binding root pass into sudo command 2016-11-26T14:01:54.060

1 Sudo doesn't work: "/etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1005, should be 0" - Ubuntu 2016-12-09T07:27:04.283

1 File Modification Restrictions for Sudo/Linux as in UAC/Windows 2017-01-17T18:53:20.843

1 How to run a command with sudo from a certain path? 2017-02-07T13:12:11.207

1 sudo -u <user> <cmd> vs sudoedit 2017-10-17T09:01:44.503

1 What is the purpose of %{seq} in sudo/sudoers? 2018-01-10T19:43:08.060

1 How to avoid "root is not allowed to run sudo"? 2018-08-03T12:54:36.150

1 Error installing Sudo on Debian 2018-10-02T11:33:06.123

1 Abuse suid program 2019-01-04T09:36:54.713

1 Can someone explain what is `<user> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL` does in sudoers file? 2019-10-25T06:56:20.127

1 Changed root / file ownership, any way back? 2019-10-27T10:10:19.057

0 Get sudoers information for all users on a server 2011-01-11T13:51:03.863

0 Switching users in a bash script 2011-03-29T06:48:01.697

0 Ubuntu, apache - sudoers problem 2011-08-31T08:09:58.793

0 Disabling need for sudo password for a single command 2011-10-24T21:11:12.607

0 Whats wrong with this entry in the /etc/sudoers file? 2011-11-15T03:46:46.187

0 Postfix/Sendmail not working with sudo 2011-11-27T19:37:16.207

0 How do I give a group 'service httpd graceful' permission in sudoers without passwd prompt? 2012-07-05T04:39:25.010

0 How can I run commands like setfsuid, setfsgid as a normal user? 2013-01-07T03:40:45.563

0 How to config sudoers file? 2013-04-15T03:17:51.203

0 Running phantomjs with shell_exec under cron job 2013-04-17T14:37:49.333

0 Shutdown Debian from php script 2013-04-25T19:27:59.287

0 How do I fix an invalid /etc/sudoers file if root access is disabled? 2013-12-24T01:27:58.393

0 What is wrong with this configuration of sudoers file? 2014-01-10T14:21:03.680