Let a user to run a command as a member of a group he does not belong to, using `sudoers`


How can I let a user U to run a command /usr/bin/C as a member of a group G (while he does not belong to the group G), using sudoers on Debian Wheezy?


Posted 2013-08-08T09:42:49.967

Reputation: 123




U = an user G = a group to which user doesn't belong C = a command M = the machine

if you've got the line:

U M=:G C

so if you want user 'test' launch command 'touch' as group 'whatever' on machine 'aserver' you should add:

test aserver=(:whatever) /usr/bin/touch

in sudoers, then you'll be able to launch touch as group whatever via:

sudo -g whatever touch mytestfile


Posted 2013-08-08T09:42:49.967

Reputation: 222

In my case command C is /usr/bin/nautilus-sendto which is normally called by a user through GUI (Nautilus), in order for things to remain transparent for the user I have to avoid using command line (sudo -g whatever touch mytestfile). So is there a way to make it transparent? – user1876484 – 2013-08-08T10:17:05.047

@user1876484 - should this be U M=:G C and test aserver=:whatever /usr/bin/touch or U M=(:G) C and test aserver=(:whatever) /usr/bin/touch? – user1876484 – 2013-08-08T10:30:17.493

1the set should be:

user machine=(:group) command – user1293137 – 2013-08-08T10:39:48.720

@user1876484 - what about my first comment - how to make it Gnome-transparent. I thought to substitute the original /usr/bin/nautilus-sendto with a bash script that will have sudo -g floppy /usr/bin/nautilus-sendto.original $1 inside. But the problem is sudo wants to check the password of user - is there a way to force sudo to run the program without asking for password? Or maybe you have another workaround to make this Gnome-transparent? – user1876484 – 2013-08-08T12:56:55.100

Wops, sorry: just saw your comment. NOPASSWD: flag before command alias should do the job:

User Machine=(:Group) NOPASSWD: Command – user1293137 – 2013-08-20T07:59:45.303