What is the different between giving user root privileges and adding it to root's group



In Centos 7 I use visudo to grant root privileges, and I'm wondering what is the different between: myuser ALL=(ALL) ALL


# usermod -aG wheel myuser


Posted 2016-05-27T18:36:41.813

Reputation: 23

While the groop might have all the permissions of root, you can still take some of those permissions away, if you give each user in a group all of root's permissions you have that much work to do. – Ramhound – 2016-05-27T19:11:14.850



CentOS seems to work slightly differently[1] from other Linux flavours.

By the way, in general

  • With # usermod -aG wheel myuser you are adding myuser to the group of wheel [2], the CentOS equivalent of the group of sudo of many other Linux flavours.

    Then you gain super user privileges through the ownership to a group that have those privileges.

    Note: that should not be enough to gain the root privileges. You may manually have to add the wheels group in the /etc/sudoers file with sudo visudo adding the line

    %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
  • With myuser ALL=(ALL) ALL you are directly granting to myuser all the root privileges.

    Note: You can grant a different set of privileges to myuser specifying rules different [3] from ALL=(ALL) ALL, simple or complex; for example: [3]

    UseRunas_Alias     WEB = www-data, apache
    GROUPTWO = brent, doris, eric, myuser
    GROUPTWO    ALL = (WEB) ALLr_Alias    
    # The next will deny to run /usr/bin/shutdown only to myuser
    # that maybe can still copy it with a different name 
    # and run from a different location ... 
    myuser      ALL = NOEXEC: /usr/bin/shutdown


Posted 2016-05-27T18:36:41.813

Reputation: 15 043


You run the command with root permissions and drop back down - as such if something else runs in the context of the user, it can't elevate itself. The difference is temporary permissions (as needed) vs permanent permissions.

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2016-05-27T18:36:41.813

Reputation: 119 122