Tag: sftp

1 Server external acess security 2015-03-04T19:54:43.250

1 FileZilla public key not working (Successfully loaded 0 key pairs from file) 2015-04-27T20:46:01.257

1 Is it possible to add a cipher for an sftp client? 2015-05-21T06:37:32.327

1 Secure connection between computer and phone 2015-05-31T13:37:53.143

1 Using WinSCP to Edit Website Files Through SFTP 2015-06-11T18:50:50.667

1 WinSCP File from Mainframe? 2015-06-12T16:28:15.557

1 SFTP fails where SSH works 2015-06-23T13:12:04.917

1 Where are my domains when logging in with SFTP user? 2015-07-05T23:22:45.963

1 How can I secure a FTP transfer using like an SFTP middleman 2015-08-01T02:23:32.887

1 View file tree in Sublime when using Cyberduck 2015-08-27T05:57:15.270

1 RSA keys and new computers 2015-09-02T13:56:00.997

1 Can't upload files via SFTP (freeSSHd) on Windows Server 2008 because of file permissions 2015-09-24T20:53:58.640

1 Port forwarding on Airport Express 2015-09-30T17:27:24.850

1 How can I improve SFTP transfer times between a Windows 7 PC and an Android phone? 2015-10-11T04:50:27.820

1 Access /var/www/html/website symbolic link from home user folder 2015-12-04T13:48:56.083

1 How to tell which FTP directory I am in? 2015-12-16T02:06:31.583

1 User can see other users folders when they don't have permissions? 2015-12-18T18:43:51.767

1 SFTP: Connection closed 2015-12-19T01:20:24.970

1 Unable to upload files via SFTP with Cyberduck 2016-01-13T01:47:07.670

1 Are there any current multi-threaded sftp Windows clients? 2016-01-21T10:37:49.690

1 FileZilla is connecting to localhost instead of SSH server (can connect via PuTTY) 2016-01-24T13:48:46.207

1 OpenSSH_6.2p2 on HP-UX B.11.31 ia64, sftp and ssh keys 2016-01-27T17:55:39.730

1 How is WinSCP able to provide a sudo user for executing scp? 2016-02-16T22:55:38.333

1 How to NppFTP with SSH key? 2016-02-22T16:11:40.730

1 Filezilla won't transfer 10 files simultaneously 2016-03-15T16:59:35.837

1 Amazon ec2 instance w/ atached volume permission denied with sftp 2016-03-23T19:53:03.793

1 Ubuntu server doesn't handle SFTP/SCP connection 2016-04-13T10:19:53.303

1 Batch file doesn't execute WinSCP script completely 2016-04-28T12:31:41.530

1 Apache Virtual Host HTTPS Site Not Reachable 2016-06-03T05:26:37.887

1 Logging into new FTP server, but no directories show up 2016-06-04T13:42:11.917

1 Setting explicit command to run SFTP server in FileZilla client (Mac OS) 2016-06-08T01:38:18.497

1 How to configure an SFTP client Filezila to a machine which is accessible by doing SSH second time? 2016-06-27T04:54:11.743

1 How to remove CR in error message in sftp stderr 2016-07-06T05:03:04.993

1 How do I copy a file from one server to another without downloading first? 2016-07-19T17:27:28.360

1 SSH authentication issue with Thunar: Can open individual files but can’t open many files 2016-07-29T02:18:48.477

1 SFTP Connection without the use of 3rd party apps 2016-08-23T13:03:30.387

1 Host key verification failed 2016-10-05T13:41:47.177

1 How does SFTP transfer files when SCP cannot? 2016-10-26T17:49:03.353

1 How to sftp a file to a mainframe 2016-10-31T15:53:57.497

1 FileZilla reports 'Permission denied' but empties file (deletes all file content) 2016-11-03T10:27:07.473

1 Get latest file from a directory using psftp 2016-11-09T15:05:36.240

1 How to upload, delete, create folders in AWS EC2 2016-11-23T00:04:26.370

1 Tunneling sftp 3 Hopd 2016-11-23T14:31:09.580

1 Downloading large file via SFTP timeout 2016-12-05T19:15:57.340

1 Centos 7 - sshd sftp group permissions messed up after update 2016-12-16T02:14:09.147

1 sftp connection too many publickey verification attempts were made error 2016-12-19T15:59:40.453

1 Where is the bottleneck in my home network? 2017-01-12T07:53:12.703

1 Copy file on SFTP to another directory without roundtrip 2017-01-12T11:06:02.503

1 Changed ssh AllowUsers option and lost access to Ubuntu 14.04 2017-02-08T07:55:44.443

1 WebDAV or SFTP to access my Cynology NAS from the internet? 2017-02-28T00:21:12.457

1 Compute Engine restrict SSH user to specific directory 2017-03-03T14:12:19.573

1 WinSCP commandline "put" fails with "Unable to authenticate" - works in GUI 2017-03-04T06:33:46.677

1 Unison sync of sshfs mount - what can go wrong if the connection breaks? 2017-03-09T08:02:40.483

1 What can I do about a "500 SSH not understood" error? 2017-04-14T09:50:58.067

1 How to resolve sftp:// or smb:// directories on Linux 2017-04-26T02:05:01.390

1 Centos navigate SFTP User to have access to specific directory 2017-06-07T16:56:39.013

1 Can not login through ssh on my machine 2017-07-05T11:04:34.317

1 FileZilla won't connect to server using key authentication? 2017-08-30T12:04:18.570

1 currently logged onto my remote server.. how do I transfer file from my local machine to my remote server using SCP 2017-09-04T05:51:25.940

1 Unable to start sshd service on Windows 10 2017-09-26T06:37:10.460

1 I cant sftp into my CENTOs LEMP 2017-10-02T09:48:11.000

1 How can I use `ls -d` in SFTP? 2017-11-08T09:23:52.960

1 Can't run ls -e via SFTP 2017-11-14T09:05:01.417

1 Do I need a static IP address to connect to a SFTP server? 2017-11-27T16:33:20.120

1 Automatically set owner of system created file 2017-12-10T10:58:28.080

1 SFTP: Writable root directory? 2017-12-12T13:27:42.570

1 Why doesn't my new SFTP user work under a different directory? 2018-01-05T11:24:59.583

1 Unable to connect to SFTP after changing file permissions of /home folder 2018-01-24T13:13:08.320

1 Can you use SFTP to transfer files "backwards" to client during SSH on host? 2018-02-14T05:24:50.683

1 How to give SFTP uploaded files sticky g+w rights 2018-03-28T08:46:50.770

1 Moving files from an SFTP directory 2018-05-16T07:19:34.207

1 cURL with SFTP via port 22 command line not supported/enabled 2018-05-24T12:49:03.880

1 SFTP uploading file permission error and empty remote directory 2018-05-25T02:20:06.493

1 SFTP connection with SSH key on Ubuntu 2018-08-02T05:50:11.860

1 Moba Xterm removes folder structure when dragging and dropping a folder into SFTP panel 2018-08-07T15:58:09.570

1 Cygwin SSH server works with SFTP but not with PuTTY 2018-08-19T13:22:38.537

1 What are the rules for SFTP users? 2018-08-25T15:06:19.887

1 Browse files on VLC SFTP 2018-09-14T10:56:46.063

1 Notepad++ NppFTP SSH Tunnel 2018-10-09T09:28:26.570

1 Mount SFTP server? 2018-11-06T23:28:37.513

1 Slow file transfers between home server and PC over ethernet 2018-11-09T10:26:52.503

1 RedHat: chroot user to subfolder with a different user chroot'd to the parent folder 2018-11-15T12:22:46.420

1 Apache SuexecUserGroup and group permissions on fedora with joomla 2019-01-04T18:10:33.300

1 SSHD Service on Windows Server 2012 R2 not showing 2019-01-10T15:24:46.990

1 Windows Explorer Edit Remote Like Fuse 2019-01-11T18:13:10.387

1 Failed to use SFTP to update files on Windows 10 running the OpenSSH server 2019-02-01T21:35:39.273

1 How to copy millions files from dedicated server to AWS EC2? 2019-02-27T15:21:47.427

1 Hetzner: Load key “/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub”: invalid format 2019-02-27T16:59:12.357

1 Lightsail user config/connection confusion 2019-02-27T18:21:25.700

1 User connection to SFTP server using FileZilla refuses to connect 2019-04-01T10:57:09.870

1 Real seamless SFTP tunneling / jump box 2019-04-03T11:47:05.723

1 FileZilla sftp attempts to authorize via key before set password 2019-04-04T18:22:11.810

1 FileZilla keeps asking me for password and verification code 2019-04-06T10:28:41.153

1 From winSCP to FileZilla and back - musing on some conversions 2019-04-20T13:20:50.517

1 How to limit the bandwidth/network rate for sshd per user? 2019-05-03T02:38:20.607

1 Connect to Amazon AWS Server via SFTP Net Drive? 2019-05-10T14:41:41.367

1 Symlinked file transfer rate in WinSCP 2019-05-10T16:06:11.443

1 ubuntu Vs. www-data File permission 2019-05-21T20:06:35.753

1 Network disconnects during large file copy to samba share 2019-05-26T11:04:13.403