Port forwarding on Airport Express


I want to be able to access files on my new Raspberry Pi remotely. So I enabled sftp, but I cannot manage to access it remotely. Here are the details of the setup:

  • I can access sftp on the Pi from my local network.
  • My router is an Apple Airport Express, and port forwarding is set up. I know it can work as I am using it successfully with Microsoft Remote Desktop. For sftp-ing the Pi, I forwarded the sftp port to the local IP. I tried both port 22(router)->22(pi) and 8022->22.

If I dont do the port forwarding, the sftp client returns connection refused. When I enable the port forwarding, it always times out?!

Am I missing something here? Any advice/comments more than welcome.



Posted 2015-09-30T17:27:24.850

Reputation: 49

can you access to TTY using SSH protocol? – Francisco Tapia – 2015-09-30T19:32:15.507

not 100% sure of what that means, but just as sftp, I can ssh onto the pi locally, but not remotely. – user20224 – 2015-09-30T23:13:48.867



Ok, got it. It is because the pi is always connected to a VPN server, and all traffic is router through it.


Posted 2015-09-30T17:27:24.850

Reputation: 49