Tag: sed

232 How to match whitespace in sed? 2010-02-24T11:53:58.767

85 How to match digits followed by a dot using sed? 2012-12-01T21:15:42.437

81 Removing ANSI color codes from text stream 2012-01-21T01:01:15.247

80 use of alternation "|" in sed's regex 2010-02-22T14:31:27.780

74 Substitution in text file **without** regular expressions 2012-05-09T15:00:43.013

46 Newlines in sed on Mac OS X 2011-07-06T16:01:32.967

45 How to mass prepend text to file names? 2012-10-11T16:39:13.080

42 How to use 'sed' with piping 2016-08-02T07:59:10.447

40 How to use sed to remove null bytes? 2011-05-24T16:21:34.917

37 sed: how to replace line if found or append to end of file if not found? 2013-05-02T14:49:31.580

31 Efficiently remove the last two lines of an extremely large text file 2010-04-05T23:25:01.113

26 How to replace line in file with pattern with sed? 2014-03-01T23:07:42.073

22 List only the device names of all available network interfaces 2010-10-25T20:41:03.617

22 How to get the pid of a running process using a single command that parse the output of ps? 2012-05-23T17:25:38.130

16 Edit first line of large text file 2012-12-14T13:45:13.657

15 How can I make a table of contents for a markdown document with Python/AWK/SED? 2009-07-25T20:58:44.863

15 replace nth occurence of string in each line of a text file 2010-05-20T16:12:18.727

15 How can I delete U+200B (Zero-width space) using sed 2010-11-04T20:33:11.510

14 Better way to do "echo $x | sed ..." and "echo $x | grep ..." 2010-02-04T10:11:29.780

14 Finding and deleting lines from all files recursively 2012-07-06T00:26:13.963

14 Using sed get substring between two double quotes 2012-12-03T13:48:16.483

14 Properly escaping forward slash in bash script for usage with sed 2014-06-09T19:55:55.100

13 Using sed to enable .htaccess files in Apache config 2013-09-15T20:19:42.447

13 What does `-n` option in sed do? 2014-12-14T12:42:27.520

13 How to recursively replace characters with sed? 2018-10-15T06:59:19.933

12 How to print last character of a file 2011-03-03T13:01:17.790

12 Cygwin bash sed locks my files 2012-02-20T21:38:11.557

11 Delete the first known character in a string with sed 2010-06-27T14:27:17.960

11 Multiple search and replace actions in one large text file 2013-07-11T11:52:06.250

11 Replacing [0-9] with [A-J] not working with sed 2018-10-21T23:29:09.253

10 Can GNU sed (for Windows) handle Unicode? If so, is it a code-page/locale issue, or a switch? 2010-08-04T20:57:34.697

9 Where does Macports install GNU sed when I install coreutils port? 2012-06-22T16:04:59.163

9 How can I cat/print a file except the last 2 lines? 2013-01-16T09:11:44.840

8 How to use verbatim strings in sed? 2012-04-06T23:26:39.313

8 use sed to replace nbsp, 160, Hex 00a0, Octal 240, non-breaking space 2012-12-11T13:40:22.580

8 How to make sed omit not matching lines? 2013-01-24T10:59:21.883

7 Transforming CSV file using sed 2009-10-10T14:46:58.430

7 SQL like group by and sum for text files in command line? 2010-05-02T04:25:57.190

7 Joining text files with 600M+ lines 2010-05-26T19:29:10.260

7 Replace a block of numbers in sed 2012-05-02T09:10:11.753

7 sed weirdness, unmatched { 2012-08-01T12:00:26.567

7 What does `-e` option in sed do? 2013-04-15T10:58:43.803

7 Print line X lines before/after found line 2013-12-14T10:25:26.603

7 sed, insert file before last line 2014-07-10T20:27:02.260

7 Using sed to retrieve part of a line 2017-07-18T07:58:11.383

7 Check disk usage of files returned with spaces 2019-08-17T21:56:05.687

6 Sed only print matched expression 2011-04-06T15:22:58.153

6 Using sed to replace string with special characters in XML file 2011-04-29T20:26:38.337

6 How greedy is sed in matching patterns? 2011-06-07T16:28:44.113

6 Print back-reference in regular expression 2012-03-16T21:18:51.633

6 Using sed to remove digits and white space from a string 2013-03-31T18:32:24.347

6 Multi-Line Sed Replace 2013-08-21T16:19:12.580

6 sed: can't read : No such file or directory 2013-11-17T14:07:11.833

6 How to append to the first line of a file? 2016-01-29T00:06:45.430

5 How can I use sed to alter the results of find and pass the results to cp? 2010-03-02T04:18:54.373

5 delete only first hit /match with sed 2011-01-23T10:15:15.757

5 Am I using sed properly to perform this conditional replace? Is there a better way? 2011-02-08T20:03:52.207

5 sed: replace any number of occurrences of a certain pattern 2011-03-18T17:40:03.863

5 What is the ^I character and how do I find it with sed? 2011-06-23T19:54:01.093

5 Inserting string from xargs into another string 2012-03-16T20:34:23.873

5 perl - translate sed to perl 2012-05-10T11:38:34.923

5 Search for files with more than one term (grep, awk?) 2012-07-11T12:18:47.437

5 sed: delete all but the last X lines of a file 2012-09-07T02:10:17.300

5 sed: replace first occurrence of a string in every line 2012-09-17T09:51:47.840

5 sed Command on BusyBox expects different syntax? 2012-10-10T11:39:11.867

5 How to replace a list of strings by another list 2013-01-11T23:01:38.003

5 sed: extracting value of a key-value pair in a URL query string 2013-06-04T12:48:10.263

5 Bulk Rename Utility 2013-09-19T18:07:46.017

5 Non-greedy regular expression to convert command tags 2013-09-22T22:45:04.210

5 How append a string at the end of all lines? 2014-01-30T17:29:21.050

5 shell script to replace a keyword in a file with the contents of another file 2014-06-13T08:00:59.760

5 Increment version text stored in a bash script file 2014-08-09T12:40:05.097

5 How do I prepend a string to program output without waiting for the whole line? 2015-01-23T12:15:54.967

5 grep -l output filenames with spaces 2015-04-22T19:21:11.037

5 Rename CSV header using command line tools 2016-01-15T10:31:00.433

5 Multiple sed commands in Bash 2018-12-04T11:43:01.583

4 grepping a substring from a grep result 2010-04-09T01:18:27.530

4 remove words containing non-alpha characters 2010-05-05T00:57:40.093

4 How can I zero pad a particular field in a text file? 2010-10-25T14:00:33.220

4 How can I use sed in /etc/apache2/sites-available? 2010-11-07T02:37:07.683

4 Unix one-liner to quote all words on a line 2011-09-20T00:50:11.287

4 sed - perform only first (nth) matched replacement? 2012-02-26T18:37:24.267

4 Flatten a folder structure to a file name in Bash 2012-03-04T21:38:46.090

4 Use OS X's sed in a script to find a string and append a line beneath it including a newline character 2012-06-08T15:16:09.853

4 sed: delete text between a string until first occurrence of another string 2012-09-06T16:04:05.293

4 sed: replace only the first range of numbers 2012-09-10T11:11:06.787

4 How do I parse file paths separated by a space in a string? 2012-09-18T00:10:15.823

4 Grep the whole body of a function 2012-11-27T22:34:29.143

4 Remove characters from column 'n' until end-line 2013-01-07T13:39:10.210

4 SED: How can I print every line after first instance of string using Sed? 2013-03-06T22:42:37.097

4 Using grep to remove lines from a file which contain a string from another file 2013-05-10T18:40:41.253

4 Replacing a dot with an underscore in a file using sed 2013-05-18T11:15:35.870

4 Substituting a multi-line pattern in an HTML file 2013-05-19T17:01:07.903

4 Extract URL from text with multiple URLs using sed 2013-12-10T15:08:22.540

4 how can sed get patterns from a file 2014-02-19T20:02:58.807

4 Linux/Bash: Comment every line matching a pattern 2014-02-20T16:07:31.223

4 Non case sensitive search case sensitive replace 2014-07-22T16:59:15.670

4 How to find the common paths from a list of paths/files 2014-08-31T04:41:28.137

4 Replace Line Breaks on matching lines, using AWK 2014-10-03T23:02:02.790