How to use sed to remove null bytes?



What is the sed incantation to remove null bytes from a file? I'm trying:


but that is stripping out strings of zeroes.


seems to have no effect. I'm trying to do this in a sed script, so I'm not sure the echo trick will work.

Chris Curvey

Posted 2011-05-24T16:21:34.917

Reputation: 1 105



I don't know how you can exactly achieve this with sed, but this is a solution that works with tr:

tr < file-with-nulls -d '\000' > file-without-nulls

This is a solution for sed that works in some occasions but not all:

sed 's/\x0//g' file1 > file2

This is a solution that involves replacing into space characters which should work in all occasions:

sed 's/\x0/ /g' file1 > file2

Tamara Wijsman

Posted 2011-05-24T16:21:34.917

Reputation: 54 163

1Works for me™. Also useful: -i parameter to convert file in place. – zbyszek – 2016-04-19T19:20:21.063

tr < file-with-nulls -d '\000' > file-without-nulls works beautifully – Paul Carlton – 2017-11-02T18:17:11.460

According to the documentation for GNU sed, \xxx can be used to produce a character whose hexidecimal value is xx. To produce NULL, use \x00. – Alexej Magura – 2018-07-30T21:22:33.573

10that looks like a very incomplete answer. why would it work on some occasions and not others, and if so then wouldn't an example be useful? – barlop – 2011-05-24T19:11:39.437

@barlop: Because of the way it is implemented? The OP didn't specify one and I'm not going to enumerate every single implementation... – Tamara Wijsman – 2011-05-24T20:50:13.013

4Well that then sounds fine to me, so you're saying it depends on the implementation of SED. If you hadn't said that you'd have left open the possible suggestion that one implementation of SED may remove nulls from one file and not another file, depending on the data in the file. – barlop – 2011-05-24T22:03:03.483

3shouldn't it be "tr -d '\000' < file-with-nulls > file-without-nulls" ? – Seamus Abshere – 2013-07-12T19:32:04.210

I needed to convert nul to newline, sed 's/\x0/\n/g' worked for me – doug65536 – 2014-02-07T07:33:55.193


tr tripped over some other bytes in my file and sed didn't replace anything. I ended up doing it not in sed but in Python:

f = open('file-with-0bytes.dump')
for l in f.readlines():
  print l.replace("\0", '')

Here's a pipeable one-liner:

python -c 'import sys; sys.stdout.write("\0", ""))'

I also noticed some commands actually leave the null bytes there but they're not visible anymore, at least not in an OSX terminal. I used hexdump to debug this.


Posted 2011-05-24T16:21:34.917

Reputation: 1 781


It's quite easy to use Perl to perform a regex. Just replace sed with perl -np -e:

$ printf 'one\0two\0' | perl -np -e 's/\0/\n/g'

With the -n option, regexes are run line by line, just like sed.

If you want to use zero bytes as record separators, use Perl's -0 option.

$ printf 'one\0two\0' | perl -np0 -e 's/^/prefix /; s/\0/\n/g'
prefix one
prefix two
$ printf 'one\0two\0' | perl -np -e 's/^/prefix /; s/\0/\n/g'
prefix one

You can look up the command-line options of Perl by running perldoc perlrun.


Posted 2011-05-24T16:21:34.917

Reputation: 6 317


To match a null byte, I use this regex with Cygwin's SED:


Big Daddy

Posted 2011-05-24T16:21:34.917

Reputation: 11

This is the answer to the question for sed on GNUWin32. It actually strips out more than just nulls. It may or may not work for you depending on what you want to match, and the implementation of sed. – Itsme2003 – 2018-04-27T02:54:52.457