Tag: procmon

22 What does the path '\REGISTRY\A\...' in Sysinternals Procmon log mean? 2013-12-17T18:58:47.383

11 What is C:\$Directory? 2011-11-11T20:03:25.483

9 How to use ProcMon on Windows XP - Get an error about InitializeSRWLock 2016-10-04T12:17:38.507

8 Detect what process is changing a file on Windows 2012-12-19T12:22:02.350

7 (solved) Mysterious and frequent activity on secondary disk, event when offline in Disk Management 2014-09-13T12:47:54.907

5 Can I use Sysinternals Process Monitor to monitor a specific registry value? 2013-11-21T17:01:07.667

3 Is there a version of Process Monitor that runs on Windows 2000? 2011-09-05T02:36:50.980

3 Windows Explorer making thousands of registry reads per second, slows computer to a halt 2013-03-09T00:29:51.577

3 ProcMon - catching incoming file accesses from the network 2015-05-05T08:41:31.257

2 Why is process monitor taking up 2+ gb of physical memory? 2011-06-29T21:15:08.230

2 how to enable procmon boot logging for every boot? 2012-11-08T08:03:05.200

2 No "ReadFile" operation from Coldfusion server on CFM files 2012-11-12T14:38:41.957

2 Could you use Process Monitor to move a program to a different computer? 2015-08-19T18:59:47.767

2 Procmon command line does not save filtered output 2016-02-12T05:37:56.823

2 how to start process monitor in a paused state? 2017-01-29T11:30:15.823

1 How to capture what application is set to start on given shortcut on Windows? 2013-03-26T11:04:50.360

1 Excessive registry activity by svchost, WWanAPI error 2014-02-03T21:35:25.060

1 Process Monitor Results from two Citrix Servers Application Error 2014-08-06T13:23:16.010

1 What a process can get from touching another application's dll? 2014-12-30T12:57:58.547

1 Process Monitor (Procmon) path of \\.\.\ 2018-05-03T16:12:35.200

1 Who touched my file? 2019-02-10T09:03:06.280

0 ProcMon hide GUI 2011-06-23T14:52:28.200

0 how to see GUI functions with Procmon? 2012-04-22T08:21:40.577

0 monitor startup program behaviors and files accessed 2012-05-18T12:51:40.383

0 Process exceution slow because of unnecessary dll lookups 2012-05-24T14:13:55.597

0 procmon - how to set backing file size and customize it according to my needs? 2014-07-29T15:17:42.527

0 Process Monitor (procmon) does not show some UDP / TCP network activity events, shown in Network Monitor 2014-12-20T09:36:36.933

0 Windows 10 install on Windows 7 Ultimate fails after 'Checking requirements' with error code 80070005 2015-08-28T10:35:08.693

0 Need help using procmon to debug "Power surge on USB port" 2015-12-05T19:22:22.057

0 Procmon: create pmc file via script or load pmf file through command line 2016-02-12T07:25:55.730

0 java.exe heavy reading of symantec virus definition 2016-04-19T13:13:38.347

0 How to capture ProcMon logs when coming out of OOBE? 2016-09-09T22:33:14.500

0 Block TCP connection to certain domain 2017-09-07T20:28:13.947

0 Is there a registry key in Windows for "Amount of running applications" 2017-09-09T17:06:54.643

0 how to edit procmon.exe's driver filename without breaking procmon.exe file 2018-04-08T15:50:51.273

0 Can Process Monitor detect if a screenshot has been taken? 2018-09-18T18:52:51.313

0 Loads of "NAME NOT FOUND" results in Windows Process Monitor (procmon) 2019-12-31T03:47:45.480