I am trying to hunt down a rogue process that is locking a file in a specific directory which is preventing a log being appended to. This locking happens about one to three times a week, so needless to say I want ProcMon to run for a long time unattended.
Unfortunately, about once an hour ProcMon will start steadily increasing it's memory usage past 2 gb. At this point I do a "Clear Display" and the memory used goes back to ~200 mb.
I have "Drop Filtered Events" turned on.
I have a backing file set to a file on my desktop (which oddly enough never changes from 4mb).
I have the filtering set so that it includes only processes hitting that directory.
I also exclude the 3 processes that should be accessing that directory.
As a side note, when going into the "Process Monitor Backing Files" dialog, this is displayed:
ProcMon load: 100.0% @ p-1717994043 (2,210,277,644...
1Another addition would be to use "Filter -> Drop Filtered Events". Its weird, but it actually drops UNfiltered events from the file/page file. – Rahly – 2018-05-27T04:35:46.747