Tag: operating-systems

224 32-bit vs. 64-bit systems 2009-10-17T11:14:58.603

110 How much space to leave free on HDD or SSD? 2017-10-04T11:43:23.607

92 How does the computer know that the PC was not properly shut down? 2012-09-26T08:31:21.220

76 Using UDF on a USB flash drive 2009-09-11T23:47:32.977

76 Does every OS need RAM? 2014-08-31T08:12:08.780

75 What technical reasons exist for not using space characters in file names? 2009-08-25T00:25:13.500

71 Does Windows still rely on MS-DOS? 2011-08-04T15:07:14.663

71 How is virtual memory actually increasing the memory space? 2017-01-10T07:34:58.570

70 Why is "Everything is a file" unique to the Unix operating systems? 2011-12-03T05:12:33.750

63 Use physical harddisk in Virtual Box 2012-10-28T23:12:30.123

62 Is Unix not a PC operating system? 2012-03-28T22:10:25.383

62 What is the relationship between Unix, Linux, Ubuntu, Debian and Android? 2014-09-24T09:27:55.233

54 Would an executable need an OS kernel to run? 2018-07-27T15:41:51.410

50 Is it still necessary to shut down computers? 2010-08-23T03:25:48.380

50 How can I upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8 and keep my files and applications? 2012-08-18T22:55:11.910

50 Before Operating systems, What concept was used to make them work? 2014-09-10T12:47:45.953

49 Was Windows 95 an Operating System? 2012-10-30T10:17:11.567

46 How computers display raw, low-level text and graphics 2011-11-14T17:05:12.653

44 How to make VIM settings computer-dependent in .vimrc? 2010-10-01T09:46:37.927

43 What is there in an Operating System other than the kernel 2011-08-29T17:18:32.050

43 cat /proc/meminfo what do all those numbers mean 2012-12-19T15:15:49.717

42 What does an operating system look like without a shell? 2013-08-14T11:21:52.903

41 Do 64bit software/applications require more RAM than their 32bit counterparts? 2012-09-03T10:38:18.313

40 Other benefits of 64-bit OS apart from memory expansion? 2009-07-20T11:04:15.077

39 Linux is to mount as Windows is to _______? 2012-05-14T15:46:24.790

38 In Linux what happens if 1000 files in a directory are moved to another location while another 300 files were added to the source directory? 2019-02-26T12:02:57.597

36 What would happen if I take my hard drive out of my current PC and put it in a new PC? 2012-04-14T20:48:23.363

35 65536 +1 Connection on a system 2015-07-23T21:01:55.960

35 How is the operating system able to know the battery level? 2018-10-05T09:44:15.313

29 Non-Windows, non-Unix-like OS's? 2010-05-20T02:55:28.977

26 Can a 32 bit OS run in a 64 bit processor? 2009-07-20T09:39:10.937

26 Are we supposed to manually delete the contents of /tmp? 2013-04-12T19:56:30.417

26 How can the BIOS block virtualization? 2016-02-20T00:07:36.577

23 Why can't I change the name of a file that's being read on Windows as I can do on Linux/Mac? 2012-02-12T02:54:41.467

23 Why does Linux use a swap partition when the kernel supports paging/virtual memory anyway? 2013-03-26T13:50:58.513

22 What are the technical differences between Windows Vista and Windows 7? 2011-04-12T00:24:29.017

22 How can I determine the OS of a remote computer? 2011-08-15T03:13:56.767

22 Can unexpected power loss harm a Linux install? 2013-06-25T11:03:27.750

21 Why does VM software need to know which OS will be running inside the VM? 2011-09-25T17:02:25.283

21 How do preferred and alternate or multiple DNS servers work? 2012-08-17T16:14:51.230

21 What is it that makes Windows require constant rebooting while Linux does not? 2015-10-14T17:12:09.583

20 A Dark Theme for Windows 8 2012-06-02T16:57:04.877

20 Why are operating systems (usually?) unable to access BIOS settings? 2016-01-09T23:18:03.980

19 Computer architecture: Are USB keyboards less responsive due to narrow IRQ range? 2012-08-01T20:50:06.943

17 Should I install my operating system on my SSD or HDD? 2011-07-29T09:53:03.997

17 Does dual-booting an OS require a dual-core processor? 2011-09-03T13:31:01.800

17 Memory limits in 16, 32 and 64 bit systems 2013-02-22T21:39:54.457

16 Does low disk space affect SSD performance? 2010-07-10T22:06:47.557

16 Is it the address bus size or the data bus size that determines "8-bit , 16-bit ,32-bit ,64-bit " systems? 2012-07-08T18:16:16.283

16 Why can't computers boot instantly? 2013-12-27T05:36:59.100

16 To what extent can a computer be reset to factory settings? 2017-05-04T08:39:22.390

15 What is the difference between 64-bit and 32-bit Operating systems? 2009-07-21T21:03:11.810

14 Are drivers part of the operating systems? 2012-07-10T11:07:08.460

14 How to stop and detect the fork bomb 2013-03-16T14:37:55.887

14 How many hours the PC has worked 2015-09-07T17:58:43.980

14 Why can't we use/set function keys as password keys? 2015-12-02T11:18:10.833

13 What is the difference between Unix and Linux? 2009-09-18T08:31:45.120

13 Does it make sense to put your operating system on a SD card? 2012-05-04T17:18:49.703

13 Which multi-user operating systems allow a user to see the current command line of other users? 2015-02-07T01:32:38.817

13 RAMDISK OS? Installing Windows 10 on a ramdisk 2015-10-12T01:46:09.247

13 Why do x86 CPUs only use 2 out of 4 rings? 2016-04-09T15:16:00.713

12 Does opening a lot of tabs in Google chrome cause a performance issue? 2009-07-20T06:19:16.243

12 How do I know my laptop is 64-bit compatible? 2008-10-12T13:58:59.023

12 How OS detects memory access violations 2010-09-17T20:23:37.893

12 How can I make it difficult to install a new operating system on a certain computer? 2011-02-15T19:28:51.593

11 What is a kernel panic? 2009-08-05T01:31:31.437

11 Is BIOS considered an OS? 2012-05-15T17:00:12.780

11 Is there any way to know the size of L1, L2, L3 cache and RAM in ubuntu? 2014-11-09T23:48:31.660

11 Can a single OS installation on an SSD be shared between a desktop and a laptop? 2015-01-04T02:39:25.350

11 View all login history on MacBook Pro running Mac OS X 10.6.8? 2015-05-18T22:58:19.283

11 Windows 10: Error accessing certain settings 2015-08-03T05:19:41.420

10 What happens when you install > 4GB of RAM in a computer with a 32-Bit OS? 2009-07-27T13:17:36.510

10 Windows 7: Should I Install 64-bit or 32-bit Version? (x64 vs x86) 2009-09-05T21:53:49.360

10 How to safely delete stuff from %SystemDrive%\Windows\Installer? 2011-02-06T19:36:05.943

10 How does a computer know which CD/DVDs to boot from? 2011-07-05T17:23:59.170

10 Running Operating System from memory 2011-07-20T13:19:30.170

10 Platform vs operating system 2012-12-04T06:56:11.007

10 Swapfile on different drive 2013-05-04T13:42:39.103

10 Running Homemade Operating System 2013-10-02T00:33:56.900

9 Can you re-install Windows 7 OEM on a new motherboard? 2011-04-21T15:41:22.140

9 Is file system part of operating system? 2011-06-04T01:29:47.337

9 What determines endianness 2011-07-08T20:34:51.837

9 How to Extend primary partition(/dev/sda1) in linux? 2012-06-25T11:39:36.863

9 What does an ACPI BIOS configure during boot? 2013-11-10T20:37:06.457

9 Where are Page tables stored 2014-03-31T02:23:45.373

9 intelliJ not working on El capitan 10.11 2015-06-10T15:57:53.240

9 Can a Telnet server detect the client being used through the protocol? 2016-04-05T12:23:17.577

8 What is UNIX and what's UNIX-like? 2009-09-29T21:38:12.457

8 What does the term "OS rot" refer to? 2009-11-25T16:16:13.167

8 What happens when a computer starts? 2010-04-14T01:57:38.137

8 Difference between shutdown ( power off ) and restart ( reboot ) 2010-10-18T05:58:55.773

8 2GB limit on 32bit operating systems 2011-03-05T18:13:09.347

8 Operating System with tag-based filesystem 2011-10-23T09:38:50.000

8 How to prevent mouse settings from resetting after reboot? 2012-03-12T19:21:32.980

8 What is the meaning of those numbers in the second column after typing "ls -l"? 2012-07-02T01:35:49.753

8 Redirect stdout while a process is running -- What is that process sending to /dev/null 2012-09-12T13:43:55.373

8 How are page files stored on hard drives? 2012-10-11T15:49:05.743

8 Mouse double-click min interval 2012-12-14T00:27:30.483

8 What is the difference between Ubuntu, Xubuntu, and Lubuntu 2012-12-20T14:02:33.843